Search results for ""Author Kate Tempest""
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Brand New Ancients Brandneue Klassiker Lyrik
Editorial Sexto Piso Cuando la vida te da un martillo
Cuando la vida te da un martillo es una primera novela de gran alcance, que ilumina a una generación de jóvenes adultos para quienes pareciera que la vida en sociedad cada vez ofrece menor cabida. Con una escritura de un lirismo suave, preciso, las vidas de los protagonistas de esta novela transcurren entre anhelos frustrados y ambiciones no realizadas, como si Londres fuera un gran teatro ?por momentos tan terrible como hermoso? que cobra vida gracias a la mirada aguda de Kate Tempest, para fungir como escenario donde se desarrolla la tragicomedia humana, siempre renovada por las vertiginosas transformaciones, y también siempre igual a las primeras historias sobre su discurrir.
Prototype Publishing Ltd. Doorways: Women, Homelessness, Trauma and Resistance: 2019
Doorways is an expansive, layered and self-reflexive anthology exploring the personal stories of one of society’s most marginalised groups – women experiencing street homelessness. Growing out of the extreme personal experience that informed the sound and photographic works of artist Bekki Perriman’s The Doorways Project, Doorways combines personal testimonies with new essays and commentary by renowned academics, activists, journalists, therapists and practitioners, exploring the cultural, social and political dimensions of homelessness, as well as the role of artists and institutions in challenging it.‘Doorways is an urgent book in this time of social crisis. The devastating stories of homeless women hit hard, while the essays show how this brutality is no accident – it’s the result of a deliberate policy against women and working class people. The book demonstrates the full scale of this tragedy: from housing policies designed to benefit developers to a collapsing mental health service, it is women who pay the highest price.’ – Kate Tempest