Search results for ""Author Julie Anderson""
Hobeck Books Limited The Midnight Man
Claret Press Opera
Truth Never Dies. It had been solely personal. Not anymore. Determined to lay the ghosts of her past, Cassandra Fortune asks a former head of GCHQ for help, only to receive a message from beyond the grave. A riddle to puzzle out and a murder to solve. She revisits an old betrayal in an ancient land, uncovering subterfuge and treason, but finds that it is linked with her own quest for the truth.
Dixi Books Publishing OOD The Lake of the Woodpeckers
All the lakes of the world are drying up. A direct result of human dereliction, lakes and waterways on every continent are disappearing at unprecedented speed. These waterways are our future, yet they continue to evaporate before our very eyes. If the climate crisis is not arrested, our planet will wither and die. Despite this grim possibility, there is no need to spread fear in the hearts and minds of our children. Rather, we must build hope for the future -for their future. In this third book of our Woodpecker series, our bird heroes uphold this sense of hope as they band together for the sake of a magnificent lake hidden deep in the forest. They show us that where there is unity, there is power. And we can’t help but smile when they triumph and the lake is saved. Neither avatars nor wishful thinking will save our planet. We need to educate our children and ensure they understand the steps they can and must take in caring for the world.
Dixi Books Publishing OOD Woodpeckers Cooperative
How is it possible for a tiny little bird to peck a hole in the trunk of a huge tree? With ten hits per second, and force 100 times stronger than gravity, woodpeckers are one of the most interesting and inspiring members of the bird kingdom. They use their magnificent beaks and amazing strength to hammer holes in trees - and that's where they make their nests. Woodpecker couples are a great example of solidarity. Males and females work together to build a nest and gather food, and males share in the duty of sitting on their eggs. They provide us with an opportunity to rethink all that is around us. In this new century, libraries are full of books containing new ideas and the embracing value of solidarity. The Woodpeckers' Cooperative is a modern fairy tale about the danger of failing to prepare for winter-as well as the importance of community and cooperation. A good children's story should catch a child's full attention. At Dixi Books, capturing a child's imagination is our priority and our promise.
Manchester University Press War, Disability and Rehabilitation in Britain: 'soul of a Nation'
Through a series of thematic chapters, Julie Anderson explores the nature of injured and disabled bodies before, during and after the Second World War. Beginning at the end of the First World War and finishing with the publication of the Piercy Committee’s report in 1956, the book examines medical practice, State support, societal attitudes and cultural meanings surrounding disabled war veterans and civilians. The book focuses on the embodied nature of the rehabilitative process, its gendered nature and the concentration on bodily fitness during the war. Using a series of case studies, this wide-ranging book seeks to understand the processes, methodology and practice of rehabilitation for those injured and disabled in war, and reflect on its adoption in post-war Britain.War, disability and rehabilitation in Britain will interest historians of medicine, war and disability studies.
Dixi Books Publishing OOD Volunteer Woodpeckers
Birds live in this world right alongside us. We might know the names of a few species, but they’re not cats or dogs. How many of us really know them well? For children, flying is a miracle unique to birds. Children are curious about our winged friends, the way they fly, sometimes over extraordinary distances, the way they eat, build their nests, and raise their young. In this second book of our Woodpecker series, our woodpecker friends teach us the meaning of solidarity. We see how they build a cooperative, a food store built for the purpose of sharing food with those who need it. We learn that it is possible to establish a united community deep in the mysterious world of the forest. Beyond the birds’ squeaks and squawks, Volunteer Woodpeckers takes place in a different space and shares with children a sense of joy and wonder that adults might never comprehend.
Dixi Books Publishing OOD The Girl With Antlers
What is the one thing you least expect to experience when you wake up in the morning? Waking up on the kitchen table? Waking up to find out that you wetted your bed? No, no! Emma's situation is a little different. One morning, Emma wakes up to find that something unimaginable has happened to her. There are bumps on both sides of her head, and soon they grow into antlers like seeds growing into a plant! She needs to find out how this difference will make her "cooler." The Girl with Antlers is the story of a child who faces the thing that makes her different and comes to accept it. At first, Emma won't leave the house because of the antlers that have grown on her head. However, her grandpa's wise words make her change her mind. This is a story that makes us question what is `normal' and tells us how our differences can transform us into more colourful and compassionate people.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Java Illuminated
Written for the one- to three-term introductory programming course, the sixth edition of Java Illuminated provides learners with an interactive, user-friendly approach to learning the Java programming language. Comprehensive but accessible, the text takes a progressive approach to object-oriented programming, allowing students to build on established skills to develop new and increasingly complex classes. Java Illuminated follows an activity-based active learning approach that ensures student engagement and interest. In addition, the text presents other topics of interest, including graphical user interfaces (GUI), data structures, file input and output, and graphical applications.