Search results for ""Author Julianna Priskin""
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Challenges of Climate Change, Sustainable Tourism Consumption, and Destination Competitiveness
This volume presents twenty updated and new theories of travelers’ decisions and behaviors. It describes the advances in theory construction and practical applications of theory in the disciplines of tourism, hospitality, leisure, and entertainment (THLE) research. The chapters all build on the grand models appearing in these four literature streams during 1965-2015. This approach is comprehensive in both coverage and depth with regard to constructing, testing, and applying theories of travelers’ decisions and behaviors, which includes original work in updating grand theories and micro (algorithm-conscious and non-conscious based) theories of travelers’ decisions and behavior. This volume is the first to fully recognize and construct theories across the THLE discipline. This volume describes the synergies, symbioses, and serendipity occurring in THLE behavior. It tears down researchers' parochial fences of what is and is not tourism, hospitality, leisure, and entertainment. The time has arrived tor tourism to embrace hospitality, hospitality to embrace tourism, and all to embrace leisure and entertainment, and this volume serves as a catalyst to accomplish this embrace.
CABI Publishing Conservation Tourism
The effects of tourism on the ecology and natural environment of tourist destinations are hotly debated and research has expanded in the field of ecotourism and sustainability. This book considers the positive contributions that tourism can make to the conservation of global biodiversity by reviewing and analysing the economic and political contributions of tourism to conservation through establishment of private game and wildlife reserves, lodges and tourist facilities. Featuring 100 international case studies from private marine reserves to bird watching lodges, this book covers key topics including sources of capital and operational funding, corporate and organisational structure, marketing strategies, primary conservation outcomes and spin-off effects, links to public protected areas, future plans and global trends.