Search results for ""Author Julia Parker""
DK Guía práctica de astrología (Parkers' Astrology Pack): El poder del cosmos en tu día a día
- El regalo perfecto.- Diseño moderno y contemporáneo, con detalles de oro rosado y acabados delicados.- Incluye cartas, ruedas, dados y una tabla del ciclo lunar: el pack perfecto para mejorar e incrementar tus habilidades y conocimientos de la astrología y el zodíaco.Este moderno y precioso pack es una guía práctica que te ayudará a encontrar tu camino en todos los aspectos de la vida, desde las relaciones y la carrera profesional hasta la salud y las finanzas.Con tres barajas de cartas, cuatro ruedas, tres dados y una tabla del ciclo lunar, estarás equipado para sintonizar el complejo paisaje astrológico y te sentirás con fuerzas para avanzar en todos los aspectos de tu vida.—-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The perfect gift.- Modern and contemporary design with rose gold foil and delicate finishes.- Includes sets of cards, four wheels, three dice, and a lunar cycle chart. Unbox your knowledge and be equipped to understand more about astrology and the zodiac in your life.This pack guides you through the key astrological building blocks and techniques, showing you how to use astrology to find your path in every aspect of life, from relationships and career to health and finances.With three sets of cards, four wheels, three dice, and a lunar cycle chart, you’ll be equipped to tune into the complex astrological landscape and feel empowered to move forward in every aspect of your life.
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Parkers Astrologie
DK Parkers' Astrology: The Definitive Guide to Using Astrology in Every Aspect of Your Life
A new edition of this universally acknowledged practical introduction to astrology for interested amateurs and budding professionals If you are interested in the zodiac and astrology, let Derek and Julia Parker guide you through the stars and planetary activity. You'll learn the basics of astrology, discover astrological techniques and join them as they take a look at the planets at work. Includes the latest developments in astrology and explores advanced birth chart techniques using midpoints, harmonics, and the Moon's nodes. Leave nothing to chance - find out more about your relationships, marriage, career, leisure and health with this definitive guide to astrology.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Parkers' Astrology: The Definitive Guide to Using Astrology in Every Aspect of Your Life
Curious to calculate and interpret your or others' birth charts? The new edition of this highly praised reference to astrology from world-renowned astrologers Julia and Derek Parker is here to guide you.Explore the world of astrology and learn how to draw and interpret your own charts with this authoritative approach to the practice. Parkers' Astrology guides you through the techniques, showing you how to use astrology to improve every aspect of your life, from relationships and career to health and finance.Written in an easy-to-understand style, beautifully illustrated, and filled with practical information, it is an unbeatable reference guide for every aspiring astrologer and for those with more experience. Informative descriptions of the 12 sun signs, explanations of interpretative techniques, guidance on chart interpretations, and updated text on all the latest astrological developments make Parkers' Astrology the most authoritative guide to astrology.
DK Parkers' Astrology: For Cosmic Insight and Self-care, the Deluxe Box Set
Discover this beautiful pack of hands-on resources to bring the power of modern astrology into your everyday life.Using material from the latest edition of the best-selling resource, Parkers’ Astrology, this interactive pack guides you through the key astrological building blocks and techniques to help you find your path in every aspect of life, from relationships and career to health and finances.Lift the lid off this gorgeous box of treasures to understand precisely where you fit within the sun signs, planets, houses and moon cycles at play. Make sense of who you are and discover how the workings of the cosmos can affect and influence how you feel and what you do. With three sets of cards for the planets, sun signs, and houses, two double-sided wheels for the earth, wind, fire, and water elements, three twelve-sided astro dice, and a detailed handbook, you'll be equipped to tune into the complex astrological landscape and reclaim cosmic control of your life.Decode the stars to rewrite your own future! Dive right in to discover:- Detailed information on Planets, Sun Signs, Houses, and Lunar Cycles.- A section on how to use the following interactive elements included in the pack:- Pack of 12 cards: Planets, including Chiron, and Nodes.- Pack of 12 cards: Sun Signs.- Pack of 12 cards: Houses.- 2 x double-sided spinning wheels: For Earth, Fire, Air, Water.- Astro-dice: 3 x 12-sided dice (one for Planets, Chiron, Nodes; one for Signs; one for Houses).A must-have set for established astrologers who would like a beautiful set of resources that they can use every day – for themselves and for others, seeking the clarity and guidance that astrology can provide when making big decisions.
Lettuce Publishing Ltd The Little Grower's Cookbook: Projects for Every Season
A game-changing book with more than sixty simple and sustainable gardening activities, recipes and weekend fun for every season, The Little Grower's Cookbook is the perfect way to tempt kids away from screens and out into the green for some creative and eco-friendly family time together. Whether it's a rainy day, the weekend or a holiday, there are fun-filled activities to suit everyone. Simple step-by-step instructions, colourful photos and plenty of tips and tricks make seasonal growing, harvesting and cooking exciting and easy. Have you ever tried to grow veggies in an old welly boot, made a butterfly banquet or tasted a snail sandwich? With no need for a large garden or a big budget, these projects will teach and inspire children to look at what's around them in the natural world and have fun with it. They will learn, play and experiment with nature's bounty through planet-friendly projects that re-use repurposed and recycled materials.