Search results for ""Author Juan Martínez""
Editorial INDE Animación y recreación turística escolar y extraescolar
La animación y recreación comprende todas las actividades lúdicas, deportivas, culturales, sociales y formativas, cuya práctica crea las condiciones para introducir una cultura de aprovechamiento del tiempo de ocio.En el libro "Animación y recreación. Turística, escolar y extraescolar" se plantean los fundamentos de la animación educativa, recreativa y turística. A su vez, se exponen los principios para una adecuada aplicación teniendo en cuenta los objetivos y técnicas más innovadoras, de manera que cada individuo logre desarrollar valores, hábitos y actitudes que permitan una mejor calidad de vida individual y colectiva.Se proponen variadas técnicas vanguardistas de activación aplicables a los diferentes ámbitos de la animación, incorporando originales técnicas para cohesionar los equipos humanos y favorecer el crecimiento personal.Se destaca la figura del animador, que debe actuar de acuerdo con un programa de estrategias determinadas a través de la palabra y del lenguaj
University of Arizona Press Extended Stay
Small Beer Press Best Worst American: Stories
Winner of the inaugural Neukom Institute Literary Arts Award These are the best Americans, the worst Americans. In these stories (these cities, these people) there are labyrinths, rivers, wildernesses. Voices sound slightly different than expected. There's humor, but it's going to hurt. In "On Paradise," a petshop manager flies with his cat to Las Vegas to meet his long-lost mother and grandmother, only to find that the women look exactly like they did forty years before. In "The Spooky Japanese Girl is There For You," the spooky Japanese girl (a ghost) is there for you, then she is not. These refreshing and invigorating stories of displacement, exile, and identity, of men who find themselves confused by the presence or absence of extraordinary women, jump up, demand to be read, and send the reader back to the earth changed: reminded from these short stories how big the world is.
HarperCollins Conviction
Juan Martinez, the fiery prosecutor who convicted notorious murderess Jodi Arias for the disturbing killing of Travis Alexander, speaks for the first time about the shocking investigation and sensational trial that captivated the nation.Through two trials, America watched with baited breath as Juan Martinez fought relentlessly to convict Jodi Arias of Murder One for viciously stabbing her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death. What emerged was a story wrought with sex, manipulation, and deceit that stunned the public at every turn. Arias, always playing the wronged and innocent woman, changed her story continually as her bizarre behavior surrounding the crime and its aftermath came to light. Unwavering, Arias and her defense team continued to play off the salacious details of the case, until she was finally found guilty and—controversially—sentenced to life behind bars.Now, speaking openly for the first time, prosecutor Juan Martinez will unearth new detai
Ediciones Trea, S.L. Crtica de la razn plstica mtodo y materialidad en el arte moderno y contemporneo
Charisma House Prison Break
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Dielectric Materials for Electrical Engineering
The object of this book is to provide a comprehensive reference source for the numerous scientific communities (engineers, researchers, students, etc.) in various disciplines which require detailed information in the field of dielectric materials. Part 1 focuses on physical properties, electrical ageing, and modeling - including topics such as the physics of charged dielectric materials, conduction mechanisms, dielectric relaxation, space charge, electric ageing and end of life (EOL) models, and dielectric experimental characterization. Part 2 examines applications of specific relevance to dielectric materials: insulating oils for transformers, electro-rheological fluids, electrolytic capacitors, ionic membranes, photovoltaic conversion, dielectric thermal control coatings for geostationary satellites, plastics recycling and piezoelectric polymers.
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Baker Publishing Group Destroying Fear – Strategies to Overthrow the Enemy`s Tactics and Walk in Total Freedom
Fear is a form of torment the enemy tries to plague people with in order to paralyze them, to steal their purpose and destiny from God's best. None of us is immune to these attacks. Jesus came to destroy fear and set the captives free. Speaking as one whom Jesus Christ set free from the devil's grip, John Ramirez, once a satanic high priest, exposes the tormenting weapons of fear of our number one spiritual enemy, the devil, and equips and arms believers with the weapons of our warfare that God has given us through his Son, Jesus Christ, to abort the enemy's mission. In this book, Destroying Fear, you will learn how to get back your peace and purpose and walk fearless into your destiny by dismantling every stronghold and stopping the enemy's attacks once and for all, for a life of freedom!
Verso Books The Hollywood Kid: The Violent Life and Violent Death of an MS-13 Hitman
As a boy, Miguel Ángel Tobar fled a small town in El Salvador torn apart by warring guerrillas and US-backed death squads. As a teen in Los Angeles, he fought discrimination and beatings by joining a gang, MS-13. By the time the US deported him to San Salvador, the Hollywood Kid joined a wave of US-bred gangsters, whose violence-in concert with corrupt offiicals-have in turn helped propel new waves of refugees.The incomparable Salvadoran journalist Óscar Martinez got to know the Hollywood Kid and met with him as he first turned on MS-13, killing gang members, and then in turn was assassinated by other gang members. In intensely vivid scenes, Martínez and his anthropologist brother Juan tell the story of a violent life and death-and of the geopolitical forces that propelled a country into becoming one of the most violent on earth.