Search results for ""Author Juan José Saer""
Open Letter La Grande
Open Letter Sixty-five Years Of Washington
Las nubes Rayos Globulares Spanish Edition 38
Las nubes narra la historia de un joven psiquiatra que, en 1804, conduce a cinco pacientes hacia una clínica, viajando desde Santa Fe a Buenos Aires. Dirige una caravana con treinta y seis personas: locos, prostitutas, gauchos y una escolta de soldados, para cruzar la pampa sorteando todo tipo de obstáculos.En esta falsa epopeya, Juan José Saer concentra los núcleos básicos de su escritura: sus ideas acerca del tiempo, el espacio, la historia y la poca fiabilidad de los instrumentos con que contamos ?conciencia y memoria? para aprehender la realidad.Las nubes puede leerse como una metáfora de las locuras del dominio colonial en las Américas, siendo a su vez un diario de un viaje complejo. Fiel a sí misma, la obra de Juan José Saer define uno de los caminos centrales de renovación en la literaturaargentina después de Jorge Luis Borges.
Open Letter The One Before
Visor libros, S.L. El arte de narrar poemas 19601987
Open Letter The Clouds
Open Letter Scars
Open Letter The Regal Lemon Tree
Bucknell University Press Littoral of the Letter: Saer's Art of Narration
Littoral of the Letter is the first full-fledged study in English of the world of the late Argentine author Juan José Saer (1937-2005), who was highly regarded as Argentina's best living novelist, a continuator of Burgess's literary legacy. Characterized by an uncommon coherence and rigor, Juan José Saer's writing defies simple categories. In both his fictional and essayistic writing Saer defamiliarizes the reader by questioning some of the most cherished certainties, especially those having to do with the role ascribed to Latin American literature, the uses of prose and poetry in the present, and the relation between language and the mass media. By questioning the assimilation of prose theory and the novel theory dictated by pragmatic needs of the state and the market, Saer produces a change in the function of narrative language that allows him to start where more traditional forms of realism end: the unsayable. The purpose of this book is to make explicit Saer's procedures, the main coordinates of his poetics and to reflect on the situation of literature in an age dominated by images and the 'total' cultural phenomenon.