Search results for ""Author Juan Cordoba""
Assimil LEspagnol Book Mp3
Audio now available for download. Do you want to learn German or get back to it? In following us carefully -- and regularly you will learn the vocabulary of the language in a few months current as well as the basic rules of grammar. Very quickly, this beautiful language will sound familiar, thanks to the hundred dialogues taken from the daily life that we present to you, in this gift box, for download. The recordings include all of the texts in German lessons and exercises in book translation. They are interpreted, at a progressive rate, by professional native speakers: Living dialogues. A very studied progression. Pronunciation through audio.
Assimil Lespagnol livre3CD audio
This new edition of our bestseller from the collection 'Sans Peine' with 100% new content. The dialogues of this new method are alive, current, rich in useful vocabulary and perfectly illustrate the realities and evolutions of the colorful Spanish oral language and idiomatic expressions. The grammatical notes accompanying each dialogue will enable the reader to understand all the pitfalls and difficulties of the language without difficulty, and the many notes of civilization will present him with a very endearing culture. Spanish is spoken by more than 500 million people on all continents and especially the American continent in its almost complete since after Mexico, the United States is now the second country with the most Spanish speakers in the world. It ranks 2nd in the world in number of native speakers. The study of Spanish is rewarding: spelling is simple, phonetic peculiarities are quickly made, and the learner soon has the pleasure of understanding and speaking. The recording
Assimil L'espagnol
Text in French: Cette nouvelle édition de notre best-seller de la collection "Sans Peine" présente 100 % de contenus inédits. Les dialogues de cette nouvelle méthode sont vivants, actuels, riches en vocabulaire utile et illustrent parfaitement les réalités et les évolutions de la langue orale espagnole haute en couleur et en expressions idiomatiques. Les notes grammaticales accompagnant chaque dialogue permettront au lecteur dappréhender sans heurts tous les pièges et difficultés de la langue et les nombreuses notes de civilisation lui présenteront une culture très attachante. Lespagnol est parlé par plus de 500 millions de personnes sur tous les continents et notamment le continent américain dans sa quasi globalité puisque après le Mexique, les Etats-Unis sont désormais le 2e pays comptant le plus dhispanophones dans le monde. Il se hisse au 2e rang mondial en nombre de locuteurs natifs. Létude de lespagnol est gratifiante : lorthographe est simple, on a vite fait le tour des particularités phonétiques, et lapprenant éprouve ainsi assez vite le plaisir de comprendre et de parler.
Assimil Apprendre L'Espagnol A2 2023
Assimil Lespagnol pack MP3
Text in French and Spanish
ASSIMIL Cahier Exercices Espagnol Niveau Deacutebutants
A 128-page exercise book. This very comprehensive, playful exercise book has been specially designed for beginners in Spanish. Over 180 carefully-constructed, progressive exercises designed as games are available, along with answers. At the end of each chapter, you can also self-assess your language level. No aspect of the language has been left out: grammar, spelling, vocabulary, conjugation or even pronunciation.
Assimil Spaans Leren (Espagnol)
Assimil Spanisch Lernen A2
Assimil Espagnol: Faux-débutants
Text in French: Ce cahier d'exercices très pratique et ludique a été conçu spécialement pour les faux-débutants en espagnol. Plus de 170 exercices sont proposés, accompagnés de leurs corrigés : ils prennent la forme de jeux de réflexion, de déduction, de repérage et de traduction. À la fin de chaque chapitre, vous pourrez également autoévaluer votre niveau de langue. Aucune dimension de la langue n'a été oubliée : la grammaire, l'orthographe, la syntaxe, la prononciation et même l'accentuation des mots !
Assimil 300 Tests D'espagnol
Assimil Coffret Espagnol débutants + faux débutants Collector
A collector version of our classic box set to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our series. This limited-edition box set comprises two highly practical yet playful exercise books to help learners as they progress from beginner to intermediate level. There are nearly 350 progressively challenging Spanish exercises designed as games, along with answers and self-assessment.