Search results for ""Author John Y. Lee""
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
"Advances in Management Accounting" ("AIMA") publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to researchers in both practice and academe. As one of the premier management accounting research books, "AIMA" is well poised to meet the needs of management accounting scholars.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Featured in Volume 20 are articles on: information overload and multiple constituency values related to environmental and social disclosures; the extent to which product life cycle cost analysis, customer involvement and cost management contribute to the competitive advantage of firms; the development of sustainable practices in complex organizations; how the cost performance of defense contracts varies among the U.S. Air Force, Army, Navy, and the Department of Defense (DoD) and among five major defense contractors; and, whether the use of both financial and nonfinancial measures by top managers in their evaluations influences middle-level managers' evaluations of their subordinates when the balanced scorecards are used. This title also features articles on: an analytical and structural insight into the implementation and application of PMMS; the process by which a reliance on budget to evaluate employee performance affects the job satisfaction and performance; the issue of the difficulty in the operationalization of value-based management and the Balanced Scorecard in actual practice; the effect of incentivizing both outcome and driver measures of strategic performance measurement systems (SPMS) on middle managers' proactivity in influencing the strategy formulation process; and, the factors that influence the design of the control arrangements involving non-strategic IT support services.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
"Advances in Management Accounting" ("AMA") publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to researchers in both practice and academe. As one of the premier management accounting research journals, "AMA" is well poised to meet the needs of management accounting scholars.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting publishes thoughtful, well-developed articles across a broad spectrum of current topics in the field of management accounting, using a variety of research methods including survey research, field tests, corporate case studies and modeling. Volume 24 exemplifies the broad scope of Advances in Management Accounting, examining areas of management accounting such as performance evaluation systems, accounting of product costs, behavioral impacts on management accounting, and innovations in management accounting, including all systems designed to provide information for management decision making.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Featured in Volume 19 are articles on a call for future research on management accounting service quality; budget ratcheting and performance; effect of trust-in-superior and trustfulness on budgetary slack; relationship between purposes of budget use and budgetary slack; selection bias and endogeneity issues on the relationship between IT and firm performance; strategic budgeting in public schools; using a management accounting perspective to evaluate the production of future accounting professionals; the links between management control approaches and performance measurement systems; and, antecedents and consequences of cost.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting publishes thoughtful, well-developed articles across a broad spectrum of current topics in the field of management accounting, using a variety of research methods including survey research, field tests, corporate case studies and modeling. Volume 25 exemplifies the broad scope of Advances in Management Accounting, examining a number of key areas in management accounting.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting (AIMA) publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to both practitioners and academicians. As a respected professional journal, AIMA is well poised to meet their information needs. Featured in volume 10 is an article reporting on the findings of an in-depth field study at Bell Atlantic, now Verizon. The impact of teaming on productivity, quality, and employee satisfaction was measured using research design methods not commonly found in field study research. Another article reports field research describing how two firms used accounting in new product development and proposes a conceptual framework hypothesizing how management accountants' participation can enhance the firm's performance. The remaining nine articles deal with a variety of topics such as the frequency and perceived usefulness of strategic management accounting, the relationship between a product's revenue and cost functions and much more. The eleven articles represent relevant, theoretically sound, and practical studies the discipline can greatly benefit from, providing a high level of contributions to management accounting research and practice. Accountants at all levels who work in corporations and not-for-profit organizations will be interested. Contents
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Featured in Volume 22 of Advances in Management Accounting are articles on: The Effect of Personality Traits and Fairness on Honesty in Managerial Reporting; The Impact of Firm Size on the Productivity of Resources; Transfer of Performance Measurement System Innovations Across Economic Sectors; Target Costing and Product and Production Interdependencies; Cost Accounting, Simulation, and Post-Structuralist Understanding; Input-Based Performance Evaluation, Incentive Intensity, and Proactive Work Behavior; Normative and Instrumental commitments on Budgetary Slack Creation; The Adoption of Lean Operations and Lean Accounting; and Governance in the Hospital Sector. Researchers in both practice and academe, as well as libraries, would be interested in the articles featured in the AIMA.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Volume 21 features articles on: the impact of framed information and project importance on capital budgeting decisions; the measurement of participation in budgeting practice and research; the impact of adverse selection and risk propensity on managers' project evaluation decisions; relative hedonic utility and budgetary conflict resolution; management control systems, environmental uncertainty, and organizational slack; industrial relations, budgetary participation and budget use; corporate strategy, employees' attitudes towards the balanced scorecard, and corporate performance using a contingency approach; the role of cost control systems and the effects of information technology integration on manufacturing financial performance; and the characteristics of no-budget firms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to researchers in both practice and academe. As one of the premier management accounting research journals, Advances in Management Accounting is well poised to meet the needs of management accounting scholars. Volume 23 of Advances in Management Accounting features articles on: The Sociological Approaches of Organizational Learning and Applications to Process Innovations of Management Accounting Systems; How Framed Information and Justification Impact Capital Budgeting Decisions; Procedural Justice and Information Sharing During The Budgeting Process; and The Impact of Production Variance Presentation Format on Employees' Decisions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
"Advances in Management Accounting" (AIMA) publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to researchers in both practice and academe. As one of the premier management accounting research journals, AIMA is well poised to meet the needs of management accounting scholars. Featured in Volume 13 are articles on expanding management accounting researchers frontiers in the next decade, innovation strategy and the use of performance measures, performance effects of financial incentives, evaluating product mix and capital budgeting decisions, performance-based government organizations, a nomological framework of budgetary participation and performance, organization-mandated budgetary involvement and managers budgetary communication, effects of individual and group performance feedback and task interdependence, fairness perceptions and managers use of budgetary slack, and effects of responsibility and cohesiveness on group escalation decisions. Researchers in both practice and academe, as well as libraries, would be interested in the articles featured in the AIMA.