Search results for ""Author John W. Creswell""
SAGE Publications Inc A Concise Introduction to Mixed Methods Research - International Student Edition
For students and researchers new to mixed methods, A Concise Introduction to Mixed Methods Research 2e by renowned author John W. Creswell provides a brief and practical introduction to mixed methods. Many graduate students and researchers in the social, behavioral and health sciences may not have the time or resources to read long treatises or stacks of journal articles on mixed methods research. This text quickly describes the basics of setting up and conducting a study using this methodology. Chapters are short and follow the process of research, from ensuring skills for conducting research, acknowledging the steps in planning a study, designing studies with increasing complexity, planning sampling strategies and integration, and writing up the results of your study. Get started in mixed methods quickly with this brief primer.
SAGE Publications Inc 30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher
The Second Edition of 30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher provides practical, applied information for the novice qualitative researcher, addressing the "how" of conducting qualitative research in one brief guide. Author John W. Creswell and new co-author Johanna Creswell Báez draw on many examples from their own research experiences, sharing them throughout the book. The 30 listed skills are competencies that can help qualitative researchers conduct more thorough, more rigorous, and more efficient qualitative studies. Innovative chapters on thinking like a qualitative research and engaging with the emotional side of doing qualitative research go beyond the topics of a traditional research methods text and offer crucial support for qualitative practitioners. By starting with a strong foundation of a skills-based approach to qualitative research, readers can continue to develop their skills over the course of a career in research. This revised edition updates skills to follow the research process, using new research from a wide variety of disciplines like social work and sociology as examples. Chapters on research designs now tie back explicitly to the five approaches to qualitative research so readers can better integrate their new skills into these designs. Additional figures and tables help readers better visualize data collection through focus groups and interviews and better organize and implement validity checks. The new edition provides further examples on how to incorporate reflexivity into a study, illuminating a challenging aspect of qualitative research. Information on writing habits now addresses co-authorship and provides more context and variation from the two authors.
SAGE Publications, Inc Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design
This bestseller explores the principles of each of five qualitative inquiry traditions: narrative research, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography and case study. The Fourth Edition features more visual representations of the five approaches.
SAGE Publications, Inc Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research
Combining the latest thinking in the field with practical, step-by-step guidance, the Third Edition of John W. Creswell and Vicki L. Plano Clark’s Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research now covers seven mixed methods designs with accompanying journal articles illustrating each design. The authors walk readers through the entire research process, and present updated examples from published mixed methods studies drawn from multiple disciplines. In addition, this new edition includes information about the dynamic and evolving nature of the field of mixed methods research, four additional methodological approaches, and cover
SAGE Publications Inc Research Design - International Student Edition: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
This best-selling text pioneered the comparison of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research design. For all three approaches, John W. Creswell and new co-author J. David Creswell include a preliminary consideration of philosophical assumptions, key elements of the research process, a review of the literature, an assessment of the use of theory in research applications, and reflections about the importance of writing and ethics in scholarly inquiry. New to this Edition: Updated discussion on designing a proposal for a research project and on the steps in designing a research study Additional content on epistemological and ontological positioning in relation to the research question and chosen methodology and method Additional updates on the transformative worldview Expanded coverage on specific approaches such as case studies, participatory action research, and visual methods Additional information about qualitative and quantitative data analysis, social media, online qualitative methods, and mentoring and reflexivity in qualitative methods Incorporation of action research and program evaluation in mixed methods and coverage of the latest advances in the mixed methods field Additional information about causality and its relationship to statistics in quantitative methods Incorporation of writing discussion sections into each of the three methodologies An invaluable guide for students and researchers across the social and behavioural sciences.
SAGE Publications Inc Research Design - International Student Edition: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
The new edition of the best-selling text, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, continues the pioneering tradition of providing clear and concise instruction for understanding research and developing proposals for all three approaches. John W. Creswell and co-author J. David Creswell include a preliminary consideration of philosophical assumptions, a review of the literature, an assessment of the use of theory in research approaches, and reflections about the importance of writing and ethics in scholarly inquiry in a way that is applicable to all types of research. Key elements of the research process, giving specific attention to each approach. The book has been lauded for its language and tone, which are both accessible and inviting. It is a text that students keep and continue to use as a resource throughout their studies, once the specific class is over. The Sixth Edition includes more coverage of community-based participatory research, comparisons of qualitative and quantitative research, an expanded glossary with basic terms, updated examples of social, behavioral, and health research, new coverage of ethical requirements, updated APA 7th edition coverage, and additional exercises aimed at research projects.
SAGE Publications Inc Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design (International Student Edition): Choosing Among Five Approaches
In the Fourth Edition of this bestselling book, John W Creswell and new co-author Cheryl N Poth explore the philosophical underpinnings, history and key elements of each of five qualitative inquiry traditions: narrative research, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography and case study - putting them side by side, so that we can see the differences. The authors relate research designs to each of the traditions of enquiry. They compare theoretical frameworks and ways to employ standards of quality, as well as strategies for writing introductions to studies, collecting data, analyzing data, writing a narrative and verifying results. New in this edition: Updated materials on each tradition More on interpretive frameworks and ethics More visual depictions of the five approaches Two new topical articles in Chapter 5, reproduced in full in the appendices.
SAGE Publications Inc Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research - International Student Edition
Authors John W. Creswell and Vicki L. Plano Clark walk readers through the entire research process, from formulating questions to designing, collecting data, and interpreting results and include updated examples from published mixed methods studies drawn from the social, behavioural, health, and education disciplines. New to the Third Edition is a focus now on three core mixed methods designs, plus their application (in a new Chapter 4) to four additional methodological approaches: intervention trials; case studies; participatory-social justice designs; and program evaluations. Also included is expanded discussion throughout on integration of quantitative and qualitative data and results; more attention to the use of theory in mixed methods research; discussion of current advances with mixed methods research and suggested techniques and strategies that might make a mixed methods study more sophisticated and state-of-the-art; and a new conclusion that pulls together the key elements of the core designs from the standpoint of incorporating all of the steps in the process of research: the final chapter now summarizes the entire process in one table.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Handbook of Scholarly Writing and Publishing
Focusing on writing for publication, The Handbook of Scholarly Writing and Publishing discusses the components of a manuscript, types of manuscripts, and the submission process. It shows how to craft scholarly papers and other writing suitable for submission to academic journals. The handbook covers how to develop writing skills by offering guidance on becoming an excellent manuscript reviewer and outlining what makes a good review, and includes advice on follow-through with editors, rejection, and rewrites and re-submittals.
SAGE Publications, Inc Research Design Qualitative Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches
The bestseller that pioneered the comparison of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research design continues in its Fourth Edition to help students and researchers prepare their plan or proposal for a scholarly journal article, dissertation or thesis
Pearson Education Educational Research Planning Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research Global Edition
About our authors John W. Creswell, PhD is a Professor of Family Medicine and Senior Research Scientist in the Michigan Mixed Methods Program at the University of Michigan, USA. He has authored numerous articles and 34 books on mixed methods research, qualitative research, and research design. In 2007 he co-founded the Journal of Mixed Methods Research. In 2008 he was a Senior Fulbright Scholar to South Africa in 2008 and to Thailand in 2012. In 2011, he co-led a National Institute of Health working group on the best practices of mixed methods research in the health sciences, served as a Visiting Professor at Harvard's School of Public Health and received an honorary doctorate from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. In 2014, he was the founding President of the Mixed Methods International Research Association. In 2015, he joined the staff of Family Medicine at the University of Michigan to Co-Direct the Michigan Mixed Methods Program. In 201