Search results for ""Author John P. Meier""
Editorial Verbo Divino Un judo marginal Nueva visin del Jess histrico III Compaeros y competidores Estudios Bblicos Spanish Edition
John P. Meier se ocupa en este tomo III de Un judío marginal de la decisiva red de relaciones de Jesucristo con grupos e individuos judíos, demasiado a menudo desatendida en trabajos sobre el Jesús histórico. Pero, además de poner el énfasis en las relaciones de Jesús, este tomo III está inextricablemente entrelazado con un segundo aspecto clave, que ha sido también pasado por alto en algunas obras modernas sobre el Jesús histórico: la naturaleza esencialmente judía de esas relaciones.
Editorial Verbo Divino Un judo marginal Nueva visin del Jess histrico II2 parte Los milagros Estudios Bblicos Spanish Edition
Presentamos la 2 parte del tomo II. En ella, John P. Meier, estudia muy exhaustivamente el tema de los milagros. A través de su investigación podemos acercarnos a la persona de Jesús, dos mil años después de su paso por la tierra, tal como pudieron hacerlo sus contemporáneos.
Yale University Press A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, Volume I: The Roots of the Problem and the Person
In this definitive book on the real, historical Jesus, one of our foremost biblical scholars meticulously sifts the evidence of 2,000 years to portray neither a rural magician nor a figure of obvious power, but a marginal Jew.
Editorial Verbo Divino Las raices del problema y de la persona
Entre otras arduas cuestiones en este libro se abordan algunas tan fundamentales como: fue Jesús concebido virginalmente? tenía hermanos y hermanas? estaba casado o soltero? era analfabeto o dominaba el griego y el hebreo además del arameo?. Por su tratamiento rigurosamente científico y completo del Jesús histórico este libro constituye una trascendental aportación.
Yale University Press A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, Volume V: Probing the Authenticity of the Parables
Since the late nineteenth century, New Testament scholars have operated on the belief that most, if not all, of the narrative parables in the Synoptic Gospels can be attributed to the historical Jesus. This book challenges that consensus and argues instead that only four parables—those of the Mustard Seed, the Evil Tenants, the Talents, and the Great Supper—can be attributed to the historical Jesus with fair certitude. In this eagerly anticipated fifth volume of A Marginal Jew, John Meier approaches this controversial subject with the same rigor and insight that garnered his earlier volumes praise from such publications as the New York Times and Christianity Today. This seminal volume pushes forward his masterful body of work in his ongoing quest for the historical Jesus.
Yale University Press A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, Volume II: Mentor, Message, and Miracles
This book is the second volume in John Meier's masterful trilogy on the life of Jesus. In it he continues his quest for the answer to the greatest puzzle of modern religious scholarship: Who was Jesus? To answer this Meier imagines the following scenario: "Suppose that a Catholic, a Protestant, a Jew, and an agnostic were locked up in the bowels of the Harvard Divinity School library... and not allowed to emerge until they had hammered out a consensus document on who Jesus of Nazareth was and what he intended...". A Marginal Jew is what Meier thinks that document would reveal. Volume one concluded with Jesus approaching adulthood. Now, in this volume, Meier focuses on the Jesus of our memory and the development of his ministry. To begin, Meier identifies Jesus's mentor, the one person who had the greatest single influence on him, John the Baptist. All of the Baptist's fiery talk about the end of time had a powerful effect on the young Jesus and the formulation of his key symbol of the coming of the "kingdom of God." And, finally, we are given a full investigation of one of the most striking manifestations of Jesus's message: Jesus's practice of exorcisms, hearings, and other miracles. In all, Meier brings to life the story of a man, Jesus, who by his life and teaching gradually made himself marginal even to the marginal society that was first century Palestine.
Editorial Verbo Divino Juan y Jesús. El reino de Dios
En este volumen se inicia el tratamiento directo de los dichos y hechos de Jesús correspondientes a su ministerio público. Está dividido en tres partes principales: "el mentor", " el mensaje" y "los milagros" títulos claramente alusivos al contenido.
Yale University Press A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, Volume IV: Law and Love
A leading scholar of the historical Jesus clarifies and illuminates Jesus’ teachings on Jewish law John Meier’s previous volumes in the acclaimed series A Marginal Jew are founded upon the notion that while solid historical information about Jesus is quite limited, people of different faiths can nevertheless arrive at a consensus on fundamental historical facts of his life. In this eagerly anticipated fourth volume in the series, Meier approaches a fresh topic—the teachings of the historical Jesus concerning Mosaic Law and morality—with the same rigor, thoroughness, accuracy, and insightfulness on display in his earlier works.After correcting misconceptions about Mosaic Law in Jesus’ time, this volume addresses the teachings of Jesus on major legal topics like divorce, oaths, the Sabbath, purity rules, and the various love commandments in the Gospels. What emerges from Meier’s research is a profile of a complicated first-century Palestinian Jew who, far from seeking to abolish the Law, was deeply engaged in debates about its observance. Only by embracing this portrait of the historical Jesus grappling with questions of the Torah do we avoid the common mistake of constructing Christian moral theology under the guise of studying “Jesus and the Law,” the author concludes.