Search results for ""Author John Myles""
O'Reilly Media Bandit Algorithms for Website Optimization
This book shows you how to run experiments on your website using A/B testing - and then takes you a huge step further by introducing you to bandit algorithms for website optimization. Author John Myles White shows you how this family of algorithms can help you boost website traffic, convert visitors to customers, and increase many other measures of success. This is the first developer-focused book on bandit algorithms, which have previously only been described in research papers. You'll learn about several simple algorithms you can deploy on your own websites to improve your business including the epsilon-greedy algorithm, the UCB algorithm and a contextual bandit algorithm. All of these algorithms are implemented in easy-to-follow Python code and be quickly adapted to your business's specific needs. You'll also learn about a framework for testing and debugging bandit algorithms using Monte Carlo simulations, a technique originally developed by nuclear physicists during World War II. Monte Carlo techniques allow you to decide whether A/B testing will work for your business needs or whether you need to deploy a more sophisticated bandits algorithm.
New Generation Publishing AMIA: The Kaplan Trilogy - Book 1
University of British Columbia Press Inequality and the Fading of Redistributive Politics
All advanced democracies have faced the pressures of globalization, technological change, and new family forms, which have generated higher levels of inequality in market incomes. But countries have responded differently, reflecting differences in their domestic politics. The politics of who gets what and why is at the core of this volume, the first to examine this question in an explicitly Canadian context.In Inequality and the Fading of Redistributive Politics, leading political scientists, sociologists, and economists point to the failure of public policy to contain surging income inequality. Government programs are no longer offsetting the growth in inequality generated by the market, and Canadian society has become more unequal. The redistributive state is fading due to powerful forces that have reshaped the politics of social policy, including global economic pressures, ideological change, shifts in the influence of business and labour, changes in the party system, and the decline of equality-seeking civil society organizations.This volume demonstrates conclusively that action and inaction -- policy change and policy drift -- are at the heart of growing inequality, calling into question Canada’s record as a kinder, gentler nation.