Search results for ""Author John Maynard""
Broadview Press Ltd Literary Intention, Literary Interpretations, And Readers
This accessible, personal, and provocative study returns to the major subject in literary discussion before and during the relatively recent flourishing of literary theory, that of literary intention. Does the author’s personal intention or historical site determine a correct interpretation of a literary work? Probing the entire range of issues connected with this many-faceted and knotty concept, this book engages with interpretation on both theoretical and practical levels. It argues that the hard questions about interpretation connected to issues of intention cannot be sidestepped or ignored. It does not argue for conservative concepts of literature itself, nor against the major historical engagements of critics in our time. But in addressing those who continue to read or teach literature, it does insist on a level of sophistication in issues of literary interpretation that cannot be assured by historical research and knowledge of the social and cultural connections to literary works. The overall aim of the work is to recall readers to the great complexity, pleasure, and interest of literary interpretation.
Aboriginal Studies Press Aborigines and the 'Sport of Kings': Aboriginal jockeys in Australian racing history
Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico da USC As consecuencias económicas da paz
Ó remate da Primeira Guerra Mundial, os países vencedores, desigualmente afectados pola devastación bélica, dirixiron reclamacións indemnizatorias contra Alemaña, o cal non era de estrañar pois a avidez expansionista e belicismo do Reich foran determinantes na provocación do conflito. Pero, ademais das indemnizacións, en contías valoradas con absoluto exceso, o Tratado de Versalles de 1919 impoñia duras limitacións á reconstrución da economía alemá, arrebatándolle xacementos, recursos, instrumentos xurídicos e políticos, que eivaban de raíz a reconstrución do país.John Maynard Keynes, que formaba parte do grupo de asesores do goberno británico nas negociacións da Conferencia de Paz de París, advertiu ós representantes gobernamentais de que tan excesivo comportamento, ademais de tronzar o futuro económico de Alemaña, tería graves consecuencias para o futuro de Europa no seu conxunto. As consecuencias económicas da paz, publicado no mesmo ano de sinatura do Tratado de Versalles e que con
Atlantic Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
Editions Jdh Perspectives pour nos petits-enfants 1930 - 2030: Préface de Jean-David Haddad - Nouvelle traduction
Reclam Philipp Jun. Das Ende des Laissezfaire Mit einem Essay von Nikolaus Piper Was bedeutet das alles
Penguin Books Ltd The Essential Keynes
Edited with an introduction by ROBERT SKIDELSKY'Many of the greatest economic evils of our time are the fruits of risk, uncertainty, and ignorance'John Maynard Keynes was the most influential economist, and one of the most influential thinkers, of the twentieth century. He overturned the orthodoxy that markets were optimally self-regulating, and instead argued for state intervention to ensure full employment and economic stability. This new selection is the first comprehensive single-volume edition of Keynes's writings on economics, philosophy, social theory and policy, including several pieces never before published. Full of irony and wit, they offer a dazzling introduction to a figure whose ideas still have urgent relevance today.
Classiques Garnier Comment Financer La Guerre: Un Plan Pour Le Chancelier de l'Echiquier
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money: with The Economic Consequences of the Peace
John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) is perhaps the foremost economic thinker of the twentieth century. On economic theory, he ranks with Adam Smith and Karl Marx; and his impact on how economics was practiced, from the Great Depression to the 1970s, was unmatched. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money was first published in 1936. But its ideas had been forming for decades ? as a student at Cambridge, Keynes had written to a friend of his love for 'Free Trade and free thought'. Keynes's limpid style, concise prose, and vivid descriptions have helped to keep his ideas alive - as have the novelty and clarity, at times even the ambiguity, of his macroeconomic vision. He was troubled, above all, by high unemployment rates and large disparities in wealth and income. Only by curbing both, he thought, could individualism, ‘the most powerful instrument to better the future', be safeguarded. The twenty-first century may yet prove him right. In The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919), Keynes elegantly and acutely exposes the folly of imposing austerity on a defeated and struggling nation.