Search results for ""Author John Hunter""
Houghton Mifflin World Peace and Other 4th-Grade Achievements
Historic Environment Scotland The Small Isles
Some ten thousand years ago, hunter-gatherers moving through a landscape newly emerged from the grip of the last Ice Age reached four islands on the western seaboard. The shores they landed on were deserted. After making camp, they struck out to hunt and explore. We know this because the evidence of their presence has been preserved down the millennia - in traces of flint and quartz, in charred fragments of grain and animal bone, in great heaped piles of ancient shellfish. The islands were Rum, Eigg, Canna and Muck - four distinctive shapes rising from the waters of the Inner Hebrides between Ardnamurchan and Skye. Collectively, they are known as the Small Isles. From those first moments on, people have been working these islands and using their resources, adapting each landscape to suit the changing needs of the communities they served. In this definitive new book, archaeologist John Hunter searches for the stories of the Small Isles in the evidence that survives - from the fragmentary physical remains of dwellings, defences, places of worship and monuments, to the records of early antiquarians, historians and travellers. This is a journey to rediscover communities that were erased by the mass migrations of the nineteenth century, and the rise of the Victorian sporting estate. Within a few generations cultural identity on the islands disappeared and a new order developed. Placenames were changed, buildings and structures abandoned, and traditions forgotten. The Small Isles became islands without memories. This comprehensive guide - illustrated with a wealth of photographs, maps and drawings - takes readers on a tour of both place and time. Crisscrossing the landscapes of four fascinating and evocative islands, it reveals traces of a forgotten past in everything that has been left behind.
Shepheard-Walwyn (Publishers) Ltd The Spirit of Self-Help: A Life of Samuel Smiles
When Dominic Sandbrook quoted Samuel Smiles extensively in his TV series on nineteenth-century work and leisure; when Ian Hislop flourished a copy of Smiles's Self-Help ("the book that launched the genre") in his programme on 'Workers or Shirkers?'; when Andy Burnham reflected publicly on "lack of aspiration" as a main cause of Britain's north-south divide - all were testifying to the intense topicality of the work and ideas of Samuel Smiles. This is the first full biography of the man who, in the industrial on-rush of the 19th century, gave the world the idea of self-help as a go-to strategy in an age of frenzied change. Using Smiles's unpublished correspondence with family, friends and publishers, and drawing extensively on his writing, The Spirit of Self-Help tells the very human story of how Samuel Smiles came from a small-town, small-time family in Scotland to become, by turn and sometimes together, medical doctor, campaigning journalist, railway executive, best-selling author, and global celebrity. This is both a biography and a reflection on themes of success and failure, the individual and society, moral and material worth, and the relationships between these sets of ideas. Driven by its subject, The Spirit of Self-Help revolves around the oldest idea of all - the possibility of happiness, for everyone, in all possible circumstances. In that sense, though set in the 19th century, this is an intensely topical book.
Stanford University Press Flora of the Santa Cruz Mountains of California: A Manual of the Vascular Plants
The Santa Cruz Mountains, an area covering almost 1,400 square miles from San Francisco southward to the Monterey County line, are a part of the Coast Range of Central California. The Mountains and the adjacent lowlands have a rich vascular flora, and about 1,800 species, subspecies, varieties, forms, and hybrids of ferns, conifers, and flowering plants, distributed among 168 families, have been reported from the region. This comprehensive flora, the first of the area, is designed for use by both the serious beginner and the trained botanist. The flora is illustrated by 250 line drawing and ten photographs. In addition, there is a map of the Santa Cruz Mountains area and a stratigraphic profile of the rock formations. The stratigraphic profile and a section on geology have been contributed by Dr. Earl E. Brabb of the United States Geological Survey. Distributional notes, keys to families, genera, and species, pertinent synonymy, a glossary of technical terms, an index of place names, and common0name and scientific-name indexes form the body of the text. The Introduction contains a description of the geography of the Santa Cruz Mountains and adjacent lowlands, seconds on the geology and climate, a brief discussion and analysis of the vegetation and floristic affinities of the area, and a history of past botanical collecting. A selected list of references has been appended to allow the interested individual to pursue his studies further.
The History Press Ltd Archaeological Resource Management in the UK: An Introduction
This work is an introduction to the structure and context of archaeology in Britain. It reviews the vital issues facing archaeologists during a period in which the discipline has become increasingly diverse, and analyses the questions of principle and practice that have arisen.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Atlas of Minimally Invasive Surgical Operations
Introducing the most essential all-in-one MIS tutorial and atlas for 21st-century practiceA Doody’s Core Title for 2022! If you are a laparoscopic surgeon who strives to be at the vanguard of clinical practice, your atlas has arrived. Overflowing with nearly 1,000 beautifully rendered, medically accurate illustrations, The Atlas of Minimally Invasive Surgical Operations is the definitive laparoscopic surgery procedural primer and visual roadmap. This indispensable, one-stop resource delivers easy-to-follow procedural guidance that builds on the vital work of laparoscopic surgery pioneers at OHSU and other leading academic centers in the United States who have adapted common open operations to an MIS environment. Accompanying this skill-sharpening content are detailed illustrations that take you through each step to consider while performing current minimally invasive techniques. The Atlas of Minimally Invasive Surgical Operations begins with a review of general surgical considerations and principles of access, while subsequent sections survey the full scope of surgical interventions. Mirroring the latest clinical perspectives, research, and technologies that drive procedure evolution, this is the one atlas that should be part of your surgical library. Nearly 1,000 state-of-the-art illustrations—all created by esteemed professors of medical illustration at Johns Hopkins University—are designed to help surgeons visualize the procedure as they step to the operating table Comprehensive coverage encompassing 62 must-know procedures, each of which is fully explained with high- yield text and accompanying illustrations Consistent format includes Indications, Preoperative Preparation, Anesthesia, Position, Incision and Exposure, Closure, and Postoperative Care Section on minimally invasive pediatric surgery examines the latest procedural approaches to this critical surgical area
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Forensic Approaches to Buried Remains
The field of forensic archaeology has developed over recent years from being a branch of conventional archaeology into a well-established discipline in its own right. Forensic Approaches to Buried Remains takes an innovative approach to the subject by placing the role of the forensic archaeologist within the wider forensic environment; it identifies new areas of interdisciplinary research and practice, and evaluates practical difficulties. The authors see this book as a reflection of the subject’s development, and as a knowledge base for the next generation of forensic archaeologists. Areas covered include: Search logistics, integration and specialist search scenarios Levels of confidence in site search and elimination Urban and rural landscape reconstruction in both short and long term cases The integration of cadaver dogs and earth-moving machinery The recovery of multiple evidence types Sampling strategies, spatial relevance and dating Multiple burial scenarios As part of the Essential Forensic Science book series this book will provide students and practitioners alike with an invaluable resource outlining both the major developments in the discipline, as well as original approaches to the search for, and recovery of buried remains.