Search results for ""Author John Dewey""
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Kunst als Erfahrung
Reclam Philipp Jun. Qualitative Thought Qualitatives Denken
Simon & Schuster Democracy And Education
John Dewey’s Democracy and Education addresses the challenge of providing quality public education in a democratic society. In this classic work Dewey calls for the complete renewal of public education, arguing for the fusion of vocational and contemplative studies in education and for the necessity of universal education for the advancement of self and society. First published in 1916, Democracy and Education is regarded as the seminal work on public education by one of the most important scholars of the century.
Columbia University Press Democracy and Education
John Dewey's Democracy and Education (1916) transformed how people around the world view the purposes of schooling. This edition makes Dewey's ideas come alive for a new generation of readers.
Dover Publications Inc. Experience and Nature
Editorial Popular Democracia y escuela Democracy in School Proa
El movimiento de renovación pedagógica y de reforma escolar nace y se desarrolla a finales del siglo pasado y comienzos del nuestro.La incidencia teórica y práctica de las nuevas corrientes educativas renovadoras se convierten en fuerza desigual a lo largo de la geografía y de la historia.Podríamos afirmar, de alguna manera, que la Escuela Nueva ha sido el resultado de las necesidades de la sociedad capitalista moderna.Los Estados Unidos, desde la independencia, ha sido el país que más deprisa ha facilitado el acceso de las masas a la escuela primaria y, más adelante, a la secundaria y superior.Dewey era consciente del hecho de que este esfuerzo cuantitativo de escolarización no se correspondía con una mejora cualitativa. Este era el diagnóstico que él hacía: existe un divorcio importante entre los cambios económicos y tecnológicos y la toma de la conciencia social de estos cambios, a causa sobre todo del peso de la moral tradicional y de unos hábitos y valores arcaizantes.
Columbia University Press Democracy and Education
John Dewey's Democracy and Education (1916) transformed how people around the world view the purposes of schooling. This edition makes Dewey's ideas come alive for a new generation of readers.
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Sozialphilosophie
Penguin Putnam Inc Art As Experience
Simon & Schuster Experience And Education
Experience and Educationis the best concise statement on education ever published by John Dewey, the man acknowledged to be the pre-eminent educational theorist of the twentieth century. Written more than two decades after Democracy and Education(Dewey's most comprehensive statement of his position in educational philosophy), this book demonstrates how Dewey reformulated his ideas as a result of his intervening experience with the progressive schools and in the light of the criticisms his theories had received. Analysing both "traditional" and "progressive" education, Dr. Dewey here insists that neither the old nor the new education is adequate and that each is miseducative because neither of them applies the principles of a carefully developed philosophy of experience. Many pages of this volume illustrate Dr. Dewey's ideas for a philosophy of experience and its relation to education. He particularly urges that all teachers and educators looking for a new movement in education should think in terms of the deeped and larger issues of education rather than in terms of some divisive "ism" about education, even such an "ism" as "progressivism." His philosophy, here expressed in its most essential, most readable form, predicates an American educational system that respects all sources of experience, on that offers a true learning situation that is both historical and social, both orderly and dynamic.
Cosmo Publications Democracy and Education
Merchant Books Moral Principles in Education
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Collected Works of John Dewey v. 8 1915 Essays and Miscellany in the 1915 Period and German Philosophy and Politics and Schools of Tomorrow
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Collected Works of John Dewey v. 11 19351937 Essays Reviews Trotsky Inquiry Miscellany and Liberalism and Social Action
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Later Works of John Dewey 19251953 Volume 19491952 Essays Typescripts and Knowing and the Known
Typescripts, essays, and an authoritative edition of Knowing and the Known, Dewey's collaborative work with Arthur Bentley. In the introduction T.Z. Lavine defines the collaboration's three goals - the construction of a new language for behavioural inquiry, a critique of formal logicians, and a critique of logical positivism.
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Collected Works of John Dewey v. 6 1931193 The Later Works 19251953
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Early Works of John Dewey Volume 3 1882 Essays and Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics 18891892
Yale University Press A Common Faith
In A Common Faith, eminent American philosopher John Dewey calls for the “emancipation of the true religious quality” from the heritage of dogmatism and supernaturalism that he believes characterizes historical religions. He describes how the depth of religious experience and the creative role of faith in the resources of experience to generate meaning and value can be cultivated without making cognitive claims that compete with or contend with scientific ones. In a new introduction, Dewey scholar Thomas M. Alexander contextualizes the text for students and scholars by providing an overview of Dewey and his philosophy, key concepts in A Common Faith, and reactions to the text.
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Collected Works of John Dewey Volume 17 18851953 Miscellaneous Writings
Wellred Books Not Guilty - Dewey Commission Report
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Middle Works of John Dewey Volume 9 18991 Democracy and Education 1916
John Dewey's best-known and still-popular classic, Democracy and Education, is presented here as a new edition in Volume 9 of the Middle Works. Sidney Hook, in the introduction to this volume,notes: ""It illuminates directly or indirectly all the basic issues that are central today to the concerns of intelligent educators”.
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Later Works of John Dewey Volume 3 1925 19271928 Essays Reviews Miscellany and Impressions of Soviet Russia
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Collected Works of John Dewey v. 14 193919 The Later Works 19251953
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Collected Works of John Dewey v. 11 191819 The Middle Works 18991924
Brings together all of Dewey's writings for 1918 and 1919. Dewey's dominant theme in these pages is war and its aftermath. In the Introduction, Oscar and Lilian Handlin discuss his philosophy within the historical context: The First World War ground to its costly conclusion; and the immensely more difficult task of making peace got under way.
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Collected Works of John Dewey v. 8 1933 Es The Later Works 19251953
Includes all Dewey's writings for 1938 except for Logic: The Theory of Inquiry (Volume 12 of The Later Works), as well as his 1939 Freedom and Culture, Theory of Valuation, and two items from Intelligence in the Modern World.
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Collected Works of John Dewey v. 4 1893189 The Early Works 18821898
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Collected Works of John Dewey v. 2 1902190 The Middle Works 18991924
Myers Education Press Moral Principles in Education and My Pedagogic Creed: With a Critical Introduction by Patricia H. Hinchey
Columbia University Press America's Public Philosopher: Essays on Social Justice, Economics, Education, and the Future of Democracy
John Dewey was America’s greatest public philosopher. His work stands out for its remarkable breadth, and his deep commitment to democracy led him to courageous progressive stances on issues such as war, civil liberties, and racial, class, and gender inequalities. This book collects the clearest and most powerful of his public writings and shows how they continue to speak to the challenges we face today. An introductory essay and short introductions to each of the texts discuss the current relevance and significance of Dewey’s work and legacy. The book includes forty-six essays on topics such as democracy in the United States, political power, education, economic justice, science and society, and philosophy and culture. These essays inspire optimism for the possibility of a more humane public and political culture, in which citizens share in the pursuit of lifelong education through participation in democratic life. The essays in America’s Public Philosopher reveal John Dewey as a powerful example for anyone seeking to address a wider audience and a much-needed voice for all readers in search of intellectual and moral leadership.
Columbia University Press America's Public Philosopher: Essays on Social Justice, Economics, Education, and the Future of Democracy
John Dewey was America’s greatest public philosopher. His work stands out for its remarkable breadth, and his deep commitment to democracy led him to courageous progressive stances on issues such as war, civil liberties, and racial, class, and gender inequalities. This book collects the clearest and most powerful of his public writings and shows how they continue to speak to the challenges we face today. An introductory essay and short introductions to each of the texts discuss the current relevance and significance of Dewey’s work and legacy. The book includes forty-six essays on topics such as democracy in the United States, political power, education, economic justice, science and society, and philosophy and culture. These essays inspire optimism for the possibility of a more humane public and political culture, in which citizens share in the pursuit of lifelong education through participation in democratic life. The essays in America’s Public Philosopher reveal John Dewey as a powerful example for anyone seeking to address a wider audience and a much-needed voice for all readers in search of intellectual and moral leadership.
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Collected Works of John Dewey v. 2 1887 Psychology
The University of Chicago Press On Education: Selected Writing
In this collection, Reginald D. Archambault has assembled John Dewey's major writings on education. He has also included basic statements of Dewey's philosophic position that are relevant to understanding his educational views. These selections are useful not only for understanding Dewey's pedagogical principles, but for illustrating the important relation between his educational theory and the principles of his general philosophy.
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Later Works of John Dewey Volume 1 1925 1953
John Dewey's Experience and Nature has been considered the fullest expression of his mature philosophy since its eagerly awaited publication in 1925. In his introduction to this volume, Sidney Hook points out that ""Dewey's Experience and Nature is both the most suggestive and most difficult of his writings.
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Middle Works of John Dewey Volume 14 1899 Human Nature and Conduct 1922
Dewey's dominant theme in these pages is war and its aftermath. In the Introduction, Oscar and Lilian Handlin discuss his philosophy within the historical context: The First World War slowly ground to its costly conclusion; and the immensely more difficult task of making peace got painfully under way.
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Later Works of John Dewey Volume 7 1925 1953
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Dewey: The Political Writings
Includes notes on sources and editions and an editor's introduction.
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Middle Works of John Dewey Volume 12 1899 Essays Miscellany and Reconstruction in Philosophy Published during 1920
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Middle Works of John Dewey Volume 9 18991 Democracy and Education 1916
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Later Works of John Dewey Volume 12 1925 1938 Logic The Theory of Inquiry
Heralded as ""the crowning work of a great career,"" Logic: The Theory of Inquiry was widely reviewed. To Evander Bradley McGilvary, the work assured Dewey ""a place among the world's great logicians."" William Gruen thought ""No treatise on logic ever written has had as direct and vital an impact on social life as Dewey's will have.
Southern Illinois University Press Unmodern Philosophy and Modern Philosophy
In 1947 America’s premier philosopher, educator, and public intellectual John Dewey purportedly lost his last manuscript on modern philosophy in the back of a taxicab. Now, sixty-five years later, Dewey’s fresh and unpretentious take on the history and theory of knowledge is finally available. Editor Phillip Deen has taken on the task of editing Dewey’s unfinished work, carefully compiling the fragments and multiple drafts of each chapter that he discovered in the folders of the Dewey Papers at the Special Collections Research Center at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He has used Dewey’s last known outline for the manuscript, aiming to create a finished product that faithfully represents Dewey’s original intent. An introduction and editor’s notes by Deen and a foreword by Larry A. Hickman, director of the Center for Dewey Studies, frame this previously lost work. In Unmodern Philosophy and Modern Philosophy, Dewey argues that modern philosophy is anything but; instead, it retains the baggage of outdated and misguided philosophical traditions and dualisms carried forward from Greek and medieval traditions. Drawing on cultural anthropology, Dewey moves past the philosophical themes of the past, instead proposing a functional model of humanity as emotional, inquiring, purposive organisms embedded in a natural and cultural environment. Dewey begins by tracing the problematic history of philosophy, demonstrating how, from the time of the Greeks to the Empiricists and Rationalists, the subject has been mired in the search for immutable absolutes outside human experience and has relied on dualisms between mind and body, theory and practice, and the material and the ideal, ultimately dividing humanity from nature. The result, he posits, is the epistemological problem of how it is possible to have knowledge at all. In the second half of the volume, Dewey roots philosophy in the conflicting beliefs and cultural tensions of the human condition, maintaining that these issues are much more pertinent to philosophy and knowledge than the sharp dichotomies of the past and abstract questions of the body and mind. Ultimately, Dewey argues that the mind is not separate from the world, criticizes the denigration of practice in the name of theory, addresses the dualism between matter and ideals, and questions why the human and the natural were ever separated in philosophy. The result is a deeper understanding of the relationship among the scientific, the moral, and the aesthetic. More than just historically significant in its rediscovery, Unmodern Philosophy and Modern Philosophy provides an intriguing critique of the history of modern thought and a positive account of John Dewey’s naturalized theory of knowing. This volume marks a significant contribution to the history of American thought and finally resolves one of the mysteries of pragmatic philosophy.
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Later Works of John Dewey Volume 14 1925 1939 1941 Essays Reviews and Miscellany
Republishes forty-four essays, reviews, and miscellaneous pieces from 1939, 1940, and 1941. In his Introduction, R.W. Sleeper characterizes the contents of this volume as ""vintage Dewey. Ranging widely over problems of theory and practice, they reveal him commencing his ninth decade at the peak of his intellectual powers.
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Early Works of John Dewey Volume 1 1882 Early Essays and Leibnizs New Essays 18821888
The University of Chicago Press The School and Society and The Child and the Curriculum
This edition brings Dewey's educational theory into sharp focus, framing his two classic works by frank assessments, past and present, of the practical applications of Dewey's ideas. In addition to a substantial introduction in which Philip W. Jackson explains why more of Dewey's ideas haven't been put into practice, this edition restores a "lost" chapter, dropped from the book by Dewey in 1915.
Ohio University Press The Public and Its Problems: An Essay in Political Inquiry
More than six decades after John Dewey’s death, his political philosophy is undergoing a revival. With renewed interest in pragmatism and its implications for democracy in an age of mass communication, bureaucracy, and ever-increasing social complexities, Dewey’s The Public and Its Problems, first published in 1927, remains vital to any discussion of today’s political issues. This edition of The Public and Its Problems, meticulously annotated and interpreted with fresh insight by Melvin L. Rogers, radically updates the previous version published by Swallow Press. Rogers’s introduction locates Dewey’s work within its philosophical and historical context and explains its key ideas for a contemporary readership. Biographical information and a detailed bibliography round out this definitive edition, which will be essential to students and scholars both.
MP-SIL Southern Illinois Uni The Collected Works of John Dewey v. 10 1934 A The Later Works 19251953
The University of Chicago Press The Philosophy of John Dewey: Volume 1. The Structure of Experience. Volume 2: The Lived Experience
John J. McDermott's anthology, The Philosophy of John Dewey, provides the best general selection available of the writings of America's most distinguished philosopher and social critic. This comprehensive collection, ideal for use in the classroom and indispensable for anyone interested in the wide scope of Dewey's thought and works, affords great insight into his role in the history of ideas and the basic integrity of his philosophy. This edition combines in one book the two volumes previously published separately. Volume 1, "The Structure of Experience," contains essays on metaphysics, the logic of inquiry, the problem of knowledge, and value theory. In volume 2, "The Lived Experience," Dewey's writings on pedagogy, ethics, the aesthetics of the "live creature," politics, and the philosophy of culture are presented. McDermott has prefaced each essay with a helpful explanatory note and has written an excellent general introduction to the anthology.