Search results for ""Author John Anderson""
Manchester University Press Christianity and Democratisation: From Pious Subjects to Critical Participants
This book examines the contribution of different Christian traditions to the waves of democratisation that have swept various parts of the world in recent decades. It offers a historical overview of Christianity’s engagement with the development of democracy, before focusing in detail on the period since the 1970s. Successive chapters deal with: the Roman Catholic conversion to democracy and the contribution of that church to democratisation; the Eastern Orthodox ‘hesitation’ about democracy; the alleged threat to American democracy posed by the politicisation of conservative Protestantism; and the likely impact on democratic development of the global expansion of Pentecostalism. The author draws out several common themes from the analysis of these case studies, the most important of which is the ‘liberal-democracy paradox’. This ensures that there will always be tensions between faiths that proclaim some notion of absolute truth and political orders that are rooted in the idea of compromise, negotiation and bargaining. Written in an accessible style, this book will appeal to students of politics, sociology and religion, and prove useful on a range of advanced undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
McGraw-Hill Education Fundamentals of Aerodynamics
Fundamentals of Aerodynamics is meant to be read. The writing style is intentionally conversational in order to make the book easier to read. The book is designed to talk to the reader; in part to be a self-teaching instrument. Learning objectives have been added to each chapter to reflect what is believed to be the most important items to learn from that particular chapter. This edition emphasizes the rich theoretical and physical background of aerodynamics, and marbles in many historical notes to provide a background as to where the aerodynamic technology comes from. Also, new with this edition, are "Integrated Work Challenges" that pertain to the chapter as a whole, and give the reader the opportunity to integrate the material in that chapter, in order to solve a "bigger picture".McGraw-Hill's Connect, is also available as an optional, add on item. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, how they need it, so that class time is more effective. Connect allows the professor to assign homework, quizzes, and tests easily and automatically grades and records the scores of the student's work. Problems are randomized to prevent sharing of answers an may also have a "multi-step solution" which helps move the students' learning along if they experience difficulty.
Fonthill Media Ltd Thunderbolt to War: An American Fighter Pilot in England
Thunderbolt to War gives a remarkable insight into the structure and operations of a leading USAAF Fighter Squadron in England during the Second World War, together with personal thoughts and feelings of skilled fighter pilot, Clint Sperry. The 353rd Fighter Group was a rarely celebrated 'workhorse' of Eighth Fighter Command, but names of some of its charismatic leaders still resonate today. The 18-victory ace Walter Beckham and aggressive Glenn E. Duncan were among those who led Clint to war. He and his colleagues faced many frustrating and perilous experiences; encountering enemy fighters and flak and also treacherous weather and mechanical problems in the bloody battles over Europe. To survive was a lottery, but those with previous flying hours before entering service had the advantage of experience. Clint's successes and traumas are highlighted to give a true picture of a fighter pilot's war. He flew 106 missions in the P47 Thunderbolt, was awarded 3 DFCs, and credited with destroying or probably destroying five enemy aircraft as well as many targets on the ground by strafing and bombing.
Hodder Education Higher Chemistry, Second Edition
Exam Board: SQALevel: HigherSubject: ChemistryFirst Teaching: August 2018First Exam: June 2019Full course coverage in this new Higher Chemistry textbook, updated for the latest changes to the SQA coursework and question papers.- In-text, Study and End-of-course questions have been updated and extended in this edition, testing students' knowledge and understanding of the chemistry presented and offering lots of practice to revise and consolidate ahead of the exam.- Worked examples show common Higher Chemistry questions and ways of answering that cover the necessary points- Checklists for Revision provide short summaries of the key learning points at the end of each chapter so that students can this to self-check their learning which helps them revise for assessments- Brand new section 'Additional features of the Higher Chemistry exam' offers advice on how to tackle two important new features of the exam: Numeracy and Open-ended questions- Key terms and Chemical Dictionary aid understanding and allow students to check their knowledge of the key terms
Hodder Education How to Pass Higher Chemistry, Second Edition
Exam Board: SQA Level: Higher Subject: Chemistry First Teaching: August 2018 First Exam: May 2019Get your best grade with comprehensive course notes and advice from Scotland's top experts, fully updated for the latest changes to SQA Higher assessment.How to Pass Higher Chemistry Second Edition contains all the advice and support you need to revise successfully for your Higher exam. It combines an overview of the course syllabus with advice from a top expert on how to improve exam performance, so you have the best chance of success.- Revise confidently with up-to-date guidance tailored to the latest SQA assessment changes - Refresh your knowledge with comprehensive, tailored subject notes- Prepare for the exam with top tips and hints on revision techniques- Get your best grade with advice on how to gain those vital extra marks
Hodder Education Need to Know: Higher Chemistry
Exam board: SQALevel: HigherSubject: ChemistryFirst teaching: September 2018 First exams: Summer 2019What do you really need to know for the SQA Higher Chemistry exam?This revision guide covers the essentials in less than 100 pages, so it's perfect for early exam preparation or last-minute revision.- Find key content at your fingertips with quick summaries of the concepts, processes and terminology that you need to understand- Get a better grade in your exam with tips on exam technique, mistakes to avoid and important things to remember- Revise and practise using end-of-topic questions and in-depth questions at the end of each section - with answers provided online - Benefit from the knowledge of experienced teacher, author and examiner John Anderson
OM Book Service Loose Leaf for Fundamentals of Aerodynamics
Hodder Education Test Your Higher Chemistry Calculations 3rd Edition
Exam Board: SQALevel: HigherSubject: ChemistryFirst Teaching: September 2014First Exam: Summer 2015Ideal practice material for one of the most challenging areas for Higher Chemistry candidates.This edition of Test Your Higher Chemistry Calculations provides:> Extensive overview of all types of questions likely to be tested> Exploration of the theory behind each topic in each chapter> Worked examples and problems
McGraw-Hill Education Loose Leaf for Introduction to Flight
O'Reilly Media Appcelerator Titanium: Up and Running
Build native apps for iOS, Android, and Blackberry from a single JavaScript codebase with Appcelerator Titanium. This guide gets you quickly up to speed on this amazing framework and shows you how to generate cross-platform apps with 100% native controls. You'll also learn the advantages of using Titanium when you want to create an app for just one native platform, rather than struggle with Java or Objective-C. Fast-paced and full of examples, this book helps you build your first project with Titanium Studio, and then takes you through the steps necessary to build complex data-bound apps. Learn how Titanium differs from frameworks such as jQuery Mobile and Sencha Touch Set up and use iOS and Android SDKs and compilers with Titanium Build basic UI and window controls, and create your own composite objects Take a peek at how Titanium objects and methods work behind the scenes Learn how JavaScript makes Titanium easy to extend and customize Develop apps that consume complex data, whether it's stored locally or on remote servers Understand the pros and cons of distributing apps on the App Store and Android Market
McGraw-Hill Education ISE Modern Compressible Flow: With Historical Perspective
The response to the first three editions of Modern Compressible Flow: With Historical Perspective, from students, faculty, and practicing professionals has been overwhelmingly favorable. Therefore, this new edition preserves much of this successful content while adding important new components. It preserves the author’s informal writing style that talks to the reader, that gains the readers’ interest, and makes the study of compressible flow an enjoyable experience. Moreover, it blends the classical nature of the subject with modern aspects of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and high temperature gas dynamics so important to modern applications of compressible flow. In short, this book is a unique teaching and learning experience.
McGraw-Hill Education Introduction to Flight ISE
Anderson's Introduction to Flight is designed for first or second-year engineering students and any reader looking for an introduction to aerospace engineering. It is written in an intentionally easy-to-understand style. Readers are introduced to the basic areas of aerodynamics, flight dynamics, propulsion, and space flight (astronautics). In this edition, space flight content covers the expanding role of space vehicles within the field of aerospace engineering. Continuing the tradition of the previous edition, the 9th edition is intended not only to educate but also to motivate the reader to pursue the subject of aerospace engineering. In addition, new sections continue the unique tradition of including historical content discussing the origins of the technology.If you want to understand the engineering behind how airplanes fly, how spacecrafts are launched into space, and how they are able to follow the right path to their destination, this book is for you.
McGraw-Hill Education Loose Leaf for Introduction to Flight
University of Texas Press Picturing Texas Politics
With rare, previously unpublished photographs and iconic images of politicians from the state’s founders to Ann Richards, George W. Bush, and Rick Perry, here is the first-ever photographic album of Texas politicians and political campaigns.
Hodder Education National 5 Chemistry with Answers, Second Edition
Exam Board: SQALevel: National 5Subject: ChemistryFirst Teaching: September 2017First Exam: Summer 2018The second edition of this textbook has been fully revised and updated to reflect changes made tothe SQA syllabus from 2017 onwards. New features include:- Refreshed content- Additional candidate advice- Model answers for open-ended questions.
University of Illinois Press The Complete Vegetarian: The Essential Guide to Good Health
The Complete Vegetarian makes important scientific connections between good health and vegetarianism after citing health concerns as the number one reason many people adopt a vegetarian diet. Peggy Carlson examines the vegetarian diet’s impact on chronic diseases and serves as a nutritional guide and meal-planning resource for many health professionals and regular consumers. Vegetarian nutritionists’ and medical doctors’ cutting-edge research find that an absence of meat is the only factor that accounts for the health effects of a vegetarian diet, but also a lower saturated fat and more fiber, antioxidants, and unsaturated fat count than other diets. Essential and in-depth The Complete Vegetarian is an invaluable guide for health professionals and the growing number of people who have adopted or want to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle.
Hodder Education National 5 Chemistry: Second Edition
Exam Board: SQALevel: National 5Subject: ChemistryFirst Teaching: September 2017First Exam: Summer 2018The second edition of this textbook has been fully revised and updated to reflect changes made tothe SQA syllabus from 2017 onwards. Ensure your students are prepared for every aspect of theirassessment with fully comprehensive coverage of the newsyllabus requirements.- Fully supports the new course specification and addresses allskills covered in the SQA examinations, with key areas reordered,activities restructured and terminology updated.- Explains the format and mark distribution of the courseassessment in an updated preface.- Provides key questions for homework and assessment forall content areas in the form of End-of-chapter questionssections.- Helps retention of key facts and concepts with Summary,Checklist for Revision and Glossary features.- Packed full of diverse practical features: In-text questions,Activities and Worked Examples, plus additional advice onGeneral practical techniques.- Develops exam skills and technique with practice Open-endedquestions, with support on interpreting the question, planningyour answer and comprehensive model solutions.- Makes it easy to plan, manage and monitor student progress,with an engaging and practical pathway through the syllabus.- Written by a highly experienced and respected author team.
Sydney University Press Art and Reality: John Anderson on Literature and Aesthetics
Art and Reality is a collection of general theoretical reflections and particular critical studies, in which John Anderson asserts the essential role of art and aesthetics in intellectual life. Rejecting the notion that artistic appreciation is simply a matter of spontaneous response or 'personal taste', Anderson argues that genuine criticism requires the application of general aesthetic principles and an awareness of the relationship between art and nature. In exploring how beauty is experienced and defined, he considers a wide range of authors, from Homer to Joyce, Melville to Dostoevsky, Shakespeare to Shaw. He outlines his underlying theory of aesthetics and offers commentary on some key controversies of his day, including psychoanalytic criticism, the Ern Malley hoax, and the censorship of Ulysses in Australia.With characteristic rigor and originality, Anderson proposes a philosophical way of approaching works of art, one which can lead us to a more meaningful and thoughtful engagement with literature.
University of Illinois Press God, Science, Sex, Gender: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Christian Ethics
God, Sex, Science, Gender: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Christian Ethics is a timely, wide-ranging attempt to rescue dialogues on human sexuality, sexual diversity, and gender from insular exchanges based primarily on biblical scholarship and denominational ideology. Too often, dialogues on sexuality and gender devolve into the repetition of party lines and defensive postures, without considering the interdisciplinary body of scholarly research on this complex subject. This volume expands beyond the usual parameters, opening the discussion to scholars in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences to foster the development of Christian sexual ethics for contemporary times.Essays by prominent and emerging scholars in the fields of anthropology, sociology, psychology, philosophy, literary studies, theology, and ethics reveal how faith and reason can illuminate our understanding of human sexual and gender diversity. Focusing on the intersection of theology and science and incorporating feminist theory, God, Science, Sex, Gender is a much-needed call for Christian ethicists to map the origins and full range of human sexual experience and gender identity. Essays delve into why human sexuality and gender can be so controversial in Christian contexts, investigate the complexity of sexuality in humans and other species, and reveal the implications of diversity for Christian moral theology. Contributors are Joel Brown, James Calcagno, Francis J. Catania, Pamela L. Caughie, Robin Colburn, Robert Di Vito, Terry Grande, Frank Fennell, Anne E. Figert, Patricia Beattie Jung, Fred Kniss, John McCarthy, Jon Nilson, Stephen J. Pope, Susan A. Ross, Joan Roughgarden, and Aana Marie Vigen.