Search results for ""Author Joaquin Sanmartin""
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Gilgames rey de Uruk
Hace tres mil doscientos años, un escriba redactó en Babilonia en once tablillas de arcilla la historia de un rey, Gilgame? de Uruk, que quiso medir sus fuerzas con dioses, monstruos y humanos y acabó comprendiendo que se le iban escapando el cariño, la felicidad y la vida misma. La Epopeya de Gilgame?, la más antigua de la humanidad, cayó en el olvido hasta que, en el siglo XIX, comenzó a ser recuperada a partir de centenares de fragmentos de arcilla procedentes de excavaciones y depositadosen diversos museos. Los numerosos hallazgos documentales, algunos muy recientes, muestran que Gilgame? y su epopeya no estaban solos, y que otros muchos textos los precedieron, acompañaron y reinterpretaron desde el año 2000 a.C. y durante los dos mil años siguientes. Aquí, y por vez primera en español, se incluyen estudios, traducciones y comentarios de todos esos materiales, que sitúan al viejo rey de Uruk en el contexto cultural e histórico del Próximo Oriente antiguo.
Pennsylvania State University Press A Glossary of Old Syrian
A Glossary of Old Syrian: lz is the second of two volumes that aim to map the lexicon of Old Syrian as it can be extracted and reconstructed from the (Old Akkadian) Eblaite through the Old and Middle Babylonian corpora. Referring to a continuum of dialects spoken in the Syrian-Levantine and Syrian-Mesopotamian regions through the third and second millennia BCE, Old Syrian is a diachronically conservative, geographically pluricentric, and pragmatically multilayered linguistic cluster. As such, the Glossary pays special attention to the distribution of lexical data along diachronic, diatopic, and diastratic criteria. Given the extent and widely dispersed nature of this data, entries are supported by the most representative corpora of the Old Syrian linguistic landscape. Each entry is headed by an etymon, a kind of prelinguistic consonantal skeleton, and further information about different lexemes, their roots, and their derivations is provided in subentries. As the lexicography of Old
Pennsylvania State University Press A Glossary of Old Syrian: Volume 1: ʔ – ḳ
A Glossary of Old Syrian: ʔ – ḳ is the first of two volumes aimed at the completion of a lexicographical index of the Old Syrian linguistical continuum. This glossary gives a picture, or map, of the Old Syrian lexicon as it can be extracted and reconstructed from the available sources, from the (Old Akkadian-)Eblatic through the Old and Middle Babylonian corpora.Old Syrian can be defined most appropriately as a diachronically conservative, geographically pluricentric, and pragmatically multilayered linguistic cluster. Therefore, the present work pays special attention to the distribution of lexical data along diatopic and diastratic criteria. In view of the enormous amount of material and the dispersion of the data, this glossary focuses on the most representative textual corpora of the Old Syrian linguistic landscape. The bibliographical references are kept deliberately succinct and as a rule, restricted to the classic works that may be easily found in every Assyriological or Semitic library, public or private, and that will redirect the users to their sources. Since the Old Syrian lexicography remains uncertain, the leading interpretative opinions are included alongside the most relevant comparative Semitic material. A Glossary of Old Syrian offers a clear picture of the current state of this field and is intended to serve as a reference work in support of future study.