Search results for ""Author Jesus Vazquez""
Andavira Editora Quiromasaje antiestrés manual práctico
El arte o disciplina del masaje es practicado desde tiempos inmemoriales, y sigue conservando aun hoy en día aquel sentido profundo y holístico entre el que lo recibe y el que lo da. La experiencia del contacto, del movimiento y de la energía curativa transmitida a través de las manos son cualidades que asocian el masaje a las personas y al bienestar.
World Scientific Europe Ltd Wear In Advanced Engineering Applications And Materials
Wear is one of the main reasons mechanical components and materials become inoperable, rendering enormous costs to society over time. Estimating wear allows engineers to predict the useful life of modern mechanical elements, reduce the costs of inoperability, or obtain optimal designs (i.e. selecting proper materials, shapes, and surface finishing according to mechanical conditions and durability) to reduce the impact of wear.Wear in Advanced Engineering Applications and Materials presents recent computational and practical research studying damage and wear in advanced engineering applications and materials. As such, this book covers numerical formulations based on the finite element method (FEM) — and the boundary element method (BEM) — as well as theoretical and experimental research to predict the wear response or life-limiting failure of engineering applications.