Search results for ""Author Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld""
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender, Women's Health Care Concerns and Other Social Factors in Health and Health Care
This volume of Research in the Sociology of Health Care analyses micro-level gender issues and other social factors impacting macro-level health care systems. Examining the health and health care issues of patients and providers of care both in the United States and in other countries, chapters focus on linkages to policy and population concerns as ways to meet global health care needs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Impact of Demographics on Health and Healthcare: Race, Ethnicity and Other Social Factors
This volume focuses on differences in health and health care as linked to important social factors. The first section reviews basic material on the topic. The second section on racial and ethnic factors in differences in health and health care is the largest section of the book, and includes six articles looking at racial disparities on a variety of topics such as: knowledge of hepatitis C Virus; health services received and patients' experiences in seeking health care; use of CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) services; and, the role of social capital in class and race health disparities in health information seeking behaviour. Further sections include articles focused on geographic and community factors, gender and age, gender and language, and lifecourse issues such as maternal depression and hospice care. "Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Volume 28" is essential reading for medical sociologists and people working in other social science disciplines studying health-related issues. It provides vital information for health services researchers, policy analysts and public health researchers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Sources of Disparities in Health and Health Care and Linkages to Policy, Population Concerns and Providers of Care
"Volume 27, Research in the Sociology of Health Care" deals with Social Sources of Disparities in Health and Health Care. The first section, Disparities in Health and Health Care: Basic Perspectives, reviews basic material on the topic. The second section on Racial and Ethnic Factors in Disparities in Health and Health Care Utilization includes five articles, three focused on racial and ethnic factors in disparities and two on those factors and other social factors such as SES. The next section focuses on Income, SES, and Cultural Capital in Disparities in Health and Health Care Delivery and includes an article that focuses on the role of education, one on the impact of childhood poverty on later life health and one on the role of cultural capital in health outcomes. The fourth section includes two papers on Providers, Facilities and Health Disparities. The last section, Part 5, deals with Locally Oriented Studies in Health Disparities and includes three papers looking at community approaches for eliminating health disparities, the effects of household assets upon rural residents' self-reported physical and emotional well-being and disparities in health care among Vietnamese Americans in New Orleans and the impacts of Hurricane Katrina.
Emerald Publishing Limited Access To Care and Factors That Impact Access, Patients as Partners In Care and Changing Roles of Health Providers
This volume in the highly-regarded "Research in the Sociology of Health Care" series, deals with both macro-level system issues and micro-level issues involving access to care, factors that impact access, patients as partners in care and changing roles of health providers. It includes: an examination of factors that impact access to care such as racial/ethnic, social, demographic and structural sources, a discussion of changing patterns of care and changing patterns of interaction between patients and providers of care, and an investigation of changing roles of health care providers within the health care delivery system. Key contributions focus on linkages to policy, population concerns and patients and/or providers of care as ways to meet health care needs of people both in the US and in other countries. This volume relates to issues of consumers of health care services, providers of such services and policy perspectives. It also raises issues of the availability of services, access to those services, quality of services and the role of government in services provision.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inequalities and Disparities in Health Care and Health: Concerns of Patients, Providers and Insurers
This volume deals with the topic of health inequalities and health disparities. The volume is divided into five sections. The first section includes an introductory look at the issue of health care inequalities and disparities and also an introduction to the volume. One of the backdrops to this topic in the United States was The National Healthcare Disparities Report and its focus on the ability of Americans to access health care and variation in the quality of care. Disparities related to socioeconomic status were included, as were disparities linked to race and ethnicity and the report also tried to explore the relationship between race/ethnicity and socioeconomic position, as explained in more detail in the first article in the book. The second article discusses a newer overall approach to issues related to health inequalities and health disparities. The remaining four sections of the book address more specific topics relating to inequalities and disparities. The second section examines racial and ethnic inequalities and disparities. The third section includes articles that address the issue from the perspective of research about health care providers and health care facilities. The last two sections of the book focus on consumers and topics of health care disparities, with Section 4 focused on issues related to substance abuse, mental health and related concerns. Section 5 includes articles looking at issues of vulnerable women, women with breast cancer and people with colorectal cancer. "Inequalities and Disparities in Health Care and Health" is important reading for medical sociologists and people working in other social science disciplines studying health-related issues. The volume also provides vital information for health services researchers, policy analysts and public health researchers. The chapters focus on the topics of health inequalities and health disparities. The book is essential for medical sociologists and others in social science industries studying health-related issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited Care for Major Health Problems and Population Health Concerns: Impacts on Patients, Providers and Policy
This volume contains papers dealing with macro-level system issues and micro-level issues involving provision of health care as related to major health problems or population health concerns. In the first chapter, the topic of population health is reviewed and examined, looking at relationships between social structure, including socioeconomic status, and health. A number of papers examine social, demographic and structural problems, and a wide variety of major health problems including chronic illnesses, mental illness, serious acute health problems, and disabilities that require health care. Some of the specific health problems covered include major chronic health problems such as coronary heart diseases and arthritis, as well as HIV/AIDs and other sexually transmitted diseases, obesity and how to deal with obesity, mental health concerns, poverty, homelessness and health care problems with a focus on urban contexts within the United States. The last two papers in the volume extend the focus to look at more international concerns. One paper focuses on urban slum prevalence as a key factor in shaping population level rates of social well being in developing countries, and another on medical tourism. This volume includes papers that focus on the perspectives of patients, providers, and also the relevant links with health policy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Social Groups, Social Factors and Disparities in Health and Health Care
This volume features papers on the theme of issues in health and health care for special groups, social factors and disparities. This includes papers dealing with macro-level system issues and micro-level issues involving special groups, social factors and disparities linked to issues in health and health care. The volume also contains an examination of health and health care issues of patients and providers of care especially those related to special groups and social factors including education, family, income, government, neighborhoods, social networks, health beliefs and attitudes. This includes a focus on links to policy, population concerns and patients and providers of care as ways to meet health care needs of people both in the US and in other countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Health and Health Care Concerns among Women and Racial and Ethnic Minorities
This volume covers macro-level system issues and micro-level issues involving health and health care concerns for women, and racial and ethnic minorities. Topics covered include examination of health and health care issues of patients or of providers of care especially those related to concerns for women and for racial and ethnic minorities in different countries. This volume is divided into four sections. The first section introduces the volume. The second section covers women and reproductive related health and health care concerns, using data sources from the United States and the UK. The third section examines health care practitioners, health and health care, relating to issues of women or racial and ethnic minorities, using data sources from the US and Canada. The last section relates specifically to racial and ethnic minorities and health and health care. Chapters focus on Black men, on Asian Americans, on Mexican Americans, and across racial and/or ethnic differences.
Emerald Publishing Limited Underserved and Socially Disadvantaged Groups and Linkages with Health and Health Care Differentials
The contributors to this latest volume of Research in the Sociology of Health Care investigate macro-level system issues and micro-level issues involving the socially disadvantaged and underserved. Looking specifically at the factors impacting on health and health care differentials, this book is an examination of the health and health care issues of both patients and providers of care in the United States and around the globe. Chapters focus on linkages to policy, population concerns and patients and providers of care as ways to meet health care needs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Factors, Health Care Inequities and Vaccination
This volume of Research in the Sociology of Health Care analyses a variety of important social factors and their relationship to health and health care inequities in both the United States and the rest of the world. With distinct sections for vaccination and other related topics, the chapters unveil the health care inequities that exist across a broad range of scenarios such as residential segregation, rurality, caregiving during COVID-19, the effects of stress on patients of color with chronic illnesses, cochlear implants in children, community health centers and viral load testing. Employing a sociological and broader social sciences approach, Social Factors, Health Care Inequities and Vaccination draws on a variety of contexts, including the COVID-19 pandemic, to explore wider trends in healthcare and the impact they may have on historically disadvantaged communities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Issues in Health and Health Care Related to Race/Ethnicity, Immigration, SES and Gender
The 30th Anniversary volume of Research in the Sociology of Health Care looks at the important links between major social factors and health and health care. The four main factors examined in the book are race/ethnicity, immigration, Socioeconomic Status (SES) and gender. Starting with an introductory chapter which reviews some of the important sociological literature on these social factors as linked to health, the book goes on to cover various key issues, including obesity, ageing, immigration and racial segregation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Other Social Characteristics as Factors in Health and Health Care Disparities
The contributors to this latest volume of Research in the Sociology of Health Care investigate race, ethnicity and gender as factors in health and health care disparities. Looking specifically at the factors that impact race and ethnicity in a US context, gender issues, hospitals and health care spending, and research from India. Chapters focus on linkages to health disparities among races, health experiences for incarcerated women and issues of hospital and health care spending.
Emerald Publishing Limited Health and Health Care Inequities, Infectious Diseases and Social Factors
This next volume in Research in the Sociology of Health Care covers a variety of important social factors and their relationship to health and health care inequities both in the United States and the rest of the world. The authors of this volume explore issues related to infectious diseases and various chronic health problems. One section focuses on Covid 19 and issues of kidney disease, face masks and social values, pandemic experiences in rural parts of the United States, and in urban India. Other topics that are discussed focus on issues outside the United States such as in Nepal, Ecuador, and broader cross-national comparisons. Several papers focus on health care system issues within the United States including micro hospitals in Texas, evidence-based medicine, and trends in health disparities in the Latina population in the United States. Written from a sociological and broader social science approach, the papers provide important information both about broad trends in the US and other countries and some specific considerations of issues from a social perspective as linked to Covid 19.
Emerald Publishing Limited Education, Social Factors And Health Beliefs In Health And Health Care
This volume provides a unique sociological focus on education, social factors and health beliefs in health and health care, including a review of the literature to date. Beliefs and health beliefs are considered, including one study evaluating cross-national differences in public beliefs about the causes of health and the role of these beliefs in shaping attitudes to health policy. Another study focuses on the complexity and variation of health care system distrust across neighborhoods in one US city. The topic of education is addressed, including a focus on the importance of identification and intervention in low health literacy. Mental health issues are considered in the context of help-seeking, connections, transitions and utilization of care among adolescents. Social factors are reflected upon including race and ethnicity, literacy and socioeconomic status. Coverage also includes special and traditionally less visible populations, including the health of prisoners and carers of people with autism.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technology, Communication, Disparities and Government Options in Health and Health Care Services
This volume includes papers related to issues of technology, communication, health disparities and government options in health and health care services. It fills an existing gap by providing a clear sociological overview and focus on these topics. Technology is considered from the perspectives of providing healthcare equity, health disparities and the impact on doctor-patient relationships. The topic of communication is addressed in the format of public health messages and the use of internet chat rooms for discussions about health care services. Government roles and responsibilities are reflected upon in terms of health promotion, marketing and sales of health-related products and improving long-term care programs. Particular mention is made to learning lessons from the experiences and perspectives of other countries. Finally, health disparities are considered in socioeconomic terms, with particular reference to aging, depression, measures of health and healthcare in rural locations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Determinants, Health Disparities and Linkages to Health and Health Care
This volume looks at the key links between social determinants, health disparities and health and health care. There is a particular focus on macro-level systems and micro-level issues, including the examination of issues for patients, carers and providers of care. Coverage includes papers on geographical and place factors and disparities, SES and race/ethnicity factors, chronic care and serious health problems such as HIV/AIDs and kidney transplantation, comparative aspects and perceptions of health disparities. Starting with an introduction that reviews the crucial sociological literature on social determinants and health disparities, papers in this volume go on to cover key themes including ageing, barriers to care, ethnicity, social inequalities, the views of parents on their children's care, and doctor/patient relationships.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender Perspectives on Health and Medicine: Key Themes
This volume is about gender, health and medicine broadly defined. From the essays in it, it is abundantly clear that medicine is a gendered and class-structured institution. Taken as a whole the volume offers a critique of exclusively biomedical approaches to personal and public health and calls for more sociological input, qualitative research and an intersectional approach to help us understand various aspects of health and illness. Among the recurrent themes in the seven essays are the medicalization of personal and social problems, the commodification of healthcare, and questions of agency, responsibility and control on the parts of recipients and dispensers of healthcare. Six of the seven essays deal with Western medicine exclusively, the seventh examines a situation where women have a choice between Western and traditional treatment. Timely topics such as somatic distress among women with breast cancer, drug company funding of research on women's sexual problems, and racial and ethnic health disparities are represented. A companion volume will focus on conventional and unconventional approaches to managing pregnancy and childbirth. The intended audience is the social science community, especially those who are interested in the social scientific study of medicine or of gender including those who may not be familiar with the areas in which the two overlap.