Search results for ""Author Jeffrey Haynes""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Development Studies
‘Development’ first emerged as a subject area in the second half of the twentieth century. After World War II, scholars and practitioners sought to study the causes of poverty and so-called ‘underdevelopment’ in a more systematic and sustained way. These days, the substance of development studies – especially in relation to the developing world – focuses mainly on poverty reduction and improving ‘human development'. It is a dynamic field whose importance cannot be understated as the gap between rich and poor grows seemingly ever wider. In this short overview of the field, Jeffrey Haynes adopts a chronological and conceptual approach to introduce students to the central themes and theoretical perspectives in the study of development. In particular, he examines the emergence and consolidation of development theory and explores the internal and external factors which influence development in poorer regions of the world. Haynes also looks at key issues which impact upon the success of development including globalisation, conflict, the environment, gender and human rights. This book will appeal not only to students of development studies, but also to those interested in the politics, economics and sociology of the developing world.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Democracy in the Developing World: Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East
Until the late 1980s, there were very few democratically elected governments in the developing world. These areas were characterized by a range of authoritarian regimes from military administrations to one-party dictatorships. Over the past decade, however, the situation has altered significantly and an increasing number of developing countries have made the transition to democracy. For some, this process of building and consolidating democracy has been relatively easy, while for others, it has proved more complex and harder to sustain. In this important new textbook, Jeff Haynes seeks to explain why these differences occur. Adopting a broadly comparative approach, he begins by examining the theories and practice of democratic transition and consolidation in the new democracies of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Haynes argues persuasively that a country's ability to consolidate democracy depends not only on the interaction of structural and agency factors, but also on a variety of specific domestic and international concerns which may help or hinder democratic progress. Using a wide range of case studies to illustrate his argument, Haynes provides an accessible and comprehensive analysis of the processes and problems of democratic consolidation in developing nations. This is an important textbook that will be invaluable to students in a variety of areas from politics and comparative politics to development studies and history.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Democracy in the Developing World: Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East
Until the late 1980s, there were very few democratically elected governments in the developing world. These areas were characterized by a range of authoritarian regimes from military administrations to one-party dictatorships. Over the past decade, however, the situation has altered significantly and an increasing number of developing countries have made the transition to democracy. For some, this process of building and consolidating democracy has been relatively easy, while for others, it has proved more complex and harder to sustain. In this important new textbook, Jeff Haynes seeks to explain why these differences occur. Adopting a broadly comparative approach, he begins by examining the theories and practice of democratic transition and consolidation in the new democracies of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Haynes argues persuasively that a country's ability to consolidate democracy depends not only on the interaction of structural and agency factors, but also on a variety of specific domestic and international concerns which may help or hinder democratic progress. Using a wide range of case studies to illustrate his argument, Haynes provides an accessible and comprehensive analysis of the processes and problems of democratic consolidation in developing nations. This is an important textbook that will be invaluable to students in a variety of areas from politics and comparative politics to development studies and history.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Democracy and Civil Society in the Third World: Politics and New Political Movements
This book provides an accessible account of popular political, social and economic movements in the Third World. Focusing on poor and marginalized groups within developing countries, it shows how these groups have been stimulated into action by recent demands for political and economic change. Haynes describes the growing interest in democratic change in the Third World during the 1980s and 1990s, and argues that demands for democracy, human rights and economic change were a widespread catalyst for the emergence of hundreds of thousands of popular movements in Latin America, Africa and Asia. Sometimes these took the form of demands for more political representation and greater economic development; others were concerned with environmental protection, the broad position of women and the establishment of Islamic states and societies. Haynes argues that these emerging popular organizations are best regarded as building blocks of civil society that, in time, will enhance the democratic nature of many political environments in the Third World. The book will be welcomed by students and researchers in development studies, politics and sociology.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Comparative Politics in a Globalizing World
This book offers an accessible and broadly conceived examination of the impact of globalization on comparative politics. Written in a lucid and lively style, it assumes no prior knowledge of either globalization or comparative politics, and is the ideal textbook for students who want to know more about these crucial topics. The world has changed substantially since the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. There is much debate – but little agreement – about what precisely has happened, and how it affects what goes on politically and economically within countries. At the centre of the debate are the forces and processes of globalization and how they impact on domestic outcomes in various kinds of countries. Comparative Politics in a Globalizing World poses and answers two key questions: · How do various aspects of globalization affect outcomes within countries? · What are the implications of globalization for our understanding of comparative politics? By focusing on three kinds of countries – established democracies, transitional democracies, and non-democracies – Haynes explores how domestic outcomes are affected by contemporary globalization. Throughout the book, key topics are explained, including regionalization, economic globalization, the natural environment, political culture, regime change and democratization, political violence and terrorism, religion, human rights, and women and political participation. These themes are developed within a consistently comparative perspective. This volume will be of immense value to all those interested in one of the great debates of our time. It will be essential reading for students of comparative politics, international relations, and globalization.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Comparative Politics in a Globalizing World
This book offers an accessible and broadly conceived examination of the impact of globalization on comparative politics. Written in a lucid and lively style, it assumes no prior knowledge of either globalization or comparative politics, and is the ideal textbook for students who want to know more about these crucial topics. The world has changed substantially since the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. There is much debate – but little agreement – about what precisely has happened, and how it affects what goes on politically and economically within countries. At the centre of the debate are the forces and processes of globalization and how they impact on domestic outcomes in various kinds of countries. Comparative Politics in a Globalizing World poses and answers two key questions: · How do various aspects of globalization affect outcomes within countries? · What are the implications of globalization for our understanding of comparative politics? By focusing on three kinds of countries – established democracies, transitional democracies, and non-democracies – Haynes explores how domestic outcomes are affected by contemporary globalization. Throughout the book, key topics are explained, including regionalization, economic globalization, the natural environment, political culture, regime change and democratization, political violence and terrorism, religion, human rights, and women and political participation. These themes are developed within a consistently comparative perspective. This volume will be of immense value to all those interested in one of the great debates of our time. It will be essential reading for students of comparative politics, international relations, and globalization.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Religion and International Relations
This comprehensive Handbook examines relationships between religion and international relations, mainly focusing on several world religions - Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judaism. Providing a timely update on this understudied topic, it evaluates how this complex relationship has evolved over the last four decades, looking at a variety of political contexts, regions and countries.Original chapters analyse how varying religions shape people’s attitudes towards the organisation and operations of political systems worldwide. As well as investigating core issues and topics such as religion, foreign policy, terrorism and international security, the Handbook also provides clarity on topical and controversial issues such as Islamist extremism, Hindu nationalism and Christian civilisationism. Top international contributors offer further analysis via important case studies of religion and international relations across the globe.Providing crucial information, this Handbook will be an excellent resource for higher-level students and researchers of religious studies, international relations and politics, as well as policy makers and professionals from a variety of backgrounds and orientations.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Development Studies
‘Development’ first emerged as a subject area in the second half of the twentieth century. After World War II, scholars and practitioners sought to study the causes of poverty and so-called ‘underdevelopment’ in a more systematic and sustained way. These days, the substance of development studies – especially in relation to the developing world – focuses mainly on poverty reduction and improving ‘human development'. It is a dynamic field whose importance cannot be understated as the gap between rich and poor grows seemingly ever wider. In this short overview of the field, Jeffrey Haynes adopts a chronological and conceptual approach to introduce students to the central themes and theoretical perspectives in the study of development. In particular, he examines the emergence and consolidation of development theory and explores the internal and external factors which influence development in poorer regions of the world. Haynes also looks at key issues which impact upon the success of development including globalisation, conflict, the environment, gender and human rights. This book will appeal not only to students of development studies, but also to those interested in the politics, economics and sociology of the developing world.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Politics in the Developing World: A Concise Introduction
Purposefully written for those coming to politics for the first time, this textbook provides an exploration and analysis of the most important political issues affecting the Developing World. Offering a different perspective from standard texts in this field, Politics in the Developing World encourages an understanding of the breadth and nature of a range of pressing - and previously understated - issues: the striving for democracy; the political consequences of economic growth and development; the struggle of religious and ethnic minorities; women's and human rights; the impact of globalization; and the politics of the natural environment. Purposefully written for those coming to politics for the first time, this textbook provides an exploration and analysis of the most important political issues in the Developing World. Offering a different perspective from standard texts in this field, Politics in the Developing World encourages an understanding of the breadth and nature of a range of pressing - and previously understated - issues. This new edition of the text (previously titled Third World Politics: A Concise Introduction) has been completely rewritten, taking into account changes in the Developing World in the last decade. An increased focus on the international relations of the Developing World to complement those chapters concerned with domestic issues and with updated regional analyses and data throughout.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Third World Politics: A Concise Introduction
Purposefully written for those coming to politics for the first time, this textbook provides an exploration and analysis of the most important political issues affecting the developing world. Offering a different perspective from standard texts in this field, Politics in the Developing World encourages an understanding of the breadth and nature of a range of pressing – and previously understated – issues: the striving for democracy; the political consequences of economic growth and development; the struggle of religious and ethnic minorities; human rights, particularly women's rights ; the impact of globalization; and the politics of the natural environment. In doing so, the interaction of domestic and global factors affecting many of the developing world countries is highlighted and a new, qualitatively different set of concerns is identified. Some have resulted from recent international changes following the demise of the Soviet bloc, including the shift to democracy in South Africa, and the ramifications of the late 1990s Southeast Asian financial crisis. To illustrate the importance of these themes and issues, five developing world regions are examined in detail: Latin America and the Caribbean, South Asia, East and Southeast Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa. While based on Haynes's previous publication, Third World Politics: A Concise Introduction (1996), this is a new book, completely rewritten, with updated regional analyses and data throughout. It concentrates on changes in the developing world in the last decade, with an increased focus on its international relations, complementing those chapters concerned with domestic issues. An ideal introduction as well as an invitation to further study, this text is essential reading for introductory students studying a range of courses including development studies, global politics, world politics, developing world politics, comparative politics, and international relations.
Edinburgh University Press Religion, Identity and Power: Turkey and the Balkans in the Twenty-First Century
This book examines Turkey's ethno-religious activism and power-related political strategies in the Balkans between 2002 and 2020, the period under the rule of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), to determine the scopes of its activities in the region.
Sage Publications Ltd World Politics: International Relations and Globalisation in the 21st Century
How can we better resolve issues like climate change or global pandemics? When is resolution of armed conflict achievable? What impact does culture, religion or identity have on world events? Today’s world politics is complex, contested and changing fast. Sovereign states, big data, international institutions, world leaders, large companies, and citizens all have vested interests in the most momentous issues facing us. Whether it’s economic crisis, global health, nuclear deterrence or war, this text is the ideal guide to understanding the most critical issues of today, and the competing ways to interpret them. Extensively revised, the third edition takes you through the key events and changes in world politics from the 1500s, showing how historical events and developments are essential for understanding world politics today. Packed with examples from around the world, the book introduces the reader to different theories, concepts, issues, and actors in world politics.Covering all the essential topics, from international law and political economy to critical theory and security studies, this new edition includes: - 3 brand new chapters on Foreign Policy Analysis, Race and Identity, and Global Health - Fully revised historical chapters for a comprehensive historical perspective - An expanded range of topics, cases, and cutting-edge research to fully reflect the latest empirical and theoretical developments Its unparalleled breadth and clarity make it the perfect introductory text for all undergraduate students of International Relations and Global Politics. Jeffrey Haynes is an emeritus professor of politics at London Metropolitan University. Peter Hough is an Associate Professor in International Politics at Middlesex University, London. Bruce Pilbeam is a Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at London Metropolitan University.