Search results for ""Author Jean-Louis Ska""
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Exegesis of the Pentateuch: Exegetical Studies and Basic Questions
The studies collected in this book represent landmarks in the vast exegetical landscape of the Pentateuch. In the first series of these studies, Jean-Louis Ska examines key texts from different perspectives and draws a map to show the way. These texts are mainly the story of the flood (Gen 6-9), the call of Abraham (Gen 12:1-4), God's covenant with Abraham (Gen 15), the Lord's apparition to Abraham in Mamre (Gen 18), the sacrifice of Isaac (Gen 22), the introduction to the Sinai covenant (Exod 19:3-6), and the meal and the vision on the mountain (Exod 24:9-11). Different methods are used according to the text or the topic treated: literary criticism, redaction criticism, inner-biblical exegesis, and narrative analysis. In the second part, the author grapples with some basic issues in recent debates about exegetical methods: the function of the narrator, the validity of resorting to the category of "redactor", the nature and purpose of the biblical law collections, and the legitimacy of a critical reading of the Old Testament. The Pentateuch is a cantata with many voices, and faithfulness to its nature means that the exegete has to use all the instruments at his or her disposal to make this old music be heard once again.
Editorial Verbo Divino Compendio de Antiguo Testamento introduccin temas y lecturas
Con un lenguaje sencillo, un estilo cuidado y diáfano y una intencionalidad claramente didáctica, el profesor Jean-Louis Ska nos presenta lo que podríamos llamar un Compendio de Antiguo Testamento, en el que expone las cuestiones fundamentales teóricas y una serie de aplicaciones prácticas para acceder, sin complicaciones, deshaciendo malentendidos y recurriendo a la investigación más reciente, a los núcleos y textos esenciales del Primer Testamento.Para Jean-Louis Ska, los relatos del Antiguo Testamento -y por extensión todo el Antiguo Testamento-, "no responden nunca todo a nuestras preguntas, sino que nos ofrecen, más bien, algunos puntos de partida para ir en búsqueda de respuestas; no ofrecen productos acabados, pero nos ponen en la mano los instrumentos necesarios para forjar en el laboratorio de la lectura una experiencia de fe siempre nueva". 4
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Hebrew Bible / Old Testament -- The History of Its Interpretation: Part III / 2: The Twentieth Century
The long and complex history of reception and interpretation of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament through the ages, described in the HBOT Project, focuses in this concluding volume III, Part 2 on the multifarious research and the different methods used in the last century. Even this volume is written by Christion and Jewish scholars and takes its wider cultural and philosophical context into consideration. The perspective is worldwide and ecumenical. Its references to modern biblical scholarship, on which it is based, are extensive and updated.The indexes (names, topics, references to biblical sources and a broad body of literature beyond) are the key to the wealth of information provided.Contributors are J. Barton, H.L. Bosman, A.F. Campbell, SJ, D.M. Carr, D.J.A. Clines, W. Dietrich, St.E. Fassberg, D. Føllesdal, A.C. Hagedorn, K.M. Heim, J. Høgenhaven, B. Janowski, D.A. Knight, C. Körting, A. Laato, P. Machinist, M.A.O'Brien, M. Oeming, D. Olson, E. Otto, M. Sæbø, J. Schaper, S. Sekine, J.L. Ska, SJ, M.A. Sweeney, and J. de Waard.