Search results for ""Author Jay Martin""
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Lost Boy
Columbia University Press The Education of John Dewey
Based on original sources, notably the vast collection of unpublished papers in the Center for Dewey Studies, this book tells the full story of the life and times of the eminent American philosopher, pragmatist, education reformer, and man of letters.
Penguin Random House Group Yellow
Columbia University Press Live All You Can: Alexander Joy Cartwright and the Invention of Modern Baseball
Laying waste to the notion that Abner Doubleday established the modern game of baseball, acclaimed biographer Jay Martin makes a bold case for A. J. Cartwright (1820-1892), an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and avid ballplayer whose keen perception and restless spirit codified the rules of the sport and engineered its rapid spread throughout the country. Consulting Cartwright's personal correspondence and papers, Martin shows how this American archetype synthesized a number of elements from popular ballgames into the program, bylaws, and positions we find on the field today. After formalizing his blueprint, Cartwright worked tirelessly to promote baseball nationwide, appealing to both upper- and lower-class spectators and ballplayers and weaving a trail of influence across nineteenth-century America. Addressing the controversy that has roiled for years around the claims for Doubleday and Cartwright, Martin revisits the original arguments behind each camp and throws into sharp relief the competing ambitions of these figures during a time of aggressive westward expansion and unparalleled opportunities for individual reinvention. Martin's story of modern baseball not only offers a fascinating window into a thoroughly American phenomenon but also accesses a rare history of American ideals.
Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd Lessons from the Best Coach: The Importance of Developing a Winning Coaching Culture
With more than 750 wins, Dr. Jay Martin is the winningest men's soccer coach in all NCAA divisions. His excellence over four decades is second to none, and he offers the secret to his success in this book. He suggests that coaches do not make players better; only players make players better. So then, what is the job of the coach? According to Dr. Martin, a coach's job is to create an environment where the players can get better (the coaching) and want to get better (the players' motivation). A good coach creates an environment that is motivating, challenging, and fun! This book is a road map all coaches can use to create an environment that is sustainable over time. In nine lessons, Dr. Martin presents the steps he uses to create a winning team environment. He believes that leaders create the culture, the culture determines acceptable behaviors, and these behaviors are necessary to sustain the winning culture.