Search results for ""Author Javier Mariscal""
Antoni Bosch Editor, S.A. ABCdari il·lustrat
Si el alfabeto es ideolÓgicamente neutro, no lo es un abecedario ilustrado: de entrada la elecciÓn de las palabras ya delata unas afinidades y rechazos, mientras que los dibujos, que tendrÁn que funcionar como una definiciÓn grÁfica de la palabra, afirmarÁn unos aspectos de su campo semÁntico y negarÁn otros. El resultado, una especie de diccionario finamente irÓnico, poÉtico y provocativo, descriptivo y mordaz, no serÁ mÁs que el reflejo de una concepciÓn del mundo. If the alphabet is ideologically neutral, an illustrated alphabet is not: from the outset the choice of words already reveals affinities and rejections, while the drawings, which will have to function as a graphic definition of the word, will affirm some aspects of its semantic field and deny others. The result, a kind of finely ironic, poetic and provocative, descriptive and scathing dictionary, will be nothing more than a reflection of a conception of the world.
Salamandra Graphic Dispararon al pianista / They Shot the Piano Player
SelfMadeHero Chico & Rita
Cuba, 1948. Chico is a young piano player with big dreams. Rita is a beautiful singer with an extraordinary voice. Music and romantic desire unite them, but their journey brings heartache and torment. From Havana to New York, Paris, Hollywood and Las Vegas, two passionate individuals battle impossible odds to unite in music and love.