Search results for ""Author Jane Aaron""
University of Wales Press Cranogwen
Yn oes Fictoria, ystyriwyd menywod yn anaddas ac anabl ar gyfer pob arweinyddiaeth gyhoeddus a deallusol. Ond llwyddodd Cranogwen, sef Sarah Jane Rees (1839–1916) o Langrannog, i ennill parch ac enwogrwydd fel bardd, darlithydd, golygydd, pregethwraig, dirwestwraig – ac ysbrydolwraig to newydd o awduresau a merched cyhoeddus. Mae’r gyfrol hon yn dilyn ei thrywydd er mwyn deall pam a sut y cododd Cranogwen, benyw ddibriod o gefndir gwerinol, i’r fath fri a dylanwad ymhlith Cymry ei hoes. Teflir goleuni newydd hefyd ar ei bywyd carwriaethol cyfunrywiol, a’i syniadau arloesol ynghylch rhywedd. Cyhoeddwyd cyfrolau bywgraffiadol ar Cranogwen ym 1932 a 1981, ond oddi ar hynny mae twf y mudiad ffeminyddol wedi ysgogi llawer astudiaeth (ar awduron benywaidd a lesbiaid y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg, er enghraifft, ac ar wragedd mewn cymunedau morwrol) sy’n berthnasol iawn i’w hanes. Yng ngoleuni’r holl ddeunydd ychwanegol hyn, ceir yn y gyfrol hon ddarlun newydd o’i bywyd a’i dylanwad.
Pearson Education Limited Little, Brown Handbook, The, Global Edition
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyWritingLabTM does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyWritingLab, search for ISBN-10: 0134072928/ ISBN-13: 9780134072920. That package includes ISBN-10: 0321988272 / ISBN-13: 9780321988270 and ISBN-10: 0133954706 / ISBN-13: 9780133954708. MyWritingLab is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor. For courses in English Composition. The gold standard of handbooks – unmatched in accuracy, currency, and reliability The Little, Brown Handbook is an essential reference tool and classroom resource designed to help students find the answers they need quickly and easily. While keeping pace with rapid changes in writing and its teaching, it offers the most comprehensive research and documentation available–with grammar coverage that is second to none. With detailed discussions of critical reading, media literacy, academic writing, and argument, as well as writing as a process, writing in the disciplines, and writing beyond the classroom, this handbook addresses writers of varying experience and in varying fields. Also available with MyWritingLabTM This title is also available with MyWritingLab—an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.
University of Wales Press Postcolonial Wales
A collection of essays that uses questions, hypotheses and concepts drawn from postcolonial theory to understand the culture and politics of post-devolution Wales. Beginning with discussions of how Wales as a nation has been understood historiographically, as well as historically, the book focuses in the next section on society and politics in post-devolution Wales. The final section of the volume considers Welsh cultural difference in terms of literature, the mass media, music, drama and the visual arts. Flexible in approach and diverse in their approaches, each contribution aims to stimulate ideas and suggest new ways of thinking about contemporary Wales.
University of Wales Press Welsh Gothic
Welsh Gothic, the first study of its kind, introduces readers to the array of Welsh Gothic literature published from 1780 to the present day. Informed by postcolonial and psychoanalytic theory, it argues that many of the fears encoded in Welsh Gothic writing are specific to the history of Welsh people, telling us much about the changing ways in which Welsh people have historically seen themselves and been perceived by others. The first part of the book explores Welsh Gothic writing from its beginnings in the last decades of the eighteenth century to 1997. The second part focuses on figures specific to the Welsh Gothic genre who enter literature from folk lore and local superstition, such as the sin-eater, cŵn Annwn (hellhounds), dark druids and Welsh witches. Contents Prologue: ‘A Long Terror’ PART I: HAUNTED BY HISTORY 1. Cambria Gothica (1780s–1820s) 2. An Underworld of One’s Own (1830s–1900s). 3. Haunted Communities (1900s–1940s). 4. Land of the Living Dead (1940s–1997). PART II: ‘THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE CELTIC TWILIGHT’ 5. Witches, Druids and the Hounds of Annwn. 6. The Sin-eater Epilogue: Post-devolution Gothic Notes Select Bibliography Index
University of Wales Press Pur fel y Dur: Y Gymraes yn Llên Menywod y Bedwaredd Ganrif ar Bymtheg
A study of the images of the Welsh female as seen in nineteenth century Welsh literature.
University of Wales Press Gendering Border Studies
The study of borders has recently undergone significant transitions, reflecting changes in the functions of boundaries themselves, as the world political map has experienced transformations. Gender (defined as the knowledge about perceived distinctions between the sexes) is an important signifier of borders as constructed and contested lines of differences. In the interplay with other categories of difference like class, race, ethnicity, and religion, it plays a major role in giving meaning to different forms of borders. It is not surprising, then, that an increasing number of studies in the last years have aimed for a gendering of border studies. This book explores this new interdisciplinary field and develops it further. The main questions it asks are: How do we define 'borders', 'frontiers' and 'boundaries' in different disciplinary approaches of gendered border studies? What were and are the main fields of gendered border studies in different fields? What might be important questions for future research? And how useful is an inter- or transdisciplinary approach for gendered border studies? Sixteen established scholars from various disciplines contribute chapters in which they set out how the issue of gender and borders has been approached in their discipline and describe what they expect from future research.
Pearson Education Limited Little, Brown Handbook, The, Global Edition
For courses in English Composition. The platinum standard of handbooks – unmatched in accuracy, currency, and reliability The Little, Brown Handbook is an essential reference tool designed to help readers find the answers they need quickly and easily. While keeping pace with rapid changes in writing and its teaching, this meticulous handbook combines comprehensive research and documentation with grammar coverage that is second to none. Incorporating detailed discussions of critical reading, media literacy, academic writing, argument, and much more, The Little, Brown Handbook is an accurate, reliable, and accessible resource for writers of varying experience levels and in a variety of fields. The 14th Edition includes over 90 new student samples, new learning objectives, updates to MLA and Chicago style, a new chapter on writing about literature, and more. The Little, Brown Handbook is also available via RevelTM, an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience. Learn more about Revel.
University of Wales Press Our Sisters' Land: Changing Identity of Women in Wales
Women's lives in Wales are changing dramatically. They are becoming increasingly important to the world of paid work, while retaining their roles and responsibilities in the home. The pattern of family life has shifted, to the much vaunted growth of single parents, and the increase of elderly women living alone. Many women are increasingly active in public life, but meet barriers to their success, whether the arena be returning to study as mature students, the church, business, the arts or literature: they are expected to fit into a male world. Women's lives are very diverse, and their changing identity as they manage the balance between private and public lives has been as yet realtively uncharted. This text brings together a collection of interdisciplinary research papers on the changing identity of women in Wales. Research findings are complemented by cameo "voices" - personal accounts by a variety of individual women living and working in Wales. The volume is illustrated with photographs especially commissioned from the photographer Mary Giles.