Search results for ""Author James P. Allen""
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures The Egyptian Coffin Texts: Volume 8: Middle Kingdom Copies of Pyramid Texts
With the appearance of this volume, the Oriental Institute marks the true completion of the Egyptian Coffin Texts Project , an international cooperative program begun by James Henry Breasted and Alan H. Gardiner in 1922 and edited by Adriaan de Buck from 1935 until his death in 1959. When published in 1961, Volume 7, de Buck's final volume, was announced as "the last volume of the autographed Coffin Texts in the contemplated Project" (p. vii), although the Oriental Institute had never produced the autographed edition of Pyramid Texts within the Coffin Text corpus that had been explicitly promised in the introduction to Volume 1. Assumed to comprise a "distinct" and "foreign body" within the Coffin Texts, these long-lived spells were "reserved for later" (p. xi). After a lapse of forty years, a formally renewed Coffin Texts Project was authorised by the Director of the Oriental Institute in 2001, with the goal of completing the Oriental Institute's outstanding commitments. The translation volume once envisioned and entrusted to Tjalling Bruinsma had been rendered unnecessary by the publications of Robert O. Faulkner in 1969 ( Pyramid Texts ) and 1973-1978 ( Coffin Texts ), which serve to engage scholars and laymen alike. Glossaries, bibliographies, symposia, and detailed textual studies appeared, but the critical edition of Middle Kingdom Pyramid Texts remained unaccomplished. By careful examination of the Oriental Institute's original collation sheets and unpublished sources from Lisht, James P. Allen, after years of concentrated study, has now fulfilled the task admirably. It is hoped that the new edition stimulates discussion not only of the longevity of the Pyramid Texts, but of the nature of the Coffin Texts themselves. While Breasted insisted that the Pyramid Texts were "sharply distinguished" from the Coffin Texts, the frequent appearance of "Pyramid Texts" on coffins (among the narrowly defined "Coffin Texts") leaves this opinion open to question. Ironically, the one coffin acquired in Chicago by Breasted for study by the Coffin Texts Project (OIM 12072) contained only "Pyramid Texts" and was therefore excluded from the initial seven volumes. Now at last these Middle Kingdom texts on a coffin can be examined among the "Coffin Texts" (Robert K. Ritner, Director, The Egyptian Coffin Texts Project, 2001-05).
Pennsylvania State University Press A Grammar of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, Vol. I: Unis
A Grammar of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts is designed as a six-volume study of the earliest comprehensive corpus of ancient Egyptian texts, inscribed in the pyramids of five pharaohs of the Old Kingdom (ca. 2325–2150 BC) and several of their queens. The first volume, devoted to the earliest corpus, that of Unis, is based on a database that allows for detailed analysis of the orthography of the texts and every aspect of their grammar; it includes a complete hieroglyphic lexicon of the texts and a consecutive transcription and translation on facing pages. The grammatical analysis incorporates both the most recent advances in the understanding of Egyptian grammar and a few new interpretations published here for the first time.
Metropolitan Museum of Art Inscriptions from Lisht: Texts from Burial Chambers
This volume incorporates all of the inscribed material associated with more than one hundred burial chambers and graves found at Lisht North and Lisht South, two sites excavated by the Egyptian Expedition of The Metropolitan Museum of Art from 1907 until 1934 and from 1984 to 1991. The inscribed objects found in or close to the burial chambers of Middle Kingdom officials and others provide an important addition to our appreciation of ancient Egyptian funerary culture. These include the coffins and sarcophagi as well as canopic chests and jars, mummy masks, ivory wands, miniature coffins, and shawabtis. Two kings, members of the royal family and many elite persons, as well as a community of middle-class people, found their resting place in and around the royal pyramids at Lisht, which served as the principal cemetery for Egypt's capital during the Middle Kingdom (ca. 2030-1650 B.C.). The material published here represents a sequence of seven chronological phases at Lisht that range from the reigns of the kings Amenemhat I and Senwosret I through the late Dynasty XIII and the Second Intermediate Period. The inscribed texts presented here are transliterated and translated, and are accompanied by extensive drawings that meticulously detail these texts, as well as annotations to some previously published material. The lavishly illustrated volume includes heretofore unpublished photographs from the Department of Egyptian Art's archives. Each object has been assigned a code referring to the primary individual associated with it, and its description includes transliterations of the deceased's name(s) and title(s). Because the location of an inscription on a coffin or sarcophagus is usually significant and because some of these include multiple texts, the author has designed a system of references that reflects the location on the object. Further, the catalogue of objects draws on Museum archives and also provides information concerning the findspot and current location of the object as well as relevant archival material and bibliography.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Biophysical Chemistry
"Biophysical Chemistry is an outstanding book that delivers both fundamental and complex biophysical principles, along with an excellent overview of the current biophysical research areas, in a manner that makes it accessible for mathematically and non-mathematically inclined readers."Journal of Chemical Biology, February 2009 This text presents physical chemistry through the use of biological and biochemical topics, examples and applications to biochemistry. It lays out the necessary calculus in a step by step fashion for students who are less mathematically inclined, leading them through fundamental concepts, such as a quantum mechanical description of the hydrogen atom rather than simply stating outcomes. Techniques are presented with an emphasis on learning by analyzing real data. Presents physical chemistry through the use of biological and biochemical topics, examples and applications to biochemistry Lays out the necessary calculus in a step by step fashion for students who are less mathematically inclined Presents techniques with an emphasis on learning by analyzing real data Features qualitative and quantitative problems at the end of each chapter All art available for download online and on CD-ROM
Egyptological Seminar of New York Studies in Memory of James F. Romano: Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar of New York, Volume 17 (2008)
James F. Romano, curator of Egyptian art at the Brooklyn Museum of Art, was a leading figure in the study of ancient Egyptian art. This volume honors his memory with major studies in Egyptian art, religion, and archaeology by sixteen of his friends and colleagues, as well as a remembrance and bibliography. Studies in Memory of James F. Romano is volume 17 of the Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar of New York (BES), an organization that Romano helped found and direct.
Pennsylvania State University Press Coptic: A Grammar of Its Six Major Dialects
Coptic is the final stage of the ancient Egyptian language, written in an alphabet derived primarily from Greek instead of hieroglyphs. It borrows some vocabulary from ancient Greek, and it was used primarily for writing Christian scriptures and treatises. There is no uniform Coptic language, but rather six major dialects.Unlike previous grammars that focus on just two of the Coptic dialects, this volume, written by senior Egyptologist James P. Allen, describes the grammar of the language in each of the six major dialects. It also includes exercises with an answer key, a chrestomathy, and an accompanying dictionary, making it suitable for teaching or self-guided learning as well as general reference.
Egyptological Seminar of New York Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar: Volume 18 (2009)
Most of this issue of BES is devoted to "Abbreviations in Egyptology," a comprehensive research tool that provides scholars with more than 5200 abbreviations used in Egyptological and Biblical literature. It is of particular use to those without ready access to the Lexikon der Ägyptologie. Also included are articles by Dieter Arnold discussing an exciting new discovery about the construction of Senwosret III's pyramid at Dahshur and John Gee about the use of the adverbial component in Egyptian sentences.
Lockwood Press Coping with Obscurity: The Brown Workshop on Earlier Egyptian Grammar
Coping with Obscurity publishes the papers discussed at the Brown University Workshop on Earlier Egyptian grammar in March, 2013. The workshop united ten scholars of differing viewpoints dealing with the central question of how to judge and interpret the grammatical value of the written evidence preserved in texts of the Old and Middle Kingdoms (ca. 2350-1650 BC). The nine papers in the volume present orthographic, lexical, morphological and syntactic approaches to the data and represent a significant step toward a new, pluralistic understanding of Earlier Egyptian grammar.