Search results for ""Author JIM DEEDS""
Messenger Publications Discover God Daily: Seven Life-Changing Moments from the Journey of St Ignatius
One of the traps in the spiritual life is assuming that things will happen miraculously in one dramatic, unrepeatable moment. The authors illustrate the “slow work of God” (Teilhard de Chardin), an unfolding of God’s plan for our lives over time, as a much more helpful and humanising way to look at faith. Using details from the life of St Ignatius Loyola. The 7 stages of Ignatius’ life that reflect this slow process of growth in the Spirit are: Lack of awareness and superficial religion (being ‘asleep’: his life as a courtier & soldier); Waking up (his dreams shattered at Pamplona, the painful convalescing at Loyola); Extremes (initial over-enthusiasm of being a pilgrim on the road to Manresa); Eyes Opened (deepening in faith at Montserrat, Manresa & the Cave); Gaining wisdom (beginning again, studying in Barcelona); Gathering a group (spiritual conversations about what to do, deliberations in Venice & Rome) and Embracing leadership (going against his pilgrim instincts to head up the Society in Rome) The Ignatian spirituality points from each are drawn out and explained in imagined conversations with God, reflections, scripture pieces and real-life applications. The authors have established a very popular style of conveying the essentials of Ignatian spirituality and readers will find the book both accessible and enjoyable.
Messenger Publications Finding God in the Mess: Meditations for Mindful Living
Modern lives can be very busy, saturated by technology and media, but there isn't always time for happiness. As this book proves, it is the time out, the ability to look back and understand life events that brings about deeper, more satisfying living. Life is difficult but not impossible, and can be rich and fulfilling. Difficult situations of conflict, stress and worry arise, as do pleasant situations, but there are ways through the challenges. It is essential to believe that there is something positive in everything, that God is in it somewhere, and that we can get through with help. The spirituality of St Ignatius teaches us that God holds us close, loves us and desires the best for us. It is a solid foundation that we can build our lives on, it is an anchor in the storms of life, and it brings me though even the darkest hours. These mediations can be used by readers as a daily prayer source, for morning, daytime or evening prayer. They are also ideal for parish groups who might read a reflection and then come together for discussion. The book's accessibility makes it an excellent step on the spiritual path for someone seeking or returning to acknowledge God in their lives. In this way it would make a perfect gift for someone inviting another to consider "God in all things".
Messenger Publications Deeper into the Mess: Praying Through Tough Times
This is the eagerly awaited follow up to the best selling, Finding God in the Mess. In this new collection the authors address tough issues such as fear, anxiety, suicide, anger etc. They have received much feedback from workshops based on the first book, and these are some of the topics on which people have asked for help. As well as offering a meditation or a way of praying, in the book the authors suggest scripture and a simple ritual. Once again the book is based on Jim and Brendan's own unique combination of practical prayer and Ignatian spirituality. Like the previous volume, this book is illustrated with their beautiful photographs. This is sure to fly off the shelves.