Search results for ""Author J. Andrew Kirk""
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd What is Mission?: Theological Explorations
How should today's Church shape its response to the Gospel? How can we set about 'making disciples of all nations' in our post-Christian, multi-faith world? What does 'mission' mean in our times? Here, at last, is a book which addresses these issues - and many more - with honesty and openness. It strips 'mission' of its old associations with colonialism and militarism. It looks anew at the underlying theology, reminding us that our task is God's mission, not a human construct. It explores key aspects of contemporary mission, from the familiar - such as the relation of mission to evangelism, and to people of others faiths - to the unusual and thought-provoking - such as mission and the environment, justice for the poor, and the overcoming of violence. J. Andrew Kirk, who has written and lectured widely on the subject of mission, also reflects on the importance of partnership and community - of mission as a shared enterprise. He brings the fruits of his own broad experience, along with current academic thinking in missiology, and presents this afresh for a wide readership. Brief exercises at the end of each chapter draw the reader personally into the issues covered. Students of mission and Christians who wish to engage with today's world, to integrate faith and life, will find here an inclusive, comprehensive and lucid presentation of all relevant discussions.