Search results for ""Author Isuna Hasekura""
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 7 (light novel)
In a break from Lawrence and Holo's ongoing adventures, author Isuna Hasekura presents 'Side Colors,' a series of short vignettes focusing on the fans' favorite characters.
Panini Verlags GmbH Spice Wolf 12
Panini Verlags GmbH Spice Wolf 08
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 23 (light novel)
Holo and Lawrence earn themselves another spot in the history books after theysave Saronia from being swallowed in debt. In return for their help, the two receive anenviable reward—a noble title. While Lawrence is beyond delighted, Holo and Elsa arewary of the generous gift. Perhaps their fears are warranted, because it seems the titlecomes with a shady plot of land tied to the legend of a giant serpent! Between more stories of summer adventure and moments of parting with friends newand old, Holo and Lawrence have at least a few more journeys in them.
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 2 (light novel)
Following his good fortune in Pazzio, Lawrence is confident that he is on the path to realizing his dream of becoming a town merchant. One ill-informed business decision, though, leaves him teetering on the brink of bankruptcy and ruin! With no assets to his name - other than the cunning of his fetching traveling companion, Holo the Wisewolf - Lawrence may need to resort to illicit means to put his affairs in order. With all of the merchant's plans hinging on one beautiful young shepherdess - for whose vocation Holo holds no affection - Lawrence's prospects, both personal and professional, are looking grim!
Little, Brown & Company Wolf & Parchment: New Theory Spice & Wolf, Vol. 1 (light novel)
The young man Cole dreams of one day joining the holy clergy and departs on a journey from the bathhouse 'The Spice and Wolf Inn,' owned by his savior, Lawrence. The Winfiel Kingdom's prince has invited him to help correct the sins of the church. But as his travels begin, Cole discovers in his luggage a young girl with a wolf's ears and tail named Myuri who stowed away for the ride!In the past, Cole had accompanied the Wise Wolf Holo and the traveling merchant Lawrence on their own wanderings, eventually growing up alongside their daughter, Myuri as siblings. But as Cole prepared to set off, Myuri opposed his departure and so she secretly ran away from home to join him!This is the story of Wolf and Parchment, and the pair's travels that will someday change the world!
Panini Verlags GmbH Spice Wolf Die Abenteuer von Col und Miyuri Bd 1
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 1 (light novel)
The life of a traveling merchant is a lonely one, a fact with which Kraft Lawrence is well acquainted. Wandering from town to town with just his horse, cart, and whatever wares have come his way, the peddler has pretty well settled into his routine-that is, until the night Lawrence finds a wolf goddess asleep in his cart. Taking the form of a fetching girl with wolf ears and a tail, Holo has wearied of tending to harvests in the countryside and strikes up a bargain with the merchant to lend him the cunning of 'Holo the Wisewolf' to increase his profits in exchange for taking her along on his travels. What kind of businessman could turn down such an offer? Lawrence soon learns, though, that having an ancient goddess as a traveling companion can be a bit of a mixed blessing. Will this wolf girl turn out to be too wild to tame?
Little, Brown & Company Wolf & Parchment: New Theory Spice & Wolf, Vol. 2 (light novel): New Theory Spice & Wold
The follow-up story to one of Yen Press's best-selling novel series! This time parchment meets wolf! The young man Col and the daughter of the Wisewolf, Myuri, survived the scripture riots in the port town of Atiph. Col spends intense days being pined for after Myuri tells him about her love. Meanwhile, Heir Hyland commissions them for another next job. In the coming war with the Church's forces, control over the strait between the Kingdom of Winfiel and the mainland will play a crucial role. While Myuri is excited for a new adventure, Col cannot hide his unease after hearing about potential heresy among certain pirates for their faith in the 'Black-Mother'!
Yen Press Spice and Wolf Vol 3 light novel
Merchant meets spicy wolf! A disgruntled goddess joins a travelling merchant.
Panini Verlags GmbH Spice Wolf 11
Little, Brown & Company Wolf & Parchment: New Theory Spice & Wolf, Vol. 6 (light novel)
After saving the Knights of St. Cruza from the brink of destruction, the Col and Myuriform their very own knightly order. Although Myuri is thrilled to finally hold a title she'slong obsessed over, she realizes that her position as a knight is making it harder forher to fawn over Col. Before she can rack her brain for a solution, however, a requestcomes in from Hyland for her to investigate Raponel, a region whose prodigious wheatproduction is rumored to be the product of a deal with a devil. Meanwhile, Col getsasked to discover a new continent to resolve the conflict between the Kingdom and theChurch?!
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 19 (light novel)
Blissful days continue for the ex-merchant and the wolf as they pass the days together in their mountain home. Ever since Col and Myuri set off on a journey of their own, the bathhouse has been a little shorthanded so a new hire was brought on. But this newcomer is a wolf, just like Holo and the problems with her joining the staff seem endless...
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 24 (light novel)
Chasing after their daughter who set off on the grand adventure of a lifetime, the wisewolf and her ex-merchant husband have embarked on a little journey of their own. They've saved a town from the pits of endless debt but a new challenge is on the horizon. This time, a primeval forest is in danger and Lawrence may be the only one who can save it from disappearing forever!
Little, Brown & Company Wolf & Parchment: New Theory Spice & Wolf, Vol. 5 (light novel)
After defusing another flashpoint in the ongoing fracas between the Winfiel Kingdom and the Church, Col and Myuri are more than ready to take a breather. Of course, the world has other plans for the infmaous Twilight Cardinal. As the two of them leisurely make their way to a certain monastery, they stumble upon a fallen squire who is up in arms the moment he finds out who they are. With the world's strongest holy order of knights on the brink of dissolution and Col apparently to blame, there's no time to waste!
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 20 (light novel)
After a short summer, lively with guests, the bathhouse Spice & Wolf greets the momentary calm that is autumn.The unusually enthusiastic Holo and an exasperated Lawrence want to have their fill of what the mountain-bound Nyohhira has to offer in autumn.After a walk in the mountains the two return to the bathhouse with a basket-full of goodies, and there is a crowd of people at the entrance."I do not quite know what it might be, but it smells of many beasts."The reason these sudden, out-of-season guests came to bathhouse Spice & Wolf is-!
Little, Brown & Company Wolf & Parchment: New Theory Spice & Wolf, Vol. 4 (light novel)
In Rausbourne, second greatest port city of the Winfield Kingdom, Myuri and Col have run into heavily-armed trouble once again. It seems that Col's reputation and deeds at the Twilight Cardinal have worsened the hostility surrounding the Winfiel Kingdom and the Church. If nothing is done, there is no doubt that hard fighting will break out. Right when it seems like they've run out of options, the one to offer them a chance to turn things around is none other than Lawrence's old acquaintance, Abe the beautiful trader! But will it be enough to stop the drums of war?
Little, Brown & Company Wolf & Parchment: New Theory Spice & Wolf, Vol. 3 (light novel)
The companion of the young man who wishes to become a priest, Col, is the daughter of the wisewolf, Myuri, and she urges him to make her his wife. After leaving the pirate islands, the two get caught up in a storm and arrive the port town of Desarev in the Winfiel Kingdom.In this town, where the Church lies dormant, Col is called "The Twilight Cardinal" and is treated like a savior. He also has to face Myuri's unrequited love, so he forbids her from calling him "Brother," and tries to change their relationship.Before them appears a merchant girl who calls herself Ilenia. She is the embodiment of a sheep, and asks them to help her with some "big plans"...!
Panini Verlags GmbH Spice Wolf 06
Panini Verlags GmbH Spice Wolf 01
Little, Brown & Company Wolf Parchment New Theory Spice Wolf Vol. 9 light novel
Little, Brown & Company Wolf Parchment New Theory Spice Wolf Vol. 8 light novel
After resolving a major source of tension in the Winfiel Kingdom, Col and Myuri have certainly earned their rest. Their respite doesn't last for very long though because a messenger has come looking for the Twilight Cardinal with news about a conference eighty years in the making. Their destination will be the city of learning and books where there seems to be an uproar surrounding...another wolf girl?!
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 4 (light novel)
Continuing their journey north, Lawrence and Holo stop in the village of Tereo in hopes of finding a local abbey where they might uncover more information regarding the fate of Holo's ancient home, Yoitsu. Soon after their arrival, though, the companions are caught up in a local dispute between Tereo and the neighboring town of Enberch that could cost Lawrence and Holo both their fortunes and their lives! With the Wisewolf's help, can Lawrence devise a way to save an entire town from ruin - and his skin and that of his traveling companion in the process?
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 21 (light novel)
Overcome with worry over his runaway daughter, Myuri, Lawrence has set off on a journey with his wife Holo for the first time in over a decade! With the wagon heavily laden with supplies and emotion, they plod away from their home, the Spice and Wolf bathhouse...only to immediately find rumors about "Saint Myuri"?!?
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 22 (light novel)
With the bathhouse in Selim’s care, ex-traveling merchant Lawrence and Holo theWisewolf set off on a journey again. Along the way, at a place called the VallanBishopric, where they were going to exchange coins, there is a familiar face waswaiting there to reunite with them-Elsa.Now a priestess, Elsa says that she came to the bishopric to manage the church’sassets. As collateral for exchanging their money, she asks Lawrence to investigate acursed mountain, where people are said to go in, but never come out. Hidden there isthe secret of the alchemist and the fallen angel-?!
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf Vol. 15 Novel
Merchant meets spicy wolf! A disgruntled goddess joins a traveling merchant in this second novel from Yen Press.
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf Vol 11 Novel
Isuna Hasekura's debut novel, SPICE AND WOLF, earned the Silver Prize in the 2005 Dengeki Novel Prize with the series going on to total seventeen novels and both manga and anime adaptations.
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf Vol. 9 Novel
The adventures of a traveling merchant and his wolf goddess companion continue in the ninth instalment of this historical fantasy novel!
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 10 (light novel)
After the turmoil in Kerube, Lawrence and his companions make for the Kingdom of Winfiel across the sea. Their destination is the great abbey of Brondel, said to hold the wolf bones they seek. Arriving in the kingdom, they hear tell that the abbey, normally prosperous due to its great wool trade, has fallen into a financial crisis. Worse, the most powerful economic force in the world-the Ruvik Alliance-is entering the kingdom with its eye upon the abbey's land holdings...
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf Vol. 5 manga
Facing financial ruin, Lawrence casts about desperately for the funds he needs to survive this latest disaster. When all hope seems lost, though, just how far is the merchant willing to go to protect his livelihood -- and his life?
Little, Brown & Company Spice And Wolf Vol 4 Manga
The manga adaptation of the unique historical fantasy novel, SPICE AND WOLF.
Little, Brown & Company Spice And Wolf Vol 5 Novel
Merchant meets spicy wolf! A disgruntled goddess joins a travelling merchant.
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 13 (manga)
Lawrence and Holo continue to head for the Wise Wolf's homeland of Yoitsu. Even their long, long journey begins to approach its end. On their way, they hear of a mercenary band that carries the name of Holo's old friend, Myuri. As they investigate the group's whereabouts in Lesko, they're astonished by the town's prosperity they find. But what could be the secret hidden beneath the veneer of success...?
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf Vol. 8 manga
A new chapter unfolds in the travels of Lawrence and Holo! The pair arrives at the church in the village of Tereo to glean information about Holo''s homeland of Yoitsu. But Elsa, the deaconess, turns them away flat! What has happened to make her so suspicious? Could it have something to do with the neighboring town of Enberch?
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf Vol. 17 Novel
Merchant meets spicy wolf! A disgruntled goddess joins a traveling merchant in this second novel from Yen Press.
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 16 (manga)
The journey of the wisewolf and the traveling merchant comes to a riveting conclusion! Lawrence and Holo have thrown in their lot with Hilde and those loyal to the original mission of the Debau Company. Will they be able to wrest back control of the territory from the radical contingent?
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 14 (light novel)
Thanks to the silversmith Fran, Lawrence now has a map of the North. But Lawrence's gladness at the thought of finally being able to take Holo back to her home is short-lived, as upon revisiting Lenos he is embroiled in the strife surrounding a forbidden text. It is said that this mysterious book contains details of methods that threaten the land of Yoitsu itself. But in trying to get his hands on the book, Lawrence, who must return to the marketplace, finds himself running out of time to head for Yoitsu with Holo...Pressed into making a decision he may ultimately come to regret, which option will Lawrence choose?!
Little, Brown & Company Wolf & Parchment, Vol. 2 (manga)
The first step of their grand adventure is over! After the earnest clergy-hopeful, Col,and his cheeky companion, Myuri, reach the port city of Atiph, they join up with theDebau Company. But as Col delves into his secret work of translating the scriptures forthe common folk, Myuri worries for her dear brother’s health...And should the Churchfind out about his little project, there may be no saving them...!!
Little, Brown & Company Wolf & Parchment, Vol. 1 (Manga)
When Col leaves the cozy mountain village of Nyohhira aspiring to become a full-fledged member of the clergy, a certain impetuous wolf can't help stowing away aboard his ship to follow him for a chance to have a grand adventure of her own!
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf Vol 13 Novel
The adventures of a traveling merchant and his wolf goddess companion continue in the thirteenth installment of this historical fantasy novel!
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 14 (manga)
Previously, Lawrence and Holo traveled to the town of Svernel in order to meet with the Myuri Mercenary Company and find out more about Holo's past companions and her home. But now Lawrence has gotten completely caught up in the political strife of the Debau Trading Company. It all surrounds the Debau Company's desire to issue a new currency, with which they have apparent plans to unite the surrounding northern region. For their aim, the Debau Company needs to acquire raw ore and materials but this has caused their opponents to increase their own efforts to foil this plan. In the middle of all this, Lawrence is trusted with delivering a forbidden text detailing the necessary mining techniques to the trading company's executive, Hilde Schnau but will it really go so smoothly?!
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf Vol 12 Novel
The adventures of a traveling merchant and his wolf goddess companion continue in the twelth installment of this historical fantasy novel!
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf Vol. 16 Novel
Merchant meets spicy wolf! A disgruntled goddess joins a traveling merchant in this second novel from Yen Press.
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 7 (manga)
A new chapter unfolds in the travels of Lawrence and Holo! The pair arrives at the church in the village of Tereo to glean information about Holo's homeland of Yoitsu. But Elsa, the deaconess, turns them away flat! What has happened to make her so suspicious? Could it have something to do with the neighboring town of Enberch?
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 9 (manga)
(Volume 1)Kraft Lawrence has been walking the lonely path of the itinerant merchant for seven years. His life changes forever when he meets Holo, the Wolf-God of the harvest, and the two begin traveling together. Soon they discover a unique business opportunity, but their plans go awry when a competing organization captures Holo and threatens to turn her over to the oppressive, monotheistic Church.Can Lawrence rescue his companion, and will the pair become more than just friends?
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 15 (manga)
The Debau Company is headed to a point of no return. The radicals within the company have made their move and deposed the conservative faction, all the while steering the northlands closer to the brink of open battle. A certain wolf rushes South as fast as her paws can carry her but can Lawrence hold back the flames of war long enough with the help of the Myuri Mercenary Company for a chance at lasting peace?
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf, Vol. 18 (light novel): Spring Log
The long-awaited continuation of the tale of Holo the Wise Wolf and the merchant Lawrence! Over ten years after Holo and Lawrence open 'Bathhouse Spice and Wolf' in Nyohhira, the two climb up the mountain in order to help at the festival in Sverner. But Lawrence has an additional objective: to find more information about a new hot spring town near Nyohhira...
Little, Brown & Company Spice and Wolf Vol. 10 manga
The struggle for the legendary sea beast is underway, but how will it end? Drawn into the fight over the narwhal in Kerube, Lawrence finds himself in a dangerous position. Despite this, Holo continues to scold him and plead with him--but why?! This manga adaptation of Isuna Hasekura''s acclaimed Spice & Wolf novel series, also available from Yen Press, is an investment that promises the greatest of entertainment returns!