Search results for ""Author Isabel García""
MVG Moderne Vlgs. Ges. Schlagfertig in der Schule Wie du dich besser durchsetzen kannst und Prfungssituationen souvern meisterst
Edra Publishing US LLC Atlas of Radiological Interpretation (2nd edition)
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Wie sage ich eigentlich?
How do I actually say you stink, that I'm moving out, that I want less contact, that I'm spending Christmas somewhere else, that I don't want children, that I'm lonely, that I don't want to take you on vacation, that I'm pregnant that I'm seriously ill, that I'm dying, that the food doesn't taste good, that you need help, that I need help, that I don't like your gift, that I don't love you anymore, that I want something new, that I I'm afraid that I worry, that you're annoying me, that everything is getting to be too much, that I'm breaking up with you, that it's none of your business, that I don't find you attractive, that I want something else, that I want myself have decided differently that I want to spend my life with you? There are countless situations where it is worth thinking carefully about how to address something beforehand. Clarity in the statement and consideration for the feelings of the other person must be carefully weighed. Isabel García gives 30 communication tips with which you can be honest with yourself and treat others with respect - privately and professionally. There is finally an answer to the nagging question "How do I actually say...?": "Say it out loud!" Because only those who are honest with themselves and their needs and respect others lead the life they want. With audio examples.