Search results for ""Author Isaac Asimov""
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Trilogía de la Fundación / The Foundation Trilogy
Alamut Adiós a la Tierra
Batiscafo Trilogía de Fundación
Debolsillo Visiones de robot
Isaac Asimov, creador de la palabra ""robótica"" nos ofrece treinta y seis relatos cortos y ensayos sobre robots.Isaac Asimov, creador de la palabra "robótica" nos ofrece treinta y seis relatos cortos y ensayos sobre robots. Este libro extraordinario resume medio siglo de pensamiento acerca de los robots y de la robótica. Desde el mismo Robbie hasta los relatos de Susan Calvin, la primera robopsicóloga, pasando por Stephen Byerley, el robot humanoide, y el equipo de detectives formado por un hombre y un robot, Lije Baley y Daneel Olivaw.
Debolsillo Asimov I Némesis
Debolsillo Suenos de robot Robot Dreams
Alianza Editorial La formacin de Inglaterra The Shaping od England Historia universal Asimov World History
La serie informalmente titulada ?Historia Universal Asimov? reúne las obras dedicadas por el gran novelista y divulgador científico a la evolución política, cultural y material de la especie humana. ?La formación de Inglaterra? abarca el periodo que va de finales del Neolítico y comienzos de la Edad del Bronce -cuya principal manifestación es Stonehenge-, a la aceptación de la Carta Magna por el rey Juan sin Tierra (1215), comprendiendo, por lo tanto, la hegemonía romana de la isla, su cristianización, el periodo anglosajón -caracterizado por la existencia de los siete reinos- y la unificación bajo los normandos y la dinastía Plantagenet.
Alianza Editorial La tierra de Canaán
La serie informalmente titulada Historia Universal Asimov reúne las obras dedicadas por el gran novelista y divulgador científico a la evolución política, cultural y material de la humanidad. Partiendo desde el periodo anterior a Abraham y hasta su conquista por el imperio romano, ?La tierra de Canaán? estudia la historia de esa estrecha franja de tierra a orillas del mar Mediterráneo que, por su propia situación geográfica, fue secular conglomerado de razas, pueblos y tribus, y en la que acabaron naciendo el alfabeto moderno y la religión que habría de expandirse por el mundo entero.
Alianza Editorial Grandes ideas de la ciencia
El interés por la divulgación de los principios científicos lleva a Isaac Asimov a analizar en ?Grandes ideas de la ciencia? las hipótesis y descubrimientos que destacados personajes llevaron a cabo a lo largo de la historia, y que hicieron posible la evolución de sus respectivos ámbitos de conocimiento: Tales y Pitágoras en las matemáticas, Hipócrates en la medicina, Linneo y Darwin en la biología, Galileo, Russell y Wöhler en la astronomía, Faraday, Rumford y Planck en el dominio de la física, son algunos de los casos que el autor utiliza para realizar un ameno recorrido por la evolución del saber científico.
Alianza Editorial Los egipcios
La serie informalmente titulada Historia Universal Asimov reúne las obras dedicadas por el gran novelista y divulgador científico a la evolución política, cultural y material de la especie humana. ?Los egipcios? describe los orígenes, el apogeo y la paulatina decadencia de una tieraa y un pueblo fascinantes como pocos, destacando los momentos más significativos en su desarrollo, como el periodo faraónico ?el de mayor esplendor y el más enigmático?, la época ptolemaica, la hegemonía romana y la posterior implantación de la musulmana.
Alianza Editorial El nacimiento de los Estados Unidos 17631816 The Birth of the United States 17631816
La serie informalmente titulada Historia Universal Asimov reúne las obras dedicadas por el gran novelista y divulgador científico a la evolución política, cultural y material de la humanidad. "El nacimiento de los estados unidos (1763-1816)", segundo de los cuatro volúmenes dedicados específicamente al norte del continente americano, estudia los caminos que llevaron a la revolución contra la metrópoli europea y al establecimiento de la independencia que hizo posible el alumbramiento de una nación llamada a ser potencia en los siglos siguientes.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Gold: The Final Science Fiction Collection
Alexander Verlag Berlin Shakespeares Welt Was man wissen muss um Shakespeare zu verstehen
Random House USA Inc Foundation and Earth
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Nemesis: A Novel
Transworld Forward The Foundation
Isaac Asimov was one of the world's best known and respected science fiction writers. He died in 1992.
Orion Publishing Co The Bicentennial Man
This classic collection includes the title story, acclaimed as Asimov's single finest Robot tale, and now made into a Hollywood movie starring Robin Williams. Each of the eleven stories here sparkle with characteristic Asimov inventiveness and imagination.
HarperCollins Publishers Foundation (The Foundation Trilogy, Book 1)
WINNER OF THE HUGO AWARD FOR BEST ALL-TIME SERIES The Foundation series is Isaac Asimov’s iconic masterpiece. Unfolding against the backdrop of a crumbling Galactic Empire, the story of Hari Seldon’s two Foundations is a lasting testament to an extraordinary imagination, one that shaped science fiction as we know it today. The Galactic Empire has prospered for twelve thousand years. Nobody suspects that the heart of the thriving Empire is rotten, until psychohistorian Hari Seldon uses his new science to foresee its terrible fate. Exiled to the desolate planet Terminus, Seldon establishes a colony of the greatest minds in the Empire, a Foundation which holds the key to changing the fate of the galaxy. However, the death throes of the Empire breed hostile new enemies, and the young Foundation’s fate will be threatened first.
HarperCollins Publishers The Stars, Like Dust
Mankind has conquered space and moved toward the starry heart of the galaxy. Earth is a planet of no importance, riddled with radioactivity by long-forgotten wars. When assassins target his rooms and news arrives that, many light-years away, his father has been murdered, student Biron Farrill flees for his life. Stunned, grief-stricken, and outraged, Biron is determined to uncover the reasons behind his father's death, and finds himself entangled in a web of deep-space rebellion, espionage, and political intrigue. Asimov’s Galactic Empire novels are among the earliest stories by one of the twentieth century’s greatest visionaries. Filled with ideas and wonders, they are classic adventures from science fiction’s Golden Age.
El robot completo
En El robot completo se recopilan los relatos de robots positrónicos, posiblemente la creación más celebrada de la prodigiosa imaginación de Isaac Asimov, ordenados temáticamente por el propio autor.Desde los primeros modelos no humanoides hasta la paradójica complejidad de los robots que desean ser humanos, pasando por los intrincados recovecos de comportamiento robótico inducido por las Tres Leyes, e incluyendo los famosos relatos de Yo, robot, así como los protagonizados por la sagaz robo-psicóloga Susan Calvin.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Bóvedas de acero / The Naked Sun
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Segunda Fundación / Second Foundation
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Hacia la Fundación / Forward the Foundation
Alianza Editorial El universo de la tierra plana a los quásares
La faceta como divulgador científico de Isaac Asimov se manifiesta con especial brillantez en esta obra, en la que no sólo expone de forma accesible todo el conjunto de certidumbres científicas sobre el Universo, sino que además reconstruye el largo camino que ha recorrido el hombre para alcanzarlas. Las diversas teorías sobre la edad de la tierra y del sistema solar se inscriben en el marco más general de la evolución de las galaxias y remiten, por último, al gran dilema todavía no resuelto: cómo fue el principio del universo y si tendrá un fin, o si, por el contrario, es eterno e infinito.
Random House USA Inc Foundation (Apple Series Tie-in Edition)
Random House USA Inc Foundation and Empire
Heyne Taschenbuch Nemesis
Random House Worlds Forward the Foundation
The second of two prequel novels in Isaac Asimov’s classic science-fiction masterpiece, the Foundation seriesTHE EPIC SAGA THAT INSPIRED THE APPLE TV+ SERIES FOUNDATIONAs Hari Seldon struggles to perfect his revolutionary theory of psychohistory and ensure a place for humanity among the stars, the great Galactic Empire totters on the brink of apocalyptic collapse. Caught in the maelstrom are Seldon and all he holds dear, pawns in the struggle for dominance. Whoever can control Seldon will control psychohistory—and with it the future of the Galaxy.Among those seeking to turn psychohistory into the greatest weapon known to man are a populist political demagogue, the weak-willed Emperor Cleon I, and a ruthless militaristic general. In his last act of service to humankind, Hari Seldon must somehow save his life’s work from their grasp as he searches for its true heirs—a search that begins with his own granddaughter a
Random House USA Inc I, Robot
Random House USA Inc Foundation
HarperCollins Publishers The End of Eternity
The best time-travel story since H.G. Wells’s The Time Machine, by the Grand Master of science fiction, the story of Andrew Harlan, Technician and Eternal. Andrew Harlan’s job is to range through past and present centuries monitoring and even altering Time’s myriad cause-and-effect relationships. As a Technician with the Allwhen Council, he initiates Reality Changes that may affect the lives of as many as fifty billion people – and a million or more of them may be so drastically affected as to be considered new individulas. Above all, therefore, a Technician must be dispassionate. An emotional make-up is a distinct handicap. Then Harlan meets Noÿs and falls victim to a phenomenon older than Time itself – love. Years of self-discipline are cast aside as Harlan uses the awesome techniques of the Eternals to twist Time so that he and Noÿs might survive… together.
HarperCollins Publishers The Complete Robot
Isaac Asimov’s Robot series – from the iconic collection I, Robot to four classic novels – contains some of the most influential works in the history of science fiction. Establishing and testing the Three Laws of Robotics, they continue to shape the understanding and design of artificial intelligence to this day. Could a robot ever show true creativity? Is it wise to trust self-driving cars? Will robotic body parts transform human beings into machines? Will organic technology allow robots to become human? The Complete Robot combines the stories in I, Robot and The Rest of the Robots with many more found only in this collection – including one of Asimov’s masterpieces, the Hugo and Nebula award-winning novella ‘The Bicentennial Man’. Featuring Dr. Susan Calvin, Donovan and Powell, and the detective Elijah Baley, hero of the Robot novels, this is the ultimate collection of short stories from a genius of the genre.
HarperCollins Publishers I, Robot
Voyager Classics – timeless masterworks of science fiction and fantasy. The classic collection of robot stories from the master of the genre. In these stories Isaac Asimov creates the Three Laws of Robotics and ushers in the Robot Age. Earth is ruled by master-machines but the Three Laws of Robotics have been designed to ensure humans maintain the upper hand: 1) A robot may not injure a human being or allow a human being to come to harm2) A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. But what happens when a rogue robot’s idea of what is good for society contravenes the Three Laws?
Orion Publishing Co The Gods Themselves
In the year 2100, the invention of the Electron Pump - an apparently inexhaustible supply of free energy - has enabled humanity to devote its time and energies to more than the struggle for survival, finally breaking free of the Earth. But the Electron Pump works by exchanging materials with a parallel universe, and such unbalancing of the cosmos has consequences. Humans and aliens alike must race to prevent a vast nuclear explosion in the heart of the Sun - and the vaporisation of the Earth exactly eight minutes later ...
HarperCollins Publishers The Currents of Space
THE SECOND BOOK OF THE GALATIC EMPIRE SERIES A nova-bright adventure and the spectacular precursor to the classic Foundation series by a founding father of science fiction. The fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance. High above the planet Florina, the Squires of Sark live in unimaginable wealth and comfort. Down in the eternal spring of its surface, however, the native Florinians labour ceaselessly for their Sarkite masters. Rebellion is unthinkable and impossible. But now both worlds are hurtling toward a cataclysm, and only one man knows the truth; a man without a memory or a past, unaware of the secret locked inside his own brain. . . Their world is doomed.
HarperCollins Publishers I, Robot
Isaac Asimov’s Robot series – from the iconic collection I, Robot to four classic novels – contains some of the most influential works in the history of science fiction. Establishing and testing the Three Laws of Robotics, they continue to shape the understanding and design of artificial intelligence to this day. What happens when a robot begins to question its creators? What would be the consequences of creating a robot with a sense of humour? Or the ability to lie? How do we truly tell the difference between man and machine? In I, Robot, Asimov sets out the Three Laws of Robotics – designed to protect humans from their robotic creations – and pushes them to their limits and beyond. Following genius robopsychologist Dr. Susan Calvin and engineers Powell and Donovan, these short stories helped to transform artificial intelligence from a dream into a science and changed perceptions of robots for ever.
HarperCollins Publishers Foundation’s Edge (The Foundation Series: Sequels, Book 1)
WINNER OF THE HUGO AWARD FOR BEST ALL-TIME SERIES The Foundation series is Isaac Asimov’s iconic masterpiece. Unfolding against the backdrop of a crumbling Galactic Empire, the story of Hari Seldon’s two Foundations is a lasting testament to an extraordinary imagination, one that shaped science fiction as we know it today. After a long war which saw the First Foundation emerge victorious, the Second Foundation is now believed to be extinct, and all records of planet Earth’s existence have been erased. No one suspects that the Second Foundation could still exist. None, except Council member Golan Trevize, who finds himself ordered to leave Terminus, accompanied by historian Janov Pelorat, in order to find it. Yet this quest will lead an unsuspecting Golan further than he could have possibly imagined – closer than ever to Earth, where the fate of the whole galaxy awaits him.
HarperCollins Publishers Second Foundation (The Foundation Trilogy, Book 3)
WINNER OF THE HUGO AWARD FOR BEST ALL-TIME SERIES The Foundation series is Isaac Asimov’s iconic masterpiece. Unfolding against the backdrop of a crumbling Galactic Empire, the story of Hari Seldon’s two Foundations is a lasting testament to an extraordinary imagination, one that shaped science fiction as we know it today. The First Foundation has been defeated, crushed by the formidable mental powers of the Mule. But whispers of the mysterious Second Foundation, the only hope of defeating the Mule, are beginning to spread… Surviving members of the First Foundation also fear the secret powers of the Second Foundation, vowing to find and destroy it. However, the location of the Second Foundation remains shrouded in mystery. Finding it will lead the Foundation to the opposite end of the Galaxy, where the fate of Seldon’s two Foundations awaits.
HarperCollins Publishers Prelude to Foundation (The Foundation Series: Prequels, Book 1)
WINNER OF THE HUGO AWARD FOR BEST ALL-TIME SERIES The Foundation series is Isaac Asimov’s iconic masterpiece. Unfolding against the backdrop of a crumbling Galactic Empire, the story of Hari Seldon’s two Foundations is a lasting testament to an extraordinary imagination, one that shaped science fiction as we know it today. In a time before the Foundations, psychohistory’s creator Hari Seldon is made to stand before the Emperor of the crumbling Galactic Empire to present how his scientific theory of predicting the future might be applied to the real world. However, Hari refuses to deploy his theory for political gain, setting off instead with reporter Chetter Hummin in quest of a place to safely apply his theory: Earth, the original home of humanity. All records of Earth have been lost to time. Hari will therefore have to look back into the past, in order to seal the future of humanity for ever.
Debolsillo El sol desnudo
El sol desnudo es la tercera novela de la Serie de los robots, primer bloque de la célebre Saga de la Fundación de Isaac Asimov.Mientras la sociedad terrestre rechaza a los robots humanoides, los Mundos Exteriores, antiguas colonias de la Tierra, han basado su economía en el trabajo de los robots, desarrollando así una sociedad altamente tecnológica, mucho más que la terrestre, en la que los individuos no soportan la presencia de sus congéneres: todos los contactos sociales se producen por medio de proyecciones holográficas. Por eso, el detective Baley no sabe por dónde empezar cuando le envían a Solaria a resolver el primer asesinato que se produce en doscientos años, pues todo parece apuntar, paradójicamente, a que ha sido cometido por un robot.Reseña:El sol desnudo es uno de los mejores libros que jamás escribió Asimov.The Guardian
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Fundación y Tierra / Foundation and Earth
Plaza & Janes S.A. Los límites de la Fundación / Foundation's Edge
Alianza Editorial La formacin de Francia The Shaping of France Historia Universal Asimov World History Asimov
La serie informalmente titulada Historia Universal Asimov reúne las obras dedicadas por el gran novelista y divulgador científico a la evolución política, cultural y material de la humanidad. ?La formación de Francia? cubre el amplio y turbulento periodo que se extiende desde los últimos años del siglo IX que vieron el final de la época carolingia y la llegada de una nueva dinastía personalizada en Hugo Capeto? hasta la conclusión de la Guerra de los Cien Años, a mediados del siglo XIV.
Alianza Editorial El Imperio Romano
La serie informalmente titulada Historia Universal Asimov reúne las obras dedicadas por el gran novelista y divulgador científico a la evolución política, cultural y material de la especie humana. EL IMPERIO ROMANO expone las grandes líneas de desarrollo histórico de esta potencia del mundo antiguo desde la proclamación de Augusto como emperador hasta la caída del Imperio Romano de Occidente y la instauración de los reinos germánicos.
Orion Publishing Co Buy Jupiter
A masterly collection of 24 stories by the world's greatest SF writerFrom backyard miracles to cosmic conundrums, enter the incredible world of Isaac Asimov.Spanning twenty-three years of Asimov's amazing career, these stories display to the full the exhilarating power of one of science fiction's most astonishing writers. Each tale is accompanied by Asimov's own intriguing account of how and why it came to be written.
Random House USA Inc Forward the Foundation
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Foundation and Earth
Random House USA Inc Second Foundation