Search results for ""Author Holger Fleischer""
Vahlen Franz GmbH Flle zum Kapitalmarktrecht
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fokus Chemie Sekundarstufe II Einführungsphase Niedersachsen Schülerbuch
Schmidt , Dr. Otto Rechtshandbuch Unternehmensbewertung
C.H. Beck Handelsrecht einschlielich Bilanzrecht
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fokus Chemie Sekundarstufe II Qualifikationsphase Niedersachsen Schülerbuch
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Aufsichtsrat - Verwaltungsrat - Beirat: Elftes deutsch-österreichisch-schweizerisches Symposium, Hamburg, 2.-3. Juni 2022
Zu den Kernthemen der Corporate-Governance-Diskussion gehört die Ausgestaltung der aktienrechtlichen Spitzenverfassung. Während Deutschland und Österreich über ein dualistisches System aus Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat verfügen, sieht die Schweiz ein monistisches Verwaltungsratssystem vor. Weitere Unterschiede betreffen die unternehmerische Mitbestimmung: Deutschland hat ein quasi-paritätisches Mitbestimmungsregime, Österreich eine Drittel-Mitbestimmung und die Schweiz kennt gar keine Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung im Verwaltungsrat. Der vorliegende Band zeigt die strukturellen Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten auf und arbeitet divergierende und konvergierende Entwicklungslinien heraus. Behandelt werden im Einzelnen das Anforderungsprofil für Aufsichtsrats- und Verwaltungsratsmitglieder, die Bewältigung von Interessenkonflikten, die Zustimmungsvorbehalte des Aufsichtsrats, seine Binnen- und Außenkommunikation, der Rechtsschutz gegen fehlerhafte Aufsichtsratsbeschlüsse sowie die Einrichtung eines Beirats.
Emerald Publishing Limited Family Firms and Family Constitution
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. Family constitutions in family-owned firms are becoming increasingly popular around the world. While some, though not much, research examining this trend has come from a management research perspective, legal scholarship of family constitutions is even scarcer. The first volume of this new series brings together chapters from the ‘Law and Management of Family Firms’ conference which took place at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg, presenting legal, managerial, historical and comparative perspectives of family constitutions. Family Firms and Family Constitution delves deeply into topics as diverse as ownership, succession, governance, justice and more, all from a managerial and legal perspective from around the world. The pioneering Law and Management of Family Firms series publishes volumes following the annual Hamburg Conference: Law and Management of Family Firms, the international and interdisciplinary forum for family business research. The conference is organized by the Max Planck Institute and the Institute for Mittelstand and Family Firms (HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration). It brings together two distinct and previously disconnected disciplines of law and management, benefiting scholars, lawyers, consultants, and family office practitioners.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Legislators, Judges, and Professors
As lawyers we are normally interested in various substantive areas of law; and as comparative lawyers we are interested in finding out about the differences and similarities between national legal systems. But from time to time we should also reflect on how we think and operate, and look at basic questions of legal methodology - both for the sake of understanding better what we do as lawyers immersed in our own legal systems and as lawyers attempting to assess and comprehend how foreign legal systems work. The nine essays in this volume are devoted to the topics of law-making today (with a focus on Japan, Turkey and Russia), judicial decision-making today (with a focus on England and Wales, Switzerland and Argentina), and legal scholarship today (with a focus on the United States, France and South Africa); and they thus revolve around the three protagonists of legal development: legislators, judges and professors.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) German and East Asian Perspectives on Corporate and Capital Market Law: Investors versus Companies
This volume is based on updated presentations delivered at a symposium held in 2017 at Seoul National University. It follows two earlier conference volumes and shares their goal to stimulate the scholarly exchange between company law academics in Germany, China, Japan and South Korea which can be traced back to the late nineteenth century. Contributions from all four jurisdictions include papers on shareholder activism and the disclosure of substantial shareholdings as well as studies on takeover law addressing key questions such as the mandatory bid rule, control premiums, hostile takeovers and pre- and post-bid defences.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Corporate Social Responsibility: Achtes deutsch-österreichisch-schweizerisches Symposium, Hamburg 1.-2. Juni 2017
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) gehört zu den großen Gegenwarts- und Zukunftsthemen des Aktien-, Bilanz- und Kapitalmarktrechts. Der vorliegende Band erschließt den aktuellen Forschungsstand in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Er sichtet und systematisiert die verstreuten Einzeldiskurse rund um die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Unternehmen und schlägt Brücken zur CSR-Diskussion in benachbarten Disziplinen. Behandelt werden aktienrechtliche Grundfragen der CSR, die internationale Regel- und Standardsetzung in diesem Bereich und die CSR-Berichterstattung im Bilanzrecht. Außerdem finden sich Beiträge zur Haftung inländischer Unternehmen für Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Ausland, zu CSR und Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung sowie zur nachhaltigen Managervergütung und zum politischen Engagement im Spiegel von CSR.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) German and Nordic Perspectives on Company Law and Capital Markets Law
The volume traces back to a symposium held at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg and offers a broad comparative analysis of company and capital markets law in Germany and the Nordic states. It details the special elements of company law in Scandinavia that developed amid the twin forces of innovative experimentation and the drive for harmonization, contrasting them with the distinctive features of German company law. Further contributions deal with the newly created entrepreneur company in Germany and Denmark, as well as the role of shareholders and boards in public companies. It also contains detailed analyses of the law of company groups in Germany and the Nordic states. the volume is further rounded out with contributions on capital markets law and takeover law, including issues involving acting in concert, ownership disclosure and the interaction between the legislator and the takeover panel in Sweden.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Issues and Challenges in Corporate and Capital Market Law: Germany and East Asia
This volume is based on presentations delivered at a symposium held in March 2016 at the University of Tokyo. It seeks to reinvigorate the scholarly exchange which can be traced back to the late 19th century between company law academics in Germany, China, Japan and South Korea. Contributions from all four jurisdictions include papers on corporate divisions and valuation of shares and its procedure as well as studies on the civil liability of the company and its directors for false financial statements and the corporate law rules on the squeeze-out of minority shareholders.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) German and Asian Perspectives on Company Law: Law and Policy Perspectives
This volume is based on presentations delivered at a symposium held in May 2015 at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg. It seeks to reinvigorate the scholarly exchange which can be traced back to the late 19th century between company law academics in Germany, China, Japan and South Korea. Contributions from all four jurisdictions include papers on directors' liability and capital maintenance as well as studies of the role of shareholders in public companies and the regulation of groups of companies.