Search results for ""Author Hilde Groven""
Clavis Publishing The Old Man Eating Alone
As long as we have our memories, we will always be together...Every morning Emily sees an old man eating alone in a café. This makes her sad, and one day she decides to talk with him. The man takes Emily on a journey through his fondest memories. She soon realizes that the bond he had with the love of his life is so strong that he will never be lonely, even if he is alone. An honest and heartwarming story about a beautiful friendship, the place precious memories will always have in our hearts and love after death. For children ages 5 years and up.
Clavis Publishing El señor que nunca estaba solo
Mientras que tengamos recuerdos, siempre estaremos juntos.Todas las mañanas Emily ve a un señor mayor comiendo solo en un cafetín. Esto le da tristeza, por lo que un día decide entrar y hablar con él. El señor pronto empieza a compartir sus mejores recuerdos con Emily y ella llega a entender que estar solo no siempre significa sentirse solo.Una historia emotiva y conmovedora sobre una hermosa amistad, que demuestra que el amor sobrevive incluso hasta después de la muerte.