Search results for ""Author Henri J M Nouwen""
Editorial Sal Terrae Caminar con Jesús el Viacrucis
En su incansable deambular por las ciudades y aldeas de Palestina, Jesús caminó en medio de la gente, ofreciendo a todos la Buena Nueva de Reino y la caricia sanante de su compasión. Al final tuvo que recorrer el camino desde Gestsemaní hasta el Calvario.Este libro de meditaciones de HENRI NOUWEN, inspirado en una serie de dibujos de la HNA. HELEN DAVID, es una recreación del tradicional Via Crucis, centrado en la pasión y el sufrimiento de los pobres del mundo. Un preso político encerrado tras unos barrotes, un campesino soportando una pesada carga de madera, un niño abandonado, una madre llorando a su hijo asesinado, un labrador agotado, cuatro religiosas martirizadas... en estas y otras imágenes percibe Nouwen la incesante pasión de Cristo, una y otra vez renovada.
PPC Editorial La voz interior del amor
??La voz interior del amor?? es el ??diario secreto?? de Henri J. M. Nouwen, escrito durante el periodo más difícil de su vida, cuando repentinamente perdió la autoestima y las ganas de vivir y de trabajar e, incluso, su esperanza en Dios. Aun así, fue capaz de llevar un diario en el que cada día iba plasmado una ??exhortación espiritual?? fruto de las conversaciones con sus guías espirituales y sus amigos.
Orbis Books (USA) Gracias!: A Latin American Journal
Random House USA Inc Following Jesus
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Way of the Heart: The Spirituality of the Desert Fathers and Mothers
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming
Editorial Sal Terrae Formación espiritual siguiendo los impulsos del espíritu
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Spiritual Life: Eight Essential Titles by Henri Nouwen
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Letters to Marc about Jesus: Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Reaching Out: The Three Movements of the Spiritual Life
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Genesee Diary: Report from a Trappist Monastery
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd The Inner Voice of Love: A Journey Through Anguish to Freedom
Ave Maria Press Can You Drink the Cup?
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc The Wounded Healer: Ministry in Contemporary Society
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Our Greatest Gift: A Meditation on Dying and Caring
John Murray Press Life of the Beloved and Our Greatest Gift
The real 'work' of prayer is to become silent and listen to the voice that says good things about me.The late Henri Nouwen was one of the twentieth century's greatest spiritual writers, and this book brings together two of his most inspirational pastoral works. Life of the Beloved asks how one can live a spiritual life in a completely secular culture. The greatest challenge, concludes Nouwen, is to bridge the gap between secular and sacred within the human self as a human being beloved of God.Our Greatest Gift is a meditation on dying. Dying and death can often bring fear, but the experience of dying and caring for the dying can become the deepest experience of love. Nouwen encourages us to ask, 'How can my death become fruitful in the lives of others?' Ultimately, it is the greatest gift we have to offer.
John Murray Press Love, Henri: Letters on the Spiritual Life
'This invaluable collection of over 200 letters by the late Nouwen (The Wounded Healer), a beloved author, pastor, and priest, provides insight into his personal struggles, insecurities, and faith and offers the heartfelt guidance Nouwen shared so generously with individuals to a wide audience ... The courage and kindness with which Nouwen shares his vulnerabilities and honest feelings, combined with his willingness to provide direction, advice, companionship, and affection, ensure that Nouwen's legacy as inspired spiritual guide will continue, enhanced by this testimony to his sincere desire to live with gratitude, faith, and love.'- Publishers Weekly'When I write I think deeply about my friends, I pray for them, I tell them my emotions and feelings. I reflect on our relationship and I dwell with them in a very personal way.' - Henri Nouwen Over the course of his life, priest, professor and writer Henri Nouwen wrote thousands of letters to friends, acquaintances, parishioners, students and readers of his work all around the world. He held a deep conviction about the value of reaching out to others through letters, believing that a thoughtful letter written in love could truly change someone's life. As a result, many people looked to Nouwen as a long-distance spiritual advisor. This collection of previously unpublished letters stretches from the earliest years of Henri's career through to his last ten years at L'Arche Daybreak. Rich in spiritual insights as well as touching details of Henri's daily life, the letters are organised around themes that emerge not just in his correspondence but in his writing, too: vocation and calling; solitude and prayer; suffering and perseverence; belovedness; and community. Across all these letters, what emerges most clearly is Henri's belief in the rich value of human relationships. As relevant today as they were forty years ago, and full of insight and encouragement, these letters offer a deeply personal look into the mind of a spiritual giant of the twentieth century, and are an ideal introduction to his life and thought.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership
In this treasure of a book, Henri Nouwen presents a powerful vision of leadership for now and for the future. As he looks back at his own life, the author reflects upon the challenges and solutions that are faced by today's Christian leaders. Nouwen questions many of the current preconceptions of how to lead, and takes the reader back to lessons of Scripture and the lived example of Jesus. Thought-provoking, stimulating, this is a book for anyone already involved in leadership, and for all those who may be called to it. It will become a source of inspiration and renewal.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Spiritual Formation: Following the Movements of the Spirit
HarperCollins A Letter of Consolation
Finding Faith in a Time of SorrowBeloved author Henri Nouwen reflects on the spiritual significance of death and life in this moving meditation dedicated to all those who suffer the pain that death can bring and who search for new life.
HarperCollins Making All Things New
Newly repackaged, Making All Things New is an eloquent and simple explanation of the spiritual life from Henri J.M. Nouwen, author of Letters to Marc About Jesus and A Letter of Consolation and one of the best-loved spiritual writers of the twentieth century.
Neufeld Verlag Adam
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Discernment: Reading the Signs of Daily Life
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc The Inner Voice of Love: A Journey Through Anguish to Freedom
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd The Return of the Prodigal Son
In this Church Times ''Top 100 Best Christian Book'', a chance encounter with a reproduction of Rembrandt's painting, The Return of the Prodigal Son, catapulted Henri Nouwen into a long spiritual adventure. He shares the deeply personal meditation that led him to discover the place within which God has chosen to dwell.In seizing the inspiraton that came to him through Rembrandt's depiction of the powerful Gospel story, Nouwen probes the several movements of the parable: the younger son's return, the father's resoration of sonship, the elder son's vengefulness, and the father's compassion. In his reflection on Rembrandt in light of his own life journey, the author evokes the powerful drama of the parable in a rich, captivating way.The themes of homecoming, affirmation, and reconciliation will be newly discovered by all who have known loneliness, dejection, jealousy, or anger. The challenge to love as the father and be loved as the son is represented with new freshness and vigour for our
John Murray Press You are the Beloved: Daily Meditations for Spiritual Living
'We are the Beloved. We are intimately loved long before our parents, teachers, spouses, children and friends loved or wounded us. That's the truth of our lives. That's the truth I want you to claim for yourself. That's the truth spoken by the voice that says, "You are my Beloved."' - Henri Nouwen, Life of the Beloved Henri Nouwen, priest, professor and writer, devoted much of his later ministry to emphasising the singular concept of our identity as the Beloved of God. In an interview, he said that he believed the central moment in Jesus' public ministry to be his baptism in the Jordan, when Jesus heard the affirmation, 'You are my beloved son on whom my favour rests.' 'That is the core experience of Jesus,' Nouwen writes. 'He is reminded in a deep, deep way of who he is ... I think his whole life is continually claiming that identity in the midst of everything.'You Are Beloved is a daily devotional created from the very best of Nouwen's writings, paired with daily Scripture readings, that reveals our identity as children of God, and which encourages us to live out that truth in our daily lives. Nouwen is at once refreshingly accessible, unafraid to wrestle with challenging questions, and above all an encouraging and sympathetic voice along the way.
John Murray Press Life of the Beloved and Our Greatest Gift
The late Henri Nouwen is one of this century's greatest spiritual writers and in one volume are included two of his most inspirational pastoral works. The Life of the Beloved asks how one can live a spiritual life in a completely secular culture. Our Greatest Gift is a meditation on dying and caring for the dying and is a classic essay on death and how to die well. This comes directly out of Nouwen's personal experience of being with the dying and asks 'How can my death become fruitful in the lives of others?'Two classics in one volume by a deep and profound thinker.
Editorial Sal Terrae El discernimiento cómo leer los signos de la vida diaria
La premisa de este libro es que Dios nos habla constantemente -como individuos y como pueblo de Dios- en momentos distintos y de formas diversas: a través de sueños y visiones, de profetas y mensajeros, de las Escrituras y la tradición, de la experiencia y la razón, de la naturaleza y los acontecimientos. Y ese discernimiento es la práctica espiritual que busca entender qué es lo que Dios trata de decirnos.Después de sus dos anteriores obras, Dirección espiritual y Formación espiritual, Nouwen nos enseña en este tercer volumen de su trilogía a leer los signos de los tiempos en la vida diaria para que tomemos decisiones orientadas en último término por Dios. Nouwen pone el énfasis en la escucha de la Palabra de Dios ?en nuestros corazones, en la Biblia, en la comunidad de fe y en la voz de los desfavorecidos? y trata de ayudarnos a responder a una de las grandes cuestiones a las que cada uno de nosotros se enfrenta: Qué debería hacer con mi vida?HENRI J. M. NOUWEN (1932-1996), aut
Editorial Sal Terrae Con el corazn en ascuas
El ya consagrado autor espiritual contemporáneo HENRI J.M. NOUWEN nos ofrece una profunda y hermosa reflexión sobre el significado de la Eucaristía para nosotros y nuestras comunidades. Mientras que las fuentes originales relatan una dimensión de la experiencia cristiana, Nouwen descubre que el conocimiento derivado de reflexiones posteriores ya no basta en un mundo como el nuestro, que cambia tan rápidamente. Lo que necesitamos es establecer la conexión entre celebrar la Eucaristía y vivir una "vida eucarística". Con el corazón en ascuas trata de conseguir una compresión más amplia de la Eucaristía a través de la historia de los discípulos que iban a Emaús desde Jerusalén tras la crucifixión (Lc 24,13-35). No sabían que viajaban con Cristo resucitado hasta que lo reconocieron en la fracción del pan. Maravillados, se dijeron unos a otros: "No ardían nuestros corazones mientras nos hablaba...?" Esta historia refleja el orden de la celebración eucarística: acudir juntos con nuestros queb
Ave Maria Press Behold the Beauty of the Lord: Praying with Icons
Random House USA Inc Home Tonight: Further Reflections on the Parable of the Prodigal Son
Random House USA Inc The Way of the Heart: Connecting with God Through Prayer, Wisdom, and Silence
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Home Tonight: Further Reflections on the Parable of the Prodigal Son
Prior to writing his great classic, The Return of the Prodigal Son, Henri Nouwen suffered an enormous personal loss and breakdown that took him away from his home in the L'Arche Daybreak community for a period of seven months. His thoughts were intense, raw and deeply private, and ultimately revealed to him the passionate drama of parenthood, filial duty, rivalry, anger and unconditional love on display in Rembrandt's painting. On his return from solitude, Henri held small, private workshops on his revelations that were recorded in audio. The material of those extremely personal talks has now been formed into a unique work. Home Tonight brings to light Nouwen's lectures on the Prodigal Son in a powerful guide for spiritual reflection. Providing exercises, suggestions for times of solitude, questions for pondering, simple prayers, and aides for personal journaling, Home Tonight leads readers to commune with God through spiritual listening. A practical guide for the inner journey home, this important book will give those who adore Nouwen's works the chance to hear his voice anew on his most popular topic.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd The Selfless Way of Christ: Downward Mobility and the Spiritual Life
In The Selfless Way of Christ, Henri Nouwen explores selflessness, vocation, and how downward mobility is a key to the spiritual path. Downward mobility, says Nouwen, is the way of Christ, and we are constantly tempted away from it by the lures of success, of power, of being needed and important. Originally serialised in the magazine Sojourners, Nouwen wrote the articles that comprise this book during his years as a professor at Yale Divinity School. There he enjoyed academic success and found fame as a spiritual writer, but was struggling to find his true vocation. Here he seeks to explain for himself and his readers how choosing the downwardly mobile path can, conversely, be the means of growth and new life in Christ.
Penguin Young Readers You Are the Beloved: 365 Daily Readings and Meditations for Spiritual Living: A Devotional
Ave Maria Press With Open Hands
Orbis Books Community
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Compassion: A Reflection on the Christian Life