Search results for ""Author Helen A. Neville""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice
The most up-to-date edition of a critically acclaimed and widely read cross-cultural counseling resource In the newly revised Ninth Edition of Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice, a team of veteran practitioners delivers an up-to-date and comprehensive exploration of multicultural counseling combining the most recent research and theoretical concepts in the field. The book examines concepts like “cultural humility,” the role of white allies in multicultural counseling, social justice counseling, “minority stress,” and microaggressions. Readers will also find: Expansive discussions on the implications of numerous subjects for real-world clinical practice “Reflection and Discussion Questions” that encourage reader engagement, learning, and retention with the concepts discussed within Access to an instructor’s website that provides PowerPoint decks, exam questions, sample syllabi, and links to other valuable resources Perfectly suited to researchers and practitioners who work in or study mental health and interact with a racially, ethnically, culturally, or socio-demographically diverse population, Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice also belongs in the libraries of social workers and psychiatrists.
American Psychological Association The Myth of Racial Color Blindness: Manifestations, Dynamics, and Impact
In this edited volume, social scientists dissect the concept of color blind racial ideology, the widely-held belief that skin color does not affect interpersonal interactions, and that interpersonal and institutional racism therefore no longer exists in America. Is the United States today a “post-racial” society? Some might point to the election and re-election of a Black president as conclusive evidence of the progress made in race relations, but others are not so sanguine. In this volume, top scholars in psychology, education, sociology, and related fields dissect the concept of color-blind racial ideology (CBRI), the widely-held belief that skin color does not affect interpersonal interactions, and that interpersonal and institutional racism therefore no longer exists in American society. Contributors survey the theoretical and empirical literature on racial color-blindness; discuss novel ways of assessing and measuring color-blind racial beliefs; examine related characteristics such as lack of empathy (among Whites) and internalized racism (among people of color); and assess the impact of CBRI in education, the workplace, and health care – as well as the racial disparities that such beliefs help foster. Finally, they recommend ways to counter color-blind racial beliefs by advocating for and implementing race-conscious policies and practices that aim to create equal access and opportunities for all.
University of Illinois Press Race Struggles
This collection is a contribution to the ongoing examination of race and its relation to class and gender. The essays in the volume start with the premise that although race, like class and gender, is socially constructed, all three categories have been shaped profoundly by their context in a capitalist society. Race, in other words, is a historical category that develops not only in dialectical relation to class and gender but also in relation to the material conditions in which all three are forged. These assumptions underlie the organization of the volume, which is divided into three parts: "Racial Structures," which explores the problem of how race has historically been structured in modern capitalist societies; "Racial Ideology and Identity," which tackles diverse but interrelated questions regarding the representation of race and racism in dominant ideologies and discourses; and "Struggle," which builds on the insight that resistance to structures and ideologies of racial oppression is always situated in a particular time and place. In addition to discussing and analyzing various dimensions of the African American experience, contributors also consider the ways in which race plays itself out in the experience of Asian Americans and in the very different geopolitical environments of the British Empire and postcolonial Africa. Contributors are Pedro Cabán, Sundiata Keita Cha-Jua, David Crockett, Theodore Koditschek, Scott Kurashige, Clarence Lang, Minkah Makalani, Helen A. Neville, Tola Olu Pearce, David Roediger, Monica M. White, and Jeffrey Williams.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Case Studies in Multicultural Counseling and Therapy
An indispensable collection of real-life clinical cases from practicing experts in the field of multicultural counseling and psychotherapy Case Studies in Multicultural Counseling and Therapy is a one-of-a-kind resource presenting actual cases illustrating assessment, diagnostic, and treatment concerns associated with specific populations. The contributors—well-known mental health professionals who specialize in multicultural counseling and psychotherapy—draw on their personal experiences to empower therapists in developing an individually tailored treatment plan that effectively addresses presenting problems in a culturally responsive manner. Providing readers with the opportunity to think critically about multicultural factors and how they impact assessment, diagnosis, and treatment, this unique book: Covers ethical issues and evidence-based practice Integrates therapists' reflections on their own social identity and how this may have influenced their work with their clients Considers the intersectionality of racial/ethnic, class, religious, gender, and sexual identities Contains reflection and discussion questions, an analysis of each case by the author, and recommended resources Includes cases on racial/ethnic minority populations, gender, sexuality, poverty, older adults, immigrants, refugees, and white therapists working with people of color Aligns with the ACA's CACREP accreditation standards, tha APA guidelines for multicultural competence, and the AMCD Multicultural Counseling Competencies