Search results for ""Author Gusti""
Editorial Bruño The agafat caputxeta Ive picked Little Red Riding Hood Alta Mar Teatre
Ei! Ves amb compte! Perquè ací dins hi ha Caputxetes ferotges, porcs armats fins a les dents, gats atracadors, vampirs, Frankensteins, i fins i tot un llop una mica bleda de qui no ten pots refiar massa. A més dun altre grapat de coses que descobriràs només obrir el llibre i alçar el teló.
Editorial Bruño Te pillé Caperucita Educación Primaria 3 ciclo
Hey! Cuidado.! Porque aquí dentro hay Caperucitas feroces, cerdos armados hasta los dientes, gatos atracadores, vampiros, Frankensteins e, incluso, un lobo un poco lelo del que tampoco te puedes fiar demasiado. Además de muchas otras cosas que descubrirás en cuanto abras el libro y se levante el telón.
Oceano Travesia No Somos Angelitos
NubeOcho ¡Esta caca es mía!
Feos y feas
De la mano y el bolígrafo de Gusti nos llegan 45 caras ilustradas estridentes, divertidas y sugerentes. Vienen acompañadas de un texto rimado de Lola Casas y, como punto y final, una cita de Roald Dahl que invita a la reflexión: son feos y feas, o simplemente personas bonitas y naturales?Con este catálogo de caras queda inaugurado el debate, aunque lo que es seguro es que los lectores se lo pasarán en grande!
NubeOcho This Poop is Mine!
Carambuco Ediciones Animales escondidos
Señoras y señores, presten mucha atención: hay animales ocultos que aseguran diversión!Animales de todo tipo y medida, ilustrados por Gusti, invaden las páginas de este libro y las adivinanzas de Lola Casas dan pistas para descubrirlos. Los pequeños lectores estarán entretenidos durante tardes enteras, si pretenden encontrarlos todos.
Tinc uns peus perfectes
En Melcior Setciències es presenta al concurs Buscant el nenmés saberut però, malgrat que s?ha preparat molts temes difícils,no esperava enfrontar-se a una matèria tan desconeguda: els peus.El protagonista trobarà en un llibre tot allò que necessita sabersobre aquesta part de les extremitats inferiors: els tipus de peus,la seva anatomia i la funció que tenen perquè puguem caminari córrer; el nombre d?ossos que en tenen; curiositats sobre les ungleso les petjades que deixem?
Knesebeck Von Dem GmbH Alberto einfach einzigartig
Coauthors Acosta (Little Captain Jack) and Amavisca (Bang Bang I Hurt the Moon) keep their focus tight, concentrating on Ben’s feelings and the way the boys’ taunting torments him (“He felt even sadder than the day his fish went to fish heaven”). Loose-lined drawings with gently tinted wash by Gusti (Mallko and Dad) underscore the intimacy and loyalty of Ben’s family. ~Publishers Weekly This is a story inspired by true events. Ben is a little boy, and he likes painting his nails. There’s no big reason to it, he just loves all the amazing colors on the tips of his fingers. Until one day, some of his schoolmates start laughing at him because of it. He suddenly feels sad, helpless, and doesn’t want to paint his nails anymore. Even when his father starts painting his nails to support Ben, the helplessness doesn’t go away. Why can’t boys paint their nails? A tale to understand that a kid’s joy has no boundaries. A simple story about a small revolution.
Greystone Books,Canada When My Dad Went to the Jungle
“An admiring portrait of a father's example and an introduction to the rainforest.” —Wall Street Journal A young boy shares exciting facts and stories about the peoples, plants, and animals who inhabit the Amazon rainforest. In this original, uplifting book from one of Argentina’s most acclaimed children’s writers, a young boy records his dad’s stories of the Amazonian jungle in his journal. As he does, he can’t help but compare his own life. When you visit the rainforest, you should ask the Sápara peoples for permission and be respectful, just like when you visit your neighbor in the city. Smoked fish is delicious in the rainforest—but hard to make in your bedroom. The rainforest is like a great big house for plants, animals, and spirits, but it’s disappearing, little by little. Filling his journal with imaginative drawings and words, the boy decides what he would do if he visited the rainforest: Invite the spirits for donuts and hot cocoa! Inspired by the author’s volunteer efforts to assist the Sápara peoples in protecting an endangered bird, When My Dad Went to the Jungle portrays a young boy exploring big ideas about the natural world. As he journals, the young boy realizes that, even though life for the Sápara peoples is very different from his own, a little bit of the rainforest lives inside of all of us. If we let it grow, then we will always respect the lands we walk, gather, and play on. An Aldana Libros Book, Greystone Kids
Oceano Travesia El Elefante Encadenado (Nueva Edición)
Enchanted Lion Books Mallko & Dad
A diary, journal, and illustrated story all at the same time written by a father about his son, Mallko, who has Down Syndrome. This book, which was selected as the best book in the disability category by the Bologna Book Fair in 2016, comes as a call and a revelation.Born in Argentina, Gusti studied advertising design at the Escola d'Art Fernando Fade and has lived in Europe since 1985. He first worked in Paris and currently lives in Barcelona where, as well as working as an illustrator, he also gives classes in illustration at schools, libraries, and cultural centers. He co-founded the nonprofit association Windown-La Ventana, which works towards building a more inclusive society. Gusti lives with his family in Barcelona.
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO Vivan las uñas de colores!
Coauthors Acosta (Little Captain Jack) and Amavisca (Bang Bang I Hurt the Moon) keep their focus tight, concentrating on Ben’s feelings and the way the boys’ taunting torments him (“He felt even sadder than the day his fish went to fish heaven”). Loose-lined drawings with gently tinted wash by Gusti (Mallko and Dad) underscore the intimacy and loyalty of Ben’s family. ~Publishers Weekly This is a story inspired by true events. Ben is a little boy, and he likes painting his nails. There’s no big reason to it, he just loves all the amazing colors on the tips of his fingers. Until one day, some of his schoolmates start laughing at him because of it. He suddenly feels sad, helpless, and doesn’t want to paint his nails anymore. Even when his father starts painting his nails to support Ben, the helplessness doesn’t go away. Why can’t boys paint their nails? A tale to understand that a kid’s joy has no boundaries. A simple story about a small revolution.
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO Niñas y niños feministas
What does it mean to be a feminist? Through everyday situations, the girls and boys in this book, help us better understand it.¿Qué es ser feminista? Las niñas y niños protagonistas, a través de situaciones cotidianas, nos ayudan a entenderlo. Feminist girls and boys like all colors, wear their hair as long as they want and choose their own toys. They love to play all together and express their emotions. But, above all, they refuse to classify things as "girl´s stuff" and "boy´s stuff". Luis Amavisca and Blanca Lacasa, with Gusti's wonderful illustrations, present, in the form of everyday situations, a brief manual for feminist girls and boys. Equality is everyone’s responsibility. A las niñas y niños feministas nos gustan todos los colores, llevar el pelo lo largo que queramos y elegir nuestros juguetes. Nos encanta jugar todas y todos juntos y mostrar nuestras emociones. Pero, sobre todo, no queremos que haya “cosas de chicas” y “cosas de chicos”. Luis Amavisca y Blanca Lacasa, junto a las inconfundibles ilustraciones de Gusti, presentan, en forma de situaciones cotidianas, un breve manual para niñas y niños feministas. La igualdad es cosa de todas y de todos.
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO Feminist Girls and Boys
What does it mean to be a feminist? Through everyday situations, the girls and boys in this book, help us better understand it.Feminist girls and boys like all colors, wear their hair as long as they want and choose their own toys. They love to play all together and express their emotions. But, above all, they refuse to classify things as "girl´s stuff" and "boy´s stuff". Luis Amavisca and Blanca Lacasa, with Gusti's wonderful illustrations, present, in the form of everyday situations, a brief manual for feminist girls and boys. Equality is everyone’s responsibility.