Search results for ""Author Gunther Verheyen""
Van Haren Publishing Scrum
Das Taschenbuch, das jeder lesen muss, der etwas ueber Scrum wissen moechte.Es umfasst alle Rollen, Regeln und die grundlegenden Prinzipien von Scrum, basierend auf dem Scrum Guide von 2016. Durch die Beschreibung der Vergangenheit und Zukunft von Scrum wird darueber hinaus ein weitergehender Kontext aufgespannt.Der Autor Gunther Verheyen hat eine praezise, vollstaendige und leidenschaftliche Referenz zu Scrum geschrieben. Dabei vermittelt das Buch seine Einschaetzung von Scrum als Weg der Entdeckungen und Freude. Durch seinen Aufbau eignet es sich als hilfreicher Wegweiser auf diesem Weg.Nach Aussage von Ken Schwaber, dem Mitgestalter von Scrum, ist dieses Buch momentan die beste Beschreibung von Scrum. Das Buch verbindet einige seltene Merkmale: Es beschreibt Scrum als Ganzes, bettet es aber in den weiteren Kontext aus Vergangenheit und Zukunft ein. Der Autor fokussiert darauf, Scrum auf eine Weise zu erklaeren, die den Leser unterstuetzt: Die Sprache und der Stil des Buchs entspre
O'Reilly Media 97 Things Every Scrum Practitioner Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts
Improve your understanding of Scrum through the proven experience and collected wisdom of experts around the world. Based on real-life experiences, the 97 essays in this unique book provide a wealth of knowledge and expertise from established practitioners who have dealt with specific problems and challenges with Scrum. You'll find out more about the rules and roles of this framework, as well as tactics, strategies, specific patterns to use with Scrum, and stories from the trenches. You'll also gain insights on how to apply, tune, and tweak Scrum for your work. This guide is an ideal resource for people new to Scrum and those who want to assess and improve their understanding of this framework. Learn tips and tricks from some of the world's leading experts on Scrum Understand how leading practitioners deal with real-life problems Explore essays that address product ownership, collaboration, mastership, and the impact of Scrum on an organization Apply the solutions in this book to your own problems with Scrum
Van Haren Publishing Scrum A Pocket Guide 3rd edition
This pocket guide to Scrum is the one book for everyone who wants to learn or re-learn about Scrum. The book describes the framework as it was designed and intended, with a strong focus on the purpose to the rules and adding an historical perspective to Scrum and the Agile movement.As the balance of society keeps shifting from industrial labor to digital work, complexity and unpredictability keep increasing. The need for agility through Scrum increases equally, in and beyond software and product development.This 3rd edition of Scrum - A Pocket Guide, while introducing some changes in terminology, more than ever offers the clarity and insights on Scrum that many organizations need, more than ever. It will help people and their organizations properly shape their Scrum, regardless of their domain or business.Scrum - A Pocket Guide is an extraordinarily competent book. It flows with insight, understanding, and perception. This should be the de factostandard handout for all looking for a co