Search results for ""Author Guillaume Apollinaire""
Publicada por primera vez en 1907, en una de las clásicas edicionesde literatura indecorosa clandestina de la época, Las 11.000vergas fue primeramente consagrada como novela surrealista aprincipios de los años treinta, gracias a los elogios de CeorgesBraque, y posteriormente, en los años sesenta, ensalzada comouna de las más representativas de las novelas pornográficas.Sorprende que en la literatura homosexual nunca se hayacontemplado Las 11.000 vergas como un clásico y que nunca losmilitantes gays hayan intentado recuperar una novela que se haincluido más en la literatura erótica en general aún teniendo muypoco de sensibilidad heterosexual. Señalemos ese más de la mitadde combinaciones homosexuales que colman la novela, inimaginablessiquiera en el más perverso de los sentidos.Quizá la numerosa presencia de mujeres en la obra haya confundidoigual a unos y a otros, por más que quede bien claro desdeun principio que Mony, prínci
Los diablos enamorados introducciones a la literatura erótica
Se sabe que Guillaume Apollinaire, poeta cubista y padrino del surrealismo, era poco entusiasta de las obras maestras de la literatura, y que prefería aquellas otras que, como las que pueblan este libro, quedaron en los márgenes, allí donde estalla lo nuevo, lo diferente, la sorpresa que el propio Apollinaire convirtió en uno de los fundamentos de su poética. Así, estos diablos enamorados ?por primera vez en nuestro idioma en esta edición? son un exuberante desborde de posibilidades, invitaciones y perspectivas para transitar dichos márgenes de la literatura de la mano de un poeta esencial de la modernidad.Erotómano incorregible, recibió un sustancioso encargo para prologar las ediciones de una colección de literatura erótica. De entre las principales piezas del volumen destaca el amplio estudio dedicado al marqués de Sade, un escrito de incalculables consecuencias y por el que Maurice Blanchot calificó a Apollinaire de Moisés laico, debido a sus implicaciones como gran apertura de
Tredition Classics Alcools
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Briefe an Lou
Pushkin Press Birds Beasts and a World Made New
A revelatory volume of two of the twentieth century's great poetic innovators, Guillaume Apollinaire and Velimir Khlebnikov, in vibrant new translations by Robert ChandlerGuillaume Apollinaire and Velimir Khlebnikov never met, but they have much in common. Both inventive luminaries of Modernism, they played a central role in the avant-garde movements of their time and worked closely with the most important visual artists around them. Written with exhilarating freedom and creativity, their verse has continued to inspire poets to the present day.Acclaimed translator and poet Robert Chandler offers a unique selection from both poets' work in vivid new translations. Showcasing their most direct, heartfelt verse alongside their form-breaking innovations, this volume reveals the deep insight with which these two poets wrote about love, friendship, art, revolution, famine and war.
Exact Change,U.S. Heresiarch And Co
Apollinaire's first book: a collection of outrageous short stories about heretics, renegade mystics and criminal religious fanatics, The Heresiarch & Co. was Apollinaire's first book, and reportedly remained his favorite. Making full use of his encyclopedic knowledge of obscure historical, ecclesiastical and geographic information, Apollinaire's stories rely neither on the dream nor on unlikely juxtaposition, but instead represent an approach that André Breton called a "formula" for Surrealism; its "music," Breton famously wrote, is "like gold pebbles rolled in a torrent." Apollinaire himself wrote of The Heresiarch & Co., "This is a book for those who love literature, powerful and disturbing, strange and logical ... The author, amid so many fantastic, tragic and sometimes sublime inventions, intoxicates himself with a charming erudition with which he also intoxicates his readers.
Carcanet Press Ltd Selected Poems Guillaume Apollinaire
Apollinaire's poetry reflects the heady years of artistic and intellectual ferment before the First World War. The most dynamic modernist French poet and the champion of the Cubist painters, he is remembered as much for his more traditional lyric poems as for the typographical experiments of his 'calligrammes'. Subtle and complex, yet often direct, his poetry is still fresh and memorable.
New Directions Publishing Corporation Selected Writings
When Guillaume Apollinaire died in 1918 at the age of thirty-eight, as the result of a war wound, he was already known as one of the most original and important poets of his time. He had led the migration of Bohemian Paris across the city from Montmartre to Montparnasse; he had helped formulate the principles of Cubism, having written one of the first books on the subject, and coined the word "Surrealist"; and he had demonstrated in his own work those innovations we have come to associate with the most vital investigations of the avant-garde. This bilingual, illustrated edition of The Selected Writings of Apollinaire, the only representative collection in English translation, begins with a comprehensive critical Introduction by the translator, Roger Shattuck. The next section is devoted to poetry. Included here are almost half of Apollinaire’s two best-known volumes, Alcools and Calligrammes, as well as a selection from five other books, and the long love poem La Chanson du Mal-Aimé in its entirety. The prose section leads off with "L’Esprit Nouveau et les Poetes", a seminal discussion of modern poetry that anticipates such movements as Dada and Futurism. This is followed by Apollinaire’s almost unobtainable "Introduction to Baudelaire and Oneirocriticism", an early experimental work composed in a style prophetic of Surrealist automatic writing. There are, in addition, two stories, a passage from Anecdotiques, and a section from the novel Le Poete Assassiné.
Oxford University Press Selected Poems: with parallel French text
'In the end you're tired of this antiquated world' Guillaume Apollinaire (1880-1918) is the most significant French poet of early modernism, and the most colourful. His exuberant, adventurous poetry matched the eventful times through which he lived, and his experimentalism heralded a new artistic order. In the Paris of the belle époque, Apollinaire's prolific writing - poems, short stories, erotic novels, art criticism - as well as his magnetic personality brought him fame and even some notoriety. His two great collections of poetry, Alcools and Calligrammes, made his reputation, and they include love poems as well as the war poetry for which he is best known. Apollinaire coined the word 'surrealism', and he led the literary and artistic avant-garde right up to his death two days before the Armistice, weakened by injuries received earlier in the War. This new selection by Martin Sorrell covers the full range of Apollinaire's career, and includes some of the poet's inventive pictorial calligrams. The introduction and notes explore his seminal role in the culture of the twentieth century. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Bestiary, or Procession of Orpheus
Guillaume Apollinaire's first book of poems has charmed readers with its brief celebrations of animals, birds, fish, insects, and the mythical poet Orpheus since it was first published in 1911. Though Apollinaire would go on to longer and more ambitious work, his Bestiary reveals key elements of his later poetry, among them surprising images, wit, formal mastery, and wry irony. X. J. Kennedy's fresh translation follows Apollinaire in casting the poems into rhymed stanzas, suggesting music and sudden closures while remaining faithful to their sense. Kennedy provides the English alongside the original French, inviting readers to compare the two and appreciate the fidelity of the former to the latter. He includes a critical and historical essay that relates the Bestiary to its sources in medieval "creature books," provides a brief biography and summation of the troubled circumstances surrounding the book's initial publication, and places the poems in the context of Apollinaire's work as a poet and as a champion of avant garde art. This short introduction to the work of an essentially modern writer includes four curious poems apparently suppressed from the first edition and reprints of the Raoul Dufy woodcuts published in the 1911 edition.
CB Editions The Little Auto
Arc Publications The Bestiary: or Orpheus' Retinue
The Bestiary, 30 short poems celebrating mammals, birds, fish, insects and the mythical poet Orpheus appeared in 1911 and was Apollinaire's first published work. Although they appear slight, the poems inspired the artist Raoul Dufy to illustrate each of them with a woodcut (5 of the 30 woodcuts are reproduced in the chapbook) and the composer Francis Poulenc to set six of them to music. The poems - witty, ironical and full of surprising images - show Apollinaire's mastery of short form poetry, and Martin Sorrell's superb rhyming translation perfectly preserves the spirit of the original. Although many individual poems from The Bestiary have been published in translation, this chapbook is one of the very few complete editions to appear, and with an introduction and explanatory notes by the translator, it is a perfect introduction to Apollinaire's poetry.
David R. Godine Publisher Inc Bestiary: or the Parade of Orpheus
Thirty short poems by Guillaume Apollinaire, with woodcuts by Raoul Dufy, of Dufy, that celebrate mammals, birds, fish, insects, and the mythical poet and prophet Orpheus—filled with surprising images, wit, formal mastery, and wry irony.First published in 1911, and embellished with the graphically sophisticated woodcuts, this collection presents a voice that ranges from the colloquial to the impassioned, a brisk combination of lyric imagery and bawdy humor.Apollinaire was an early and influential champion of Cubism, the friend of Braque, Picasso, Dufy, and Rousseau, and a seminal figure in the revolutionary art style known as “Surrealism,” a term that he coined. This a rare treat for lovers of French literature, art, and culture.
The New York Review of Books, Inc Zone
Seagull Books London Ltd Letters to Madeleine: Tender as Memory
When Guillaume Apollinaire was sent to the trenches during World War I, he had already published his groundbreaking book of poems, Alcools, inspiring artists of the budding Surrealist movement and making a foundational mark on twentieth-century literature. The letters he sent to his fiancée Madeleine Pagès while fighting on the front in Champagne offer an unprecedented look into the life and mind of this literary great. Ranging from memories of his childhood in Rome with his mother (a Polish noblewoman) to his reflections on literary giants like Racine and Tolstoy, the letters also chronicle his daily life as a soldier in the brutal Great War. Letters to Madeleine is a moving portrait of a poet facing one of humanity’s starkest realities, and it will be of interest not only to fans of Apollinaire but to those interested in personal accounts of the First World War as well.
University of California Press Calligrammes: Poems of Peace and War (1913-1916)
A fully annotated, bilingual edition, "Calligrammes" is a key work not only in Apollinaire's own development but in the evolution of modern French poetry. Apollinaire - Roman by birth, Polish by name (Wilhelm-Apollinaris de Kostrowitski), Parisian by choice - died at thirty-eight in 1918. Nevertheless, he became one of the leading figures in twentieth-century poetry, a transitional figure whose work at once echoes the Symbolists and anticipates the work of the Surrealists.