Search results for ""Author Graham Cooper""
Luath Press Ltd An Ròs a Leigheas
Alba, am Foghar 1513. An dèidh dha taibhse fhaicinn ann an Glinn Iucha, tha Rìgh Seumas a Ceithir dealasach gu falbh air taistealachd a Bhaile Dhubhthaich mus dèan e ionnsaigh air Sasainn. Na chuideachd, bidh Mgr Eanraig Leich, an lannsair pearsanta aige, agus an t-amadan as fheàrr leis, Tòmas. Bidh càirdeas a’ sìor fhàs eadar an triùir fhear fhad ’s a tha iad air chuairt a Bhaile Dhubhthaich agus, an uair sin, a’ marcachd a Northumberland fada gu deas. Ach bidh teagamhan agus droch mhanaidhean gam buaireadh mus tig latha mòr a’ chatha air Blàr Flodden. Scotland, Autumn 1513. After seeing an apparition in Linlithgow, King James the Fourth is determined to go on pilgrimage to St Duthac’s Church in Tain before he makes an attack on England. In his company are Master Henry Leich, his personal surgeon, and his favourite jester, Thomas. Friendship deepens between the three men as they travel north to Tain and then ride to Northumberland, far to the south. But doubts and ill omens will test their resolve before the great day of battle comes on Flodden field.
Luath Press Ltd Dà Shamhradh ann an Raineach
Dà Shamhradh ann an Raineach is a historical novel written in Scottish Gaelic. It is set in 18th century Edinburgh and rural Perthshire, 20 years after the Battle of Culloden, a time of rapid social change and development in areas such as medicine, printing, the Church, the Gaelic language and agriculture. The novel is based on the facts that are known of the life of Dugald Buchanan, the poet and schoolteacher who made a major contribution to the first translation of the New Testament into Gaelic from the original Greek. He oversaw the printing of the New Testament in Edinburgh in 1767, the same year in which his own book of Spiritual Songs was published. These poems were to become enormously influential throughout the Gaelic speaking world. The greater part of the novel describes the last two years of his life and is narrated by his wife, Margaret. She outlived him by over 40 years and was in a position to look back over the tragic events which had struck the Buchanan family. As a result, the story ultimately becomes her own as much as that of Dugald.