Search results for ""Author Giusto Traina""
Ediciones Akal 428 despus de Cristo Historia de un ao
El nuestro será un verdadero viaje a través del mundo tardorromano en un año que tendrá una gran importancia para su evolución política. Nos moveremos a lo largo de un recorrido circular entorno a los eventos y personajes que dan forma a éste mundo tardoantiguo. Partiendo del evento políticamente más relevante del año 428 d.C, la caída del reino de Armenia, atravesaremos la Europa y el Mediterráneo de la época, para después virar hacia Oriente, hasta el primer tramo de la Ruta de la Seda, hacia los confines de otros mundos. Durante este viaje encontraremos ciudades y desiertos, palacios y monasterios, escuelas paganas y santuarios cristianos. Y, sobretodo, conoceremos al elenco de personajes que dan forma a este largo año, como los emperadores Teodosio II, Valentiniano III y Vahrâm V. o generales romanos, como Flavio Dionisio. jefes bárbaros como Genserico, o señores de la guerra como el sarraceno al-Mundhir. También religiosos como Simeón Estilita, Paulino de Nola y Agostino. mujeres
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Rappresentazione E USO Dei 'Senatus Consulta' Nelle Fonti Letterarie del Principato
Princeton University Press 428 AD: An Ordinary Year at the End of the Roman Empire
This is a sweeping tour of the Mediterranean world from the Atlantic to Persia during the last half-century of the Roman Empire. By focusing on a single year not overshadowed by an epochal event, 428 AD provides a truly fresh look at a civilization in the midst of enormous change--as Christianity takes hold in rural areas across the empire, as western Roman provinces fall away from those in the Byzantine east, and as power shifts from Rome to Constantinople. Taking readers on a journey through the region, Giusto Traina describes the empires' people, places, and events in all their simultaneous richness and variety. The result is an original snapshot of a fraying Roman world on the edge of the medieval era. The result is an original snapshot of a fraying Roman world on the edge of the medieval era. Readers meet many important figures, including the Roman general Flavius Dionysius as he encounters a delegation from Persia after the Sassanids annex Armenia; the Christian ascetic Simeon Stylites as he stands and preaches atop his column near Antioch; the eastern Roman emperor Theodosius II as he prepares to commission his legal code; and Genseric as he is elected king of the Vandals and begins to turn his people into a formidable power. We are also introduced to Pulcheria, the powerful sister of Theodosius, and Galla Placidia, the queen mother of the western empire, as well as Augustine, Pope Celestine I, and nine-year-old Roman emperor Valentinian III. Full of telling details, 428 AD illustrates the uneven march of history. As the west unravels, the east remains intact. As Christianity spreads, pagan ideas and schools persist. And, despite the presence of the forces that will eventually tear the classical world apart, Rome remains at the center, exerting a powerful unifying force over disparate peoples stretched across the Mediterranean.
Les Belles Lettres Histoire Incorrecte de Rome