Search results for ""Author Gerhard Mack""
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Hans Josephson
Hans Josephsohn, born in 1920 in Königsberg (now Kaliningrad, Russia), came to Zurich via Florence as a Jewish immigrant in 1938. In more than six decades he has created a sculptural oeuvre that transcends the fashions and fads of the art world and yet testifies to his incomparably sensitive understanding of our age. This comprehensive monograph introduces the reader to Josephsohn's approach, outlines his development and places him within the development of twentieth-century art. The book shows the fascinating uniqueness and the tense calm of an oeuvre that offers many young artists an attitude to art that mirrors their own concerns. AUTHOR: Gerhard Mack is the arts editor of the Sunday edition of the "Neue Zurcher Zeitung" and the author of numerous essays and publications on art and architecture, literature, and theatre." 136 colour, 92 b/w illustrations
Birkhauser Verlag AG Herzog & de Meuron 2002-2004
The long-awaited fifth volume on The Complete Works of Herzog & de Meuron presents the sixty projects completed between 2002 and 2004 with characteristic attention to detail. These include buildings that have already become contemporary architectural icons, such as the National Stadium in Beijing and the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, but also projects which, though never realized, have influenced the architectural discourse. These include the residential tower for the Schatzalp Hotel, which overlooks Davos and inspired a new generation of Alpine architecture. In the period covered by this volume, urban planing was a major focus of Herzog & de Meuron's work. International acclaim fueled by booming construction led to numerous commissions in China (the Jindong New Development Area), and in Europe: master plans for Jerez de la Frontera in Spain, and the Olympic Games in London opened up entire urban regions to future development.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron 1989-1991
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron 2005-2007
Nach gut acht Jahren erscheint der lange erwartete sechste Band des Gesamtwerks von Herzog & de Meuron zu den Jahren 2005 bis 2007. Die rund 60 Projekte zeigen die Schweizer Architekten auf der Höhe ihres Könnens. Darunter finden sich so ikonische Bauten wie Das Perez Art Museum in Miami und das VitraHaus in Weil am Rhein. Die Entwürfe dieses Bandes breiten das ganze Vokabular architektonischer Mittel aus und reagieren äusserst vielfältig auf aktuelle Entwicklungen der Epoche. Vom kleinen Umbauprojekt eines Privathauses über ein Atelier-Ensemble bis zu Wohntürmen und städtebaulichen Projekten im grossen Massstab wird die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Ort verfeinert. Dabei entwickeln Herzog & de Meuron immer wieder neue Verfahren und schlagen Bezüge zum Vokabular der klassischen Moderne und zur eigenen Werkgeschichte. Architektur wird zum Mittel, einer zunehmend virtuell geprägten Welt Körperhaftigkeit und Halt zu geben.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron 1992-1996
Jacques Herzog & Pierre de Meuron (with their partners Harry Gugger and Christine Binswanger) undoubtedly rank amongst the leading architects worldwide. Volume 3 of their Complete Works is now being published in an updated new edition, enlarged by some 40 pages and approximately 80 colour illustrations. At the time of the first edition, a number of the projects were under construction. These have now been completed and are documented with photographs: the Laboratory Building of Hoffmann-La-Roche in Basel, the Project in the City Center “Five Courtyards” in Munich, the St. Jakob Football Stadium in Basel and the residential buildings on the Rue des Suisses in Paris.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron Transforming Park Avenue Armory New York
How to deal with historic buildings has long been a core issue of the international architectural discourse. Herzog & de Meuron began addressing the potential of existing structures very early on: the maintenance and alteration of buildings are among the key strategies of the architects. For the Park Avenue Armory in New York, Herzog & de Meuron have designed a new model for dealing with monuments. The historical building was opened in 1881 on the Upper East Side of Manhattan as a meeting place and training ground for the National Guard, and boasts a rich mixture of different styles. Herzog & de Meuron developed a multifaceted strategy for the transformation of the building, now used as a cultural center, that allows for a combination of restoration, transformation, and innovation. From the exposing of historic structures to the addition of new elements, the architecture gained new vibrancy from the considered entanglement of different aspects. In the current debate, this departure from the practice of historic preservation in the United States is, beyond its value as an actual example, a unique contribution that unfolds in close reference to material. It is exemplary and groundbreaking.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron 1989-1991
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the worldwide leading architectural practice Herzog & de Meuron, we are publishing the second volume of the Complete Works as an accessible paperback edition. The reprint, in original format, comprehensively present all buildings and designs from 1989 up to the year 1991. The development of the practice over the first years can be tracked in fascinating documents of the time.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron 2002-2004
The long-awaited fifth volume on The Complete Works of Herzog & de Meuron presents the sixty projects completed between 2002 and 2004 with characteristic attention to detail. These include buildings that have already become contemporary architectural icons, such as the National Stadium in Beijing and the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, but also projects which, though never realized, have influenced the architectural discourse. These include the residential tower for the Schatzalp Hotel, which overlooks Davos and inspired a new generation of Alpine architecture. In the period covered by this volume, urban planing was a major focus of Herzog & de Meuron's work. International acclaim fueled by booming construction led to numerous commissions in China (the Jindong New Development Area), and in Europe: master plans for Jerez de la Frontera and the Olympic Games in London opened up entire urban regions to future development.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron 1978-1988
Herzog & de Meuron gehören zu den international bedeutendsten Architekten unserer Zeit. Der jüngste Auftrag für die neue Tate Gallery in London hat das einem breiteren Publikum ebenso signalisiert wie große Ausstellungen in Tokio, New York und Paris. Die Gesamtausgabe im Birkhäuser Verlag für Architekturträgt diesem herausragenden Stellenwert Rechnung und stellt das Werk in seinem Zusammenhang vor. Nach Band 2 im letzten Jahr werden in Band 1 nun die ersten elf Jahre von Herzog & de Meuron dokumentiert. ln diesem Zeitraum von 1978-88 wurde eine methodologische Basis erarbeitet, auf der die Großprojekte der darauffolgenden Jahre aufbauen konnten. Waren Bauten wie das «blaue Haus» bei Basel durch eine naturbezogene Bildhaftigkeit geprägt, so traten Herzog & de Meuron fast gleichzeitig mit Entwürfen hervor, die so verdichtet waren, dass Erscheinungsweise, Funktion und Struktur zusammenfielen. Das Lagerhaus für die Firma Ricola in Laufen ist mit seiner Hülle aus geschichteten Eternitplatten hierfür exemplarisch. Ein weiteres zentrales Thema der ersten Werkdekade ist denn auch die grundsätzliche Neubewertung von Materialien. Ein Haus in einem Garten bei Basel wurde innen und außen ganz aus verschiedenen Sperrhölzern gefügt, die Außenwände eines Wohnhauses im ligurischen Tavole sind aus Bruchsteinen geschichtet. Für ein Laborgebäude in Basel war eine Glashülle vorgesehen, die sich teilweise vom Baukörper ablöst; ein Wohnhaus mit Galerieraum lebt aus der vielfältigen Verwendung von Beton. Bereits bei den Frühwerken ist also ein ausgesprochenes Interesse an der Gestaltung der Fassade erkennbar. Die Auseinandersetzung mit übergreifenden stadtplanerischen Aspekten manifestierte sich erstmals deutlich in der Siedlung Pilotengasse am Stadtrand von Wien, die Herzog & de Meuron zusammen mit Adolf Krischanitz und Otto Steidle 1987-92 entwarfen und realisierten. Das pragmatische Denken für einen spezifischen Ort und Zweck in der sich rasch wandelnden Gegenwart, das den architektonischen Diskurs von Herzog & de Meuron in besonderer Weise auszeichnet, wird im Buch durch verschiedene theoretische Beiträge abgestützt. Wie im bereits erschienenen Band 2 werden auch im Band 1 die zentralen Projekte ausführlich vorgestellt. Im Anhang befindet sich eine Chronologie aller 47 Werknummern von 1978-1988 mit präzisen technischen und bibliografischen Angaben.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron 1992-1996
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the worldwide leading architectural practice Herzog & de Meuron, we are publishing the third volume of the Complete Works as an accessible paperback edition. The reprint, in original format, comprehensively present all buildings and designs from 1992 up to the year 1996. The development of the practice over the first years can be tracked in fascinating documents of the time.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron 1997-2001
The Tate Modern in London made Herzog & de Meuron famous all over the world. The projects and structures they have built since then are distinguished by the sensitive treatment of materials for which the architects are renowned. In addition, these Pritzker Prize–winning architects have developed a topographical conception of architecture that not only locates their designs in a larger context but also frequently structures them as landscapes. In order to represent them, the layout of volume 4 of the complete works has been completely redesigned. The publication contains essays by the architects themselves in which they situate their projects. The structures presented include such icons of contemporary architecture as the Prada store in Tokyo Aoyama and the Allianz Arena in Munich, where the opening game of the 2006 Soccer World Cup was played. Pathbreaking museum structures such as the Schaulager near Basel, the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, and the De Young Museum in San Francisco continue the conversation surrounding what constitutes a truly contemporary presentation of modern art.
Lars Muller Publishers Gigon/Guyer Architects: Works and Projects 2001-2011
The monograph provides a sharply focused insight into how Annette Gigon and Mike Guyer understand architecture. The various concepts as well as the different constructions, materials, forms and colors that they employ in their projects are presented in an exhaustive documentation of their work that uses numerous photographs, plans and short texts. The three essays as well as a discussion between Patrick Gmur, Martin Steinmann and the architects offer in-depth reflection and contextualization.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
The Elbphilharmonie is Hamburg’s new landmark and is already an icon of contemporary architecture. In this book, Herzog & de Meuron document their project: extensive archive material, plans, and photographs are used to illustrate the process of the creation of this once-in-a-hundred-years building from the first sketch and the various design stages with their many challenges, through to completion of the finished building. The dialog between historical brick plinth and contemporary glass crystal, the combination of different functions, the development of the spectacular large concert hall, the design of a public plaza for the population are just some of the many aspects that contribute to the attractiveness of the building.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
The Elbphilharmonie is Hamburg’s new landmark and is already an icon of contemporary architecture. In this book, Herzog & de Meuron document their project: extensive archive material, plans, and photographs are used to illustrate the process of the creation of this once-in-a-hundred-years building from the first sketch and the various design stages with their many challenges, through to completion of the finished building. The dialog between historical brick plinth and contemporary glass crystal, the combination of different functions, the development of the spectacular large concert hall, the design of a public plaza for the population are just some of the many aspects that contribute to the attractiveness of the building.