Search results for ""Author Gerard de Nerval""
Visor libros, S.L. Las quimeras y otros poemas
INICIADO?, ?Vestal?, ?Hijo del Fuego?. Así gustaba llamarse Gérard de Nerval (París, 1808-1855), el poeta más puro y moderno del Romanticismo francés, precursor del Simbolismo junto con Baudelaire y el antecesor más profundo del Surrealismo, siempre adelantado a Breton.Se reúnen aquí sus mejores versos: los insólitos e intangibles sonetos de Las Quimeras, fruto de su fecunda locura, sin precedentes en la literatura francesa, y una precisa selección del resto de sus poemas; desde el primero, que compusiera con apenas trece años, hasta el último, su ?Epitafio?, escrito poco tiempo antes de aparecer ahorcado en una sórdida
Archipelago Books The Salt Smugglers
Penguin Books Ltd Selected Writings
Poet, visionary, short-story writer and autobiographer, Gérard de Nerval (1808-1855) explored the uncertain borderlines between dream and reality, irony and madness, autobiography and fiction with his groundbreaking writings. This comprehensive selection of his works includes 'Aurélia', the memoir of his madness; the haunting novella of love and memory 'Sylvie' (considered to be a masterpiece by Proust); the hermetic sonnets of 'The Chimeras'; as well as Nerval's experimental fictions and selections from his correspondence, which demonstrate his lucid awareness of how nineteenth-century psychiatry consigned his fertile imagination to the status of mental illness. Together these pieces confirm Nerval's place as a pioneering modernist, a precursor of the French Symbolists and a vital model for such writers as Marcel Proust, André Breton, Antonin Artaud and Michel Leiris.
Wakefield Press The Illuminated; or The Precursors of Socialism: Tales and Portraits
Poetical biographies of six radical thinkers from Cagliostro to Restif de la Bretonne, by the leading figure of French Romanticism First published in French in 1852, The Illuminated was the first of a string of Gérard de Nerval’s late works that would culminate in his posthumous fantastical autobiography Aurélia in 1855. The Illuminated collects six portraits of men whom Nerval mysteriously dubbed “precursors of socialism”—visionaries who together formed an alternative history of France and a backdrop to a mystical form of madness that Nerval ultimately claimed for himself. Nerval here presents the reader with Raoul Spifame, a mad lawyer who imagined himself to be Henry II; the Abbé de Bucquoy, a man who opposed the monarchy and whose amazing escapes suggested the possession of magical powers; Nicolas Restif de la Bretonne, the 18th-century theosophist who defined God in human terms rather than spiritual; the Count Alessandro di Cagliostro, the famous magus and alchemist; Jacques Cazotte, author of The Devil in Love, who created a synthesis between hermetic ideas and Catholic thought; and Quintus Aucler, a lawyer who sought to revive paganism in the unstable world of French society in the immediate aftermath of the Revolution of 1789. An overlooked work by Nerval, The Illuminated brings together the picturesque and pathos, a peculiar gallery of portraits that blur the boundaries between mysticism and mystification. Gérard de Nerval (1808–55) was a writer, poet and translator who wedded French and German Romanticism and transformed his research into mystic thought and his bouts of mental illness into such visionary works as Aurélia.
Classiques Garnier La Boheme Galante
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes: La Boheme Galante - Petits Chateaux de Boheme
Classiques Garnier Scenes de la Vie Orientale: Les Femmes Du Liban
Classiques Garnier Les Filles Du Feu
Classiques Garnier Les Nuits d'Octobre
Classiques Garnier Les Nuits d'Octobre - Contes Et Faceties
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes. Tome XII: Pandora - Promenades Et Souvenirs