Search results for ""Author George Santayana""
Ensayos de la Historia de la Filosofa
La vida y la obra de Jorge/George Santayana presentan un aspecto híbrido característico, acaso como adelanto de un modo de estar cada vez más extendido ahora y habitual. De ahí que los estudiosos destaquen que pusiera en contacto ambas orillas del Atlántico y que estableciera un fructífero diálogo entre las culturas europeas y la cultura norteamericana. Siempre atento a las modas filosóficas y científicas de finales del siglo XIX y primera mitad del siglo xx, Santayana, ante los excesos del tardorromanticismo y la barbarie que veía avecinarse, buscó en los griegos la cordura suficiente para afrontar con coraje la desintegración de la Modernidad.
Columbia University Press The Birth of Reason and Other Essays
A collection of recent essays from the American philosopher and Chair of the Santayana Society. The subjects discussed include the philosophy of travel, the politics of religion, friendship, appearance and reality, and the false steps of philosophy.
Editorial Tecnos La vida de la razón o fases del progreso humano
La publicación de los cinco volúmenes de La vida de la razón entre 1905 y 1906 abre uno de los grandes momentos filosóficos del pensador George Santayana. Esta obra, que surge en el contexto del pragmatismo, fue considerada como una invitación vitalista a la acción y saludada con entusiasmo, erigiéndose en un tratado de referencia para los jóvenes coetáneos. El propio autor la define como una ?historia sumaria de la imaginación humana?, en la que se realiza un examen de la civilización mediante una evaluación del pasado y a través de un análisis de las funciones del sentido común, sociedad, religión, arte y ciencia en la estructura de una cultura basada en la razón. El tratado de Santayana anticipa enfoques y análisis que hoy forman parte de nuestra agenda común. Combinando tanto la perspectiva moral como la aproximación histórica, aquí se encuentran frases tan celebradas como ?los que no pueden recordar el pasado están condenados a repetirlo?. En esta edición, el texto abreviado de Sa
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Sense of Beauty
From antiquity to the present, many have written on the subject of beauty, but precious few have done so with the capacity themselves to write beautifully. The Sense of Beauty is that rare exception. This remarkable early work of the great American philosopher, George Santayana, features a quality of prose that is as wondrous as what he had to say. Indeed, his summation remains a flawless classical statement. "Beauty seems to be the clearest manifestation of perfection, and the best evidence of its possibility. If perfection is, as it should be, the ultimate justification of being, we may understand the ground of the moral dignity of beauty. Be'auty is a pledge of the possible conformity between the soul and nature, and consequently a ground of faith in the supremacy of the good."The editor of this new edition, John McGormick, reminds us that The Sense of Beauty is the first work in aesthetics written in the United States. Santayana was versed in the history of his subject, from Plato and Aristotle to Schopenhauer and Taine in the nineteenth century. Santayana took as his task a complete rethinking of the idea that beauty is embedded in objects. Rather beauty is an emotion, a value, and a sense of the good. In this, aesthetics was unlike ethics: not a correction of evil or pursuit of the virtuous. Rather it is a pleasure that resides in the sense of self. The work is divided into chapters on the materials of beauty, form and expression. A good many of Santayana's later works are presaged by this early effort. And this volume also anticipates the development of art as a movement as well as a value apart from other aspects of life.The work is written without posturing, without hectoring. Santayana is nonetheless able to give expression to strong views. His preferences are made perfectly plain. Perhaps the key is a powerful belief that beauty is an adornment not a material necessity. But that does mean art is trivial. Quite the contrary, the good life is precisely the extent to which such "adornments" as painting, poetry or music come to define the lives of individuals and civilizations alike. This is, in short, a major work that can still inform and move us a century after its first composition.
Dover Publications Inc. The Sense of Beauty