Search results for ""Author Georg Northoff""
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Wie kommt die Kultur in den Kopf?: Eine neurowissenschaftliche Reise zwischen Ost und West
Alle reden vom Gehirn. Auch Annalena von Freihausen, in China aufgewachsene Kulturanthropologin, und der deutsche Neurowissenschaftler Felix Trittau tun dies. Und sie stolpern in ihren Gesprächen immer wieder über große Unterschiede in Wahrnehmung und Denken von Menschen verschiedener kultureller Herkunft. Tickt das Gehirn eines Chinesen anders als das eines Amerikaners? Lassen sich kulturelle Unterschiede in Gehirnstrukturen erkennen? Wie nehmen Menschen in verschiedenen Regionen der Welt Emotionen wahr, ihre eigenen ebenso wie die ihrer Mitmenschen? Wie kommt die Welt ins Gehirn - aber vor allem: Wie kommt die Kultur in Kopf?Fragen wie diese stehen im Mittelpunkt einer spannenden neuen Forschungsrichtung: der kulturellen Neurowissenschaften. Georg Northoff gelingt es in diesem ungewöhnlich Buch, deren Faszination einzufangen und eigene Denkprozesse anzuregen.
WW Norton & Co Neuro-Philosophy and the Healthy Mind: Learning from the Unwell Brain
Can we “see” or “find” consciousness in the brain? How can we create working definitions of consciousness and subjectivity, informed by what contemporary research and technology have taught us about how the brain works? How do neuronal processes in the brain relate to our experience of a personal identity? To explore these and other questions, Georg Northoff turns to examples of unhealthy minds. By investigating consciousness through its absence in a vegetative state, for example, we can develop a model for understanding its presence in an active, healthy person. By examining instances of distorted self-recognition in people with psychiatric disorders, like schizophrenia, we can begin to understand how the experience of “self” is established in a stable brain. Taking an integrative approach to understanding the self, consciousness, and what it means to be mentally healthy, this book brings insights from neuroscience to bear on philosophical questions.
McGill-Queen's University Press Neurowaves: Brain, Time, and Consciousness
The connection of the brain to the mind remains one of the most persistent mysteries in philosophy and neuroscience. Georg Northoff proposes a new approach to the so-called mind-body problem, drawing on an insight from physics: time structures all objects and events in the world, and all objects and events are in dynamic relationship. This also shapes the brain as it is part of the dynamic of the world as whole.In Neurowaves Northoff posits that the entire world is structured by waves of time and argues that the passing of these waves through our brains – neurowaves – produces mental experience. The brain’s neural waves transform into mental waves; time and its dynamics are shared by brain and mind as their common currency. As in physics and biology, that radically changes our view. Copernicus showed how the earth moves and that its movements are just a tiny part of the universe’s passage of time. Darwin showed that the human species is one among many species passing through evolution’s timescales. Northoff calls for another Copernican revolution, replacing the mind-body problem with questions about the temporal-dynamic relationship between brain and world.Illustrated with vivid examples from different facets of the physical and biological world, Neurowaves provides captivating insights and an innovative, entertaining unravelling of the temporal connection of brain and mind.