Search results for ""Author Gavin Reid""
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Dyslexia in the Early Years: A Handbook for Practice
Research has shown that early identification and intervention is crucial and can in fact minimise, and may even prevent, the challenges of dyslexia from becoming too detrimental at later stages of education. This book offers both research insights and practical guidance for teachers working in Early Years settings on how to create resource materials that would be suitable for the development of children with dyslexia.Beginning with a contextual note on the key difficulties faced by children at risk of dyslexia, the book takes the reader through the processes of identification and diagnosis, before offering ideas on how to tailor classroom materials for these students. The book's resource materials are designed to target areas such as reading, spelling, numeracy, language skills, social and emotional development, and problem solving skills.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dyslexia: A Complete Guide for Parents and Those Who Help Them
The new edition of Dyslexia is written for parents of dyslexic children and the professionals who work with them, and provides information on the role parents can play in supporting their dyslexic child. This updated edition contains new material and up-to-date discussions of current research and programs. Empowers parents by providing them with strategies for dealing with a wide range of concerns including dyspraxia and dyscalculia New sections cover post-school issues, the emotional needs of young people with dyslexia and information on how parents can help at home Features information on some of the more popular interventions for dyslexia, and critical evaluations of ‘alternative treatments’ Includes first–hand accounts of parents’ hopes, successes and setbacks, and extensive lists of organizations and resources
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Dyslexia: A Practitioner's Handbook
Newly updated, Gavin Reid's best-selling handbook remains an essential resource for those helping dyslexic individuals of all ages, from preschoolers to adults in the workplace. Combines theoretical explanations, the latest research, and practical solutions with a focus on inclusion and meeting the individual's needs New and expanded coverage includes: multilingualism; the use of technology; co-existing conditions such as dyspraxia, dyscalculia, and ADHD; and positive dyslexia Assembles the latest policies and best practices for dyslexia from around the world, and makes current debates regarding education and literacy accessible to trainees and practitioners
Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd Effective Study and Learning: How to Help
Part of the How to Help series of books exploring issues commonly faced by children and young people at home and at school, Effective Study and Learning offers a complete introduction to these critical yet frequently overlooked topics. Many young people exert considerable effort in 'studying' but still come away disappointed with the results, particularly when faced with traditional written exams. All too often, they fail to fulfil their potential not because of a lack of hard work, but because they have not mastered the study and learning techniques that are fundamental to success in education and eventually in the workplace. Highlighting why self-knowledge and understanding one's own learning style and preferences are critical to success, Gavin Reid and Jennie Guise consider the skills and strategies required for effective study and successful learning - and how parents, carers, teachers and schools can help.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dyslexia: A Complete Guide for Parents and Those Who Help Them
The new edition of Dyslexia is written for parents of dyslexic children and the professionals who work with them, and provides information on the role parents can play in supporting their dyslexic child. This updated edition contains new material and up-to-date discussions of current research and programs. Empowers parents by providing them with strategies for dealing with a wide range of concerns including dyspraxia and dyscalculia New sections cover post-school issues, the emotional needs of young people with dyslexia and information on how parents can help at home Features information on some of the more popular interventions for dyslexia, and critical evaluations of ‘alternative treatments’ Includes first–hand accounts of parents’ hopes, successes and setbacks, and extensive lists of organizations and resources
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Dyslexia: A Practitioner's Handbook
Newly updated, Gavin Reid's best-selling handbook remains an essential resource for those helping dyslexic individuals of all ages, from preschoolers to adults in the workplace. Combines theoretical explanations, the latest research, and practical solutions with a focus on inclusion and meeting the individual's needs New and expanded coverage includes: multilingualism; the use of technology; co-existing conditions such as dyspraxia, dyscalculia, and ADHD; and positive dyslexia Assembles the latest policies and best practices for dyslexia from around the world, and makes current debates regarding education and literacy accessible to trainees and practitioners
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dyslexia in Adults: Education and Employment
What is dyslexia and hown is it assessed in adults? What is themost appropriate training for those who work with dyslexic people? This comprehensive guide is for professionals working with adultswith dyslexia in the learning and working environment. It usespractical definitions and offers advice that can be understood byprofessionals and employers with little or no previousunderstanding of dyslexia. Dyslexia in Adults: Education and Employment covers key aspects oflearning in adults with dyslexia, including individual profiles,strengths and difficulties, the role of the tutor, course design,assessment and method of teaching, as well as providing a number ofsupport strategies. Case studies highlights the needs of employersand dyslexic adults in the workplace and give examples of goodpractice. An invaluable text for teachers and practitioners in the field ofdyslexia, adults with dyslexia, employers, and educational andoccupational psychologists. "Adult dyslexics have long been misunderstood. Their considerabletalents have often been unrecognized and unrealized. Fortunatelyall this is changing. With the help of this new book by Gavin Reidand Jane Kirk many will come to see that dealing with difficultiesmust be balanced by understanding talents." Thomas G. West,Visualisation Research Institute, US National Dyslexia ResearcFoundation, and author of In the Mind's Eye "This book provides factual information for educators, employersand dyslexia adults themselves. The authors tell the truth aboutthe depressing effects of unacknowledged dyslexia, challenging eachof us to think in a different way. They send out a clear, strongmessage: listen to dyslexic people." Joanne Rule, Chief Executive,British Dyslexia Association "In my opinion this authoritative and well-researched accountshould be recommended reading for anyone giving vocational guidanceto clients with dyslexia or helping them deal with employment ortraining." Tim Edmonds of the Employment Service
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dyslexia and Literacy: Theory and Practice
Dyslexia and Literacy provides a comprehensive, practical introduction for all professionals seeking an understanding of dyslexia in children. Divided into four parts, the book firstly introduces the various theoretical perspectives and follows this up with identification and assessment techniques with an emphasis on practical, classroom related issues. The third part of the text covers topics related to the school curriculum and a final section covers issues that relate to the learning process.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dyslexia in Context: Research, Policy and Practice
This book highlights the most recent developments in the area of research, policy and practice. All the authors are well known in the field of dyslexia and they will offer significant contributions at the forthcoming BDA conference ' Dyslexia: the dividends from research to policy and practice' to be held at Warwick University in March 2004. In addition to the opening chapter, which provides an overview of developments in dyslexia, there are also chapters on the research associated with neurological factors, the cerebellum, genetics and the links between research and practice. The policy section provides insights into policy developments from Europe, the UK and the United States, as well as polic developments relating to both children and adults. The practice section is comprehensive with chapters on multilingualism, the range of specific learning difficulties, ICT, mathematics, the implications for the classroom from the science of learning and the features of dyslexia friendly schools.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Practical Activities and Ideas for Parents of Dyslexic Kids and Teens
This book contains dyslexia-friendly practical activities and ideas that can be readily accessed by parents of dyslexic children and teens, to support their learning in ways that work for them. It includes 70 activities to boost dyslexic learners' reading, writing, spelling and executive functioning, as well as aspects which are often overlooked, such as emotional wellbeing, memory and social communication, which are fundamental to self-esteem and positive education experiences.The authors, experienced practitioners in this field, equip parents to support and monitor their child's progress and work through the activities together. Accessible, motivating and engaging, this is an essential tool for supporting dyslexic students of all ages.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The Big Book of Dyslexia Activities for Kids and Teens: 100+ Creative, Fun, Multi-sensory and Inclusive Ideas for Successful Learning
Packed with fun, creative and multi-sensory activities, this resource will help children and teenagers with dyslexia become successful learners across the curriculum.The authors provide over one hundred tried-and-tested fun and imaginative activities and ideas to unlock the learning of children and teenagers with dyslexia in creative ways. The book is split into parts addressing literacy, numeracy, learning and cross curricular subjects. With fun activities like 'Spelling Ping-Pong' and 'Class Got Talent', it focuses on key skills such as listening, memory, spelling, writing and key board skills.Each activity includes a 'red herring' that will keep dyslexic children and teenagers entertained, extending them in interesting ways that will appeal to those who think outside of the box. Brimming with imaginative ideas, The Big Book of Dyslexia Activities is an essential toolkit for any teacher or parent working with children and young people with dyslexia.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Assessment for Dyslexia and Learning Differences: A Concise Guide for Teachers and Parents
Filling a hole in the market for an informative and user-friendly guide to the topic, this is a go-to guide for any parent or teacher.Positive, empowering and written to suit an international audience, this guide is essential reading for education professionals and parents of children with dyslexia and other learning differences. It includes practical strategies, useful websites and resources, as well as ways of recognising early on that your child or pupil has dyslexia. The authors, experienced dyslexia and learning differences consultants, highlight the importance of effective and positive communication between home and school, as well as with the child.Assessment for Dyslexia and Learning Differences is the perfect pocket guide for busy professionals and parents, who will be able to read it one sitting or alternatively dip in and out of it as they please.
Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd Autism Spectrum Disorder: How to Help
Part of the How to Help series of books exploring issues commonly faced by children and young people at home and in school, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) offers a complete introduction to this complex and often confusing topic. A lack of clarity can arise for many reasons, including the broad spectrum of characteristics and symptoms that can be represented within an ASD diagnosis (ranging from the very severe, requiring 24-hour monitoring, to the mild but no less important, where the individual can be successfully included in education and society), and the many competing interventions and treatments all purporting to be successful. Arguing that every child and young person with autism can and should lead an inclusive and fulfilling life, Jo-Ann Page and Gavin Reid show that it is up to us as adults to ensure that this is possible - and show how parents, carers, teachers and schools can help.