Search results for ""Author G. Edward White""
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia Tort Law and the Construction of Change Studies in the Inevitability of History
Examines the interaction of law and social change in American history. Tort law is traditionally thought to arise out of legal precedent. But Kenneth Abraham and Edward White show that American judges over the course of the previous two centuries also paid close attention to changing societal contexts in which lawsuits for civil injuries arose.
Harvard University Press The Common Law
Much more than an historical examination of liability, criminal law, torts, bail, possession and ownership, and contracts, The Common Law articulates the ideas and judicial theory of one of the greatest justices of the Supreme Court. G. Edward White reminds us why the book remains essential reading not only for law students but also for anyone interested in American history. The text published is, with occasional corrections of typographical errors, identical with that found in the first and all subsequent printings by Little, Brown.