Search results for ""Author Franco""
Capstone Press Dinosaur Cove
Capstone Press Dino-Mike and the Living Fossils
Capstone Press Dino-Mike and the T. Rex Attack
Five Continents Editions Invisible
"Photography should not reproduce the visible; it should make the invisible visible.” - Franco Fontana Italian photographer Franco Fontana (b.1933), a pioneer of colour photography, is best known for his boldly coloured abstract landscapes, seascapes, and cityscapes. This book features previously unpublished and experimental images from his archive alongside some of his best-known works. Over the 60 years of his career, Franco Fontana photographed that which cannot be seen, and was able to capture images abstracted from reality, independent of the subject portrayed. This meticulously compiled volume is dedicated to those who are approaching this artist’s practice for the first time, as well as to those who wish to go deeper into his work by exploring these previously invisible spaces which the sensitive eye of the photographer has glimpsed and translated into a unique and unprecedented image. Text in French.
Capstone Press Living Fossils
Capstone Press Dino-Mike and the Underwater Dinosaurs
Independently Published La Morte Di Cesare: Radiocronaca in napoletano, dalla curia di Pompeo
Capstone Press Dino-Mike and the Museum Mayhem
Enclave de Libros Ediciones Después del futuro desde el futurismo al cyberpunk el agotamiento de la modernidad
Editorial Vicens Vives El mago de Oz vvkids
Diviértete haciendo puzles que recrean las aventuras de Dorothy y sus amigos, y después colorea las ilustraciones de este libro de la forma que más te guste. Pero antes de jugar, deberás afrontar la bruja malvada del oeste...
Stone Arch Books Dino-Mike and Dinosaur Doomsday
North Star Press of Saint Cloud Inc Breath of the Onion: Italian-American Anecdotes
Breath of the Onion: Italian-American Anecdotes is a three-part collection of forty-eight prose pieces and a few old, family recipes. A handful of Italian characters, some of whom immigrate to Illinois, are celebrated. The story begins in a twelfth century Tuscan mountain village in the 1940s. Part two covers the narrator's short visit to Italy after forty years and the changes he finds, even in that ancient and isolated mountain village. Part three is about life in the suburbs west of Chicago and about the pressures the new world imposes on an ethnic culture. Language, customs, and values are affected and modified, often with humor and a new understanding.
Loecker Erhard Verlag Nichts ist sicher aber schreibe
Romeon Verlag Geheimnisse aus dem Unbewussten
Chelsea Green Publishing UK In Search of the Perfect Peach
WITH A FOREWORD FROM TIM SPECTOR, author ofThe Diet Myth,Spoon-FedandFood for LifeA pioneering approach.'ANNA JONES, cook and bestselling author of Easy WinsBy valuing and reclaiming flavour, Franco argues that we can transform the system and also enrich our relationship with food. Essential reading.'DAN SALADINO, journalist, broadcaster and author of Eating to ExtinctionLet flavour guide our food choices and lead us to a better food future. In Search of the Perfect Peach shows us how this simple desire can bring about a healthier, tastier and brighter future for our food, the people who produce it and the soil it grows in.That first bite of a perfectly ripe peach can be truly transformative a joyful moment that will stay with you forever. For Franco Fubini, founder and CEO of Natoora, this encounter also leads him to realise that fl
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Second Coming
We have entered the gateway to the apocalypse. This theological concept is the best metaphor to describe the world in which we are already living. Chaos is all around us: political folly, economical delirium, ecological catastrophe, intellectual cynicism, technological simulation of life. This is what Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi suggests in this wry, dark, disconcerting but also brilliant and invigorating journey through the main events that we have witnessed in recent years. One century after the Communist revolution, the very idea that the world could be changed for the better seems dead once and for all. Every time that a new change occurs nowadays, it seems to be a change for the worse. But the fact that nothing can save us any more shouldn’t be seen as a form of fatality or a reason for surrender. On the contrary, if our world is dead, then the space is open for another to appear – a world where apocalypse can shake us out of our zombie-like contemporary existence. The second coming of Communism will have nothing to do with 1917. Apocalypse has to be conceived of as a metaphor, and Communism is a metaphor too: the metaphor of the possible deployment of the potentials of the mind.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Econometrics
In Econometrics the author has provided a text that bridges the gap between classical econometrics (with an emphasis on linear methods such as OLS, GLS and instrumental variables) and some of the key research areas of the last few years, including sampling problems, nonparametric methods and panel data analysis. Designed for advanced undergraduates and postgraduate students of the subject, Econometrics provides rigorous, yet accessible, coverage of the subject. Key features include: * A unified approach to statistical estimation emphasising the analogy (or bootstrap) principle * An introduction to bootstrap and jackknife methods for assessing the accuracy of an estimator * Detailed discussion of nonparametric methods for estimating density and regression of functions * Emphasis on diagnostic procedures and on prediction criteria for evaluating the results fo statistical analysis * An introduction to linear exponential family and generalized linear models * A thorough discussion of robustness in statistical sense
McGill-Queen's University Press The Companion to Medieval Society
Presenting one thousand years of Medieval European society through its pivotal political events and representative art works, The Companion to Medieval Society is the most comprehensive and richly illustrated overview of the period to date. Offering an extraordinary historical synthesis, Franco Cardini, one of Italy's foremost experts in medieval studies, distills a lifetime's worth of knowledge into this compelling and accessible work. Cardini skillfully draws readers into a complex and intriguing world of diverse traditions, languages, and social groups, showcasing their representative features, differences, and their points of conflict and alliance. Over the course of time, the ruins left in the wake of the collapse of the Roman Empire were replaced by Christendom and monasticism, the feudal courts, and the reawakening of Europe's prominent cities. Cardini debunks the oversimplification of the medieval period, illustrating a continuum of shared cultures, powerfully crystallized social differences, and the formation of the scientific and social ideologies of a complex time. Spanning political, cultural, and ideological issues, as well as explorations of topics dealing with women, foreigners, inter-city relations, and the transmission of knowledge, The Companion to Medieval Society traces the development of a civilization over the centuries.
Verso Books The Third Unconscious: The Psychosphere in the Viral Age
The Unconscious knows no time, it has no before-and-after, it does not have a history of its own. Yet, it does not always remain the same. Different political and economic conditions transform the way in which the Unconscious emerges within the "psychosphere" of society. In the early 20th century, Freud characterized the Unconscious as the dark side of the well-order framework of Progress and Reason. At the end of the past century, Deleuze and Guattari described it as a laboratory: the magmatic force ceaselessly bringing to the fore new possibilities of imagination. Today, at a time of viral pandemics and in the midst of the catastrophic collapse of capitalism, the Unconscious has begun to emerge in yet another form. In this book, Franco 'Bifo' Berardi vividly portraits the form in which the Unconscious will make itself manifest for decades to come, and the challenges that it will pose to our possibilities of political action, poetic imagination, and therapy.
Springer London Ltd Mathematical Writing
This book teaches the art of writing mathematics, an essential -and difficult- skill for any mathematics student. The book begins with an informal introduction on basic writing principles and a review of the essential dictionary for mathematics. Writing techniques are developed gradually, from the small to the large: words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, to end with short compositions. These may represent the introduction of a concept, the abstract of a presentation or the proof of a theorem. Along the way the student will learn how to establish a coherent notation, mix words and symbols effectively, write neat formulae, and structure a definition.Some elements of logic and all common methods of proofs are featured, including various versions of induction and existence proofs. The book concludes with advice on specific aspects of thesis writing (choosing of a title, composing an abstract, compiling a bibliography) illustrated by large number of real-life examples. Many exercises are included; over 150 of them have complete solutions, to facilitate self-study.Mathematical Writing will be of interest to all mathematics students who want to raise the quality of their coursework, reports, exams, and dissertations.
Amberley Publishing London's Riverside in Photographs: The Thames From Hampton Court to the Barrier
From Hampton Court to the Thames Barrier, the landscape of London unfolds along the River Thames, from leafy towpaths, bustling thoroughfares, palaces and humble dwellings to industrial buildings, warehouses, power houses, pubs, theatres and churches. In London’s Riverside in Photographs: The Thames from Hampton Court to the Thames Barrier, photographer Franco Pfaller has recorded the huge variety of landscapes, buildings and other structures along the banks of the River Thames in London, including every bridge. Look through these photographs and you will quickly see the unique appeal of this great river artery running through the metropolis.
Visor libros, S.L. Los primeros indicios
COMO su título lo indica, Los primeros indicios es el libro inicial de Franco Bordino (Buenos Aires, 1989). La sorprendente madurez de su dominio del idioma y del arte del verso, en ningún momento avasalla la frescura de su sensibilidad. No hay la menor traza de erudición o preciosismo en estos poemas; por el contrario, en ellos la sensibilidad defiende a ultranza la naturalidad; el saber literario y el saber especulativo se subsumen en la palabra honesta.La salud del ánimo es la presa que la palabra poética de Franco Bordino se ha propuesto conquistar de una vez y para siempre, persiguiéndola sin tregua, haciéndola suya en cada uno de sus poemas. Vale decir: intuición y técnica están al servicio de la espontaneidad y de la llaneza expresiva; en ello consiste su alquimia poética.La melancolía vencida por la gracia poética, por la palabra que se solaza en la felicidad de la expresión, tal podría ser una definición de su triunfo tanto poético como socrático, porque es sin duda el
Ediciones Akal Hroes asesinato masivo y suicidio
De Vecchi Ediciones Las claves de sus sueos
Brepols Publishers Italian Film Music, 1950s-1970s: Between Tradition, Innovation, and Internationalisation
Rotpunktverlag Spurlos in Neapel
Graefe und Unzer Verlag Die echte italienische Kche Typische Rezepte und kulinarische Impressionen aus allen Regionen
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Obesity and the Economics of Prevention: Fit not Fat
Presents an overview of the obesity epidemic; examines statistics and projections about the condition's impact on health, society, politics, and the world economy; and discusses the benefits of effective interventions in the long term.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Understanding Microelectronics: A Top-Down Approach
The microelectronics evolution has given rise to many modern benefits but has also changed design methods and attitudes to learning. Technology advancements shifted focus from simple circuits to complex systems with major attention to high-level descriptions. The design methods moved from a bottom-up to a top-down approach. For today’s students, the most beneficial approach to learning is this top-down method that demonstrates a global view of electronics before going into specifics. Franco Maloberti uses this approach to explain the fundamentals of electronics, such as processing functions, signals and their properties. Here he presents a helpful balance of theory, examples, and verification of results, while keeping mathematics and signal processing theory to a minimum. Key features: Presents a new learning approach that will greatly improve students’ ability to retain key concepts in electronics studies Match the evolution of Computer Aided Design (CAD) which focuses increasingly on high-level design Covers sub-functions as well as basic circuits and basic components Provides real-world examples to inspire a thorough understanding of global issues, before going into the detail of components and devices Discusses power conversion and management; an important area that is missing in other books on the subject End-of-chapter problems and self-training sections support the reader in exploring systems and understanding them at increasing levels of complexity Inside this book you will find a complete explanation of electronics that can be applied across a range of disciplines including electrical engineering and physics. This comprehensive introduction will be of benefit to students studying electronics, as well as their lecturers and professors. Postgraduate engineers, those in vocational training, and design and application engineers will also find this book useful.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Theatre and Boxing: The Actor who Flies
Theatre and Boxing focuses on a problem which is of paramount importance for any theatre practitioner and researcher: the actor’s believable body. This problem has been taken up by Stanislavski, Meyerhold, Artaud, Brecht, Decroux, Copeau, Grotowski, and many others. It is an essential hurdle for all who practice the theatrical craft or want to study it theoretically. This hurdle can be considered one of the foundations of theatre science and of the relationship between technique, politics and ethics.This book tells the story of a revolution in the work of the actor in the early- and mid-20th century, a period in which the focus of theatrical interest shifted from the emotions to the body. The actor’s body became a tool for purveying a dynamic set of actions which often transformed the very actor himself. This new centrality of the body also drew attention to those places in which the body is central: the gym, the boxing ring and the circus with its trapezes and tightropes became, together with the stage, laboratories for the theatre. Thus, in addition to the reformers of the theatre the pages of this book are filled with boxers, acrobats, gymnasts and wrestlers, pursuers of an utopia: the "actor who flies".
Silvana Campigli and the Etruscans: A Pagan Happiness
“A pagan happiness entered my paintings in the spirit of both my subjects and work, which became freer and more lyrical”. These are the words used by Massimo Campigli himself to describe his visit to the Museum of Villa Giulia in Rome in 1928. He attributed to this event a fundamental value for the development of the mature phase of his artistic production. This catalogue compares a specific selection of Campigli’s works with Etruscan finds, with which they naturally share atmospheres, signs and colours. This innovative and learned analysis brings about the opportunity to present for the first time to the public valuable archaeological items, mostly unpublished and to date preserved in the deposits of the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la provincia di Viterbo e per l’Etruria Meridionale. Text in English and Italian.
Nova Science Publishers Inc From Chaos to Complexity Science. 20 Years of Multidisciplinary Explorations
This book is dedicated to the first ten years of Chaos and Complexity Letters - International Journal of Dynamical Systems Research. This journal was born to collect and disseminate complexity science related information to anybody interested in the topic; to speed up the evolutionary development of complexity science; to extend its interactions crossing over disciplines, levels of knowledge and geography; and to foster finding new pathways in research and new applications. The structure of CCL was specifically designed to add value to the trans-disciplinary approach while, at the same time, differentiating the epistemology of different contributions. In this enterprise we were sustained and inspired by two great companions that in different ways shared our project during its prehistory: Ilya Prigogine and Francisco Varela. This book collects 16 papers appeared on the first ten volumes of Chaos and Complexity Letters. They range from the life sciences, to STEM and economy, in accordance with the interdisciplinary mission of the journal. A special highlight starts with Acceleration and entropy: a macroscopic analogue of the twin paradox, possibly the last paper written by the Nobel Prize Ilya Prigogine with Gonzalo Ordonez. Important academic specialists who wrote in our scientific journal passed away. For example, Walter Freeman, Tullio Minelli, Ilya Prigogine, and Joseph P. Zbilut. This special issue is also dedicated to them. We are in opinion that their trajectories in life and research designed some contours of the shape of a new science to come.
Editions Flammarion The Cartier Collection: Timepieces
Giorgio Nada Editore Fiat 131 Abarth
The entire technical evolution and the competition history of a rally car as glorious as it was “unexpected” enclosed in a single volume. The Fiat 131, born as a tranquil family car, proved capable of transforming into a formidable rally competitor. This monograph draws on the testimony of the engineers who contributed to its creation and the numerous drivers and navigators who rallied it. Ingegner Sergio Limone was part of the team of engineers asked to define the 131 Abarth Rally project while the likes of Maurizio Verini, Michèle Mouton, Gigi Pirollo, Fabrizio Tognana, Dario Cerrato and Lucky Battistolli all, in various ways, contributed to making the Fiat 131 Abarth one of the most successful rally cars of all time with three World Championship titles to its name won in 1977, 1978 and 1980.
Damiani Srl Franco Gobbi Fragile
Ediciones Akal Bernini
De Vecchi Ediciones Stop a la adiccin al tabaco Desarrollo profesional Spanish Edition
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press CSEL 95/3
North Star Press of Saint Cloud Inc Firstborn
Firstborn is a book of poems and anecdotes which starts where Tracks on Damp Sand leaves off. Here we find that the firstborn eaglet to that pair of bald eagles we met in Tracksis a female who leaves the nest reluctantly. We see her struggle and learn to survive in her world as the humans in her immediate surroundings learn to survive in theirs. Nothing comes easy for bird or humans, but light catches the moments and makes them touching and memorable. Over and over we see how all of life is truly a gift.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Symmetry Breaking in the Standard Model: A Non-Perturbative Outlook
The book provides a non-perturbative approach to the symmetry breaking in the standard model, in this way avoiding the critical issues which affect the standard presentations. The debated empirical meaning of global and local gauge symmetries is clarified. The absence of Goldstone bosons in the Higgs mechanism is non-perturbatively explained by the validity of Gauss laws obeyed by the currents which generate the relatedglobal gauge symmetry. The solution of the U(1) problem and the vacuum structure in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) are obtained without recourse to the problematic semiclassical instanton approximation, by rather exploiting the topology of the gauge group.
Europa Editions (UK) Ltd The Throne
In October 1502 the powerful Cesare Borgia was preparing to invade the Florentine Republic. Niccolò Machiavelli, an official of the Republic, is sent to Borgia's court to spy on him. 33 years old, he has a nice pen, but he's not famous. He cheats on his wife avidly, and he''s deep into debts. He''s seen as trusted and useful, but he''s kept on the sidelines.A complex relationship is created between Machiavelli and Borgia. The Duke needs someone to write a biography to respond to the many slanders circulating about him and he chooses Niccolò to do it. And so Machiavelli not only gains wider access to Borgia's secrets, but also those of Dianora Mambelli, a young woman forced by the Borgias to stay by his side. Attending to both executioner and victim, listening to the Duke's reflections and discovering the hidden truths that Dianora reveals to him, transform Machiavelli and give him the insight that will allow him to become a great writer. And put his own life at risk.
Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. In Between Tarot Kit
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Europe and Islam
In this book Franco Cardini examines the ideas, prejudices, disinformation and anti-information that have formed and coloured Europe's attitude towards Islam over 1500 years.
Verso Books Heroes: Mass Murder and Suicide
What is the relationship between capitalism and mental health? Through an exhilarating mix of philosophical and psychoanalytical theory and reportage - from the suicide epidemic in Korea to the wave of American mass murders - the prominent Italian thinker Franco Berardi Bifo traces the social roots of the mental malaise of our age. His darkest and most unsettling book to date, Berardi proposes dystopian irony as a strategy to disentangle ourselves from the deadly embrace of the neoliberalism.
White Star An Illustrated History of Trains
White Star Trains: From Steam Locomotives to the Future of Sustainability
From the ancient steam locomotives to the latest high-speed models in Europe and China, as well as the first hydrogen-powered convoys, this volume is a fascinating journey in the world of trains. This book guides discovery of the most recent news regarding rail transport, taking a look at the near future, when trains will be remotely controlled without train drivers on board.
Franco Cosimo Panini La Scuola Grande Di San Rocco a Venezia