Search results for ""Author Francesc Miralles""
labutxaca Que no et facin perdre el son
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: LBEt costa dormir? Aquest llibre pràctic ensenya els adults a desactivar l'estrès i l'ansietat per aconseguir un son reparador que permeti rendir millor a la feina i ser més actius i optimistes en la nostra vida diària.
Ara Llibres Barcelona romántica
El pequeo ikigai Destino Fuera de coleccin Spanish Edition
Qué quiero hacer con mi vida?Debo estudiar lo que me gusta o elegir una profesión con futuro?Y si aún no sé lo que me gusta?Cómo puedo descubrir mi propósito, mi misión en la vida?Es lógico sufrir estrés y angustia ante preguntas cruciales como estas. Este libro para soñadores proporciona las herramientas para dar respuesta a estas preguntas, descubrir el propio ikigai y realizarse. A través del viaje del joven protagonista y de los contenidos prácticos, los lectores aprenderán a potenciar sus talentos y a descubrir su camino en la vida.Por primera vez en todo el mundo, los aclamados autores de Ikigai han escrito un manual inspirador y práctico muy útil para: Personas de todas las edades que están explorando lo que hacer con su vida. Padres que quieren ayudar a sus hijos a encontrar su rumbo vital y profesional. Educadores, psicólogos y coaches que ayudan a otras personas a descubrir su pr
Diederichs Eugen Jenseits des Abgrunds Roman ber den Sinn des Lebens
Debolsillo Desayuno con partculas Breakfast with particles La Ciencia Como Nunca Antes Se Ha Contado
Un excitante y revelador viaje al interior de la mente y a los orígenes de la vida a través de la física cuántica.Tienes en las manos un ensayo sobre física cuántica.Un momento, por favor. Espera!No permitas que esto te asuste y sueltes el libro de golpe.Aceptarías una invitación a desayunar?Si decides aventurarte a navegar entre estas páginas, descubrirás un universo tan maravilloso como desconcertante. La teoría cuántica es una de las más bellas y asombrosas de la ciencia. Las reglas que sigue son alocadas en comparación con nuestro día a día. Son antiintuitivas. Al adentrarnos en el mundo cuántico se ponen en jaque nuestras creencias sobre la realidad, y también las de nuestra realidad cotidiana.Sonia Fernández-Vidal, escritora y doctora en Física Cuántica, y Francesc Miralles, escritor y periodista, nos invitan a un divertido desayuno al que también asistirán Newton, Einstein, Heisenberg y otros célebres físicos de la historia. Entre magdalenas, tostadas, café con
Fundación Santa María-Ediciones SM Latidos y si la persona correcta estuviera a la distancia equivocada
Remo acaba de cruzarse con Carol en el aeropuerto. Lo bueno? Han conectado. Lo malo? Remo va de camino a Los Ángeles para tomarse un año sabático mientras que Carol viaja a Japón para vivir con su padre. Qué puede pasar entre dos desconocidos que están en la otra punta del mundo? Qué pueden saber el uno del otro por las fotos que cuelgan en HeartPic o las entradas que escriben en BlogBits? Y por qué cada vez que reciben un mensaje en HeartBits su corazón parece dejar de latir?
Ara Llibres Pensar amb els peus
Els grans astres del futbol sempre han estat coneguts per idees o frases inspirades que han expressat fora dels terrenys de joc. Des del mític la pilota és rodona fins a l?a vegades és més fàcil jugar amb deu que amb onze. Aquestes frases són espurnes de genialitat perquè, en la seva simplicitat màxima, es basen en veritats pràcticament absolutes. Són idees que, gràcies a l?hàbil reinterpretació de Gabriel García de Oro, ens poden ajudar en la nostra vida diària. Per marcar un gol a la quotidianitat, per sortir a jugar i gaudir del joc.
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Ikigai
Cornerstone The FourWay Path
How can I find purpose in my life?In Hindu philosophy, there are four goals that all human beings strive for: virtue, prosperity, love and freedom. If you can find the balance between them, you will discover the Four-Way Path and begin a journey into true and lasting fulfilment.Uplifting and comforting, this book honours some of the oldest and greatest spiritual practices to explain how the Four-Way Path can awaken your purpose, free you from stress and fear, and find lasting peace. It will unlock a life full of happiness and meaning.From the million-copy-bestselling authors of Ikigai
Los cinco continentes del amor
Una enternecedora y profunda novela escrita en colaboración por Javier Ruescas y Francesc Miralles.El Amante Europeo conoce los secretos de la seducción y el romanticismo, pero a menudo construye la relación desde la fantasía.El Amante Americano vive el amor como un éxito vital, pero es más efectivo en sociedad que en las distancias cortas.El Amante Africano se guía por la cercanía y la pasión, pero adolece de impaciencia e inseguridad.El Amante Asiático quiere y cuida desde el respeto absoluto, pero le cuesta dar voz a lo que siente su corazón.El Amante Oceánico se guía por la inspiración del momento y es impredecible; hoy te lo da todo y mañana desaparece en cualquier aventura.A qué continente pertenece tu corazón?
Ara Llibres El mètode ikigai
Una nova aproximació a la millenària cultura japonesa a través d?un llibre pràctic que busca donar poder als nostres prop.sits vitals i fer-los realitat a partir d?avui mateix.
Indigo Kitap Ikigai Japonlarn Uzun ve Mutlu Yaam Srr
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Finde dein Ikigai
labutxaca Retrum quan rem morts
Has dormit mai en un cementiri?En Cristian té setze anys i, des de la mort del seu germà bessó, s'ha allunyat molt dels amics i de la família. Passa el temps lliure sol, llegint poesia i escoltant cançons tristes en els llocs més insòlits. Un d'ells és el cementiri de Teià, el poble on viu. Un capvespre, llegint Lord Byron, veu com s'acosten al cementiri tres joves forasters, dues noies i un noi, vestits de negre amb una flor violeta a la solapa i la cara pintada de blanc.Els tres joves formen part d'un ordre secret, anomenat RETRUM, que es comunica amb els difunts i té estranys rituals.Una de les noies, l'Alèxia, està destinada a posseir el seu cor amb un amor que anirà més enllà de la mort...
Ara Llibres Catalunya romàntica
Estrella Polar El noi que dormia a la neu
En Joel, el protagonista d'El gos que corria cap a un estel, té tretze anys i vol fugir del poble on viu, al nord de Suècia. La nit que cau la primera neu es fa tres promeses solemnes: abans que acabi l'any vol veure el mar i una noia despullada; a més, vol arribar als cent anys. Es llança amb determinació i enginy a fer realitat aquestes promeses, la número dos de les quals resultarà ser la més senzilla...
Editorial Cruïlla, S.A Pulsacions
Encuadernación: RústicaEdad Recomendada: A partir de 12 añosL'Èlia acaba de despertar després de vàries setmanes immersa en un coma profund. Va tenir un accident quan anava en cotxe amb el noi que li agradava. Quan encara està a l'hospital, la seva mare li regala un Smartphone amb el programa de missatgeria Hearbeats. Un bon dia comença a rebre missatges misteriosos que li faran replantejar-s'ho tot, fins i tot la frontera entre la vida i la mort.
Ara Llibres Lautoajuda al descobert
El llibre que tens a les mans et descobrirà què i qui hi ha en realitat darrere els llibres d'autoajuda. Com es fabrica un best-seller i com es fan refregits de llibres que han estat èxits de venda; qui són els gurús de l'autoajuda; quina és la psicologia dels lectors i lectores addictes a aquesta mena d'obres; en definitiva totes les veritats i mentides d'aquest gènere que se suposa vol fer feliços aquells qui el llegeixen.Com ens diu el mateix autor, L'autoajuda al descobert explica als lectors tots els secrets dels manuals de felicitat per tal que puguin aprofitar-ne els avantatges i evitar així, el risc d'autoengany.
Ara Llibres Jet lag
Cada cop que ens enlairem desitgem que l'avió estigui en perfectes condicions, que el vol transcorri sense turbulències, que els empleats ens tractin amb amabilitat i -sobretot- que entre els passatgers no s'amagui cap desequilibrat. I la gran majoria de les vegades aquests desigs s'acompleixen, però... què passa quan no és així? Jet lag és el milor recull d'aventures, anècdotes i ensurts que han tingut lloc dins i fora del nostre país, tant dins dels avions com als aeroports. Benvingut a bord!
Cornerstone Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life
THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLERWe all have an ikigai.It's the Japanese word for 'a reason to live' or 'a reason to jump out of bed in the morning'. It's the place where your needs, desires, ambitions, and satisfaction meet. A place of balance. Small wonder that finding your ikigai is closely linked to living longer.Finding your ikigai is easier than you might think. This book will help you work out what your own ikigai really is, and equip you to change your life. You have a purpose in this world: your skills, your interests, your desires and your history have made you the perfect candidate for something. All you have to do is find it.Do that, and you can make every single day of your life joyful and meaningful.______________________________'I read it and it's bewitched me ever since. I'm spellbound.' Chris Evans'A refreshingly simple recipe for happiness.' Stylist'Ikigai gently unlocks simple secrets we can all use to live long, meaningful, happy lives. Warm, patient, and kind, this book pulls you gently along your own journey rather than pushing you from behind.' Neil Pasricha, bestselling author of The Happiness Equation
Quercus Publishing The Book of Ichigo Ichie: The Art of Making the Most of Every Moment, the Japanese Way
Learn to make every moment a once-in-a-lifetime experience with this definitive guide to the Japanese art of ichigo ichie, from the bestselling authors of Ikigai.'Ikigai urges individuals to simplify their lives by pursuing what sparks joy for them' (Marie '' Kondo) Every moment in our life happens only once, and if we let it slip away, we lose it forever-an idea captured by the Japanese phrase ichigo ichie. Often used to convey that the encounter is unique and special, it is a tenet of Zen Buddhism and is attributed to a sixteenth-century master of the Japanese tea ceremony, or 'ceremony of attention', whose intricate rituals compel us to focus on the present moment.From this age-old concept comes a new kind of mindfulness. In The Book of Ichigo Ichie, you will learn to use all five senses to anchor yourself in the present. Every one of us contains a key that can open the door to attention, harmony with others, and love of life. And that key is ichigo ichie.'This is a great little book to lift the spirits and remind us of the importance of living in the 'now', not worrying about the past or future.' - 5* Reader Review'This book should act as a wakeup call. Make each now a sacred moment. Pay attention! Make each moment special!' - 5* Reader Review'The authors of Ikigai have offered another brief and masterful addition for those seeking out a simpler and more fulfilling life.' - 5* Reader Review
Penguin Books Ltd Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life
INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER • 2 MILLION+ COPIES SOLD WORLDWIDE“Workers looking for more fulfilling positions should start by identifying their ikigai.” ―Business Insider “One of the unintended—yet positive—consequences of the [pandemic] is that it is forcing people to reevaluate their jobs, careers, and lives. Use this time wisely, find your personal ikigai, and live your best life.” ―ForbesFind your ikigai (pronounced ee-key-guy) to live longer and bring more meaning and joy to all your days.“Only staying active will make you want to live a hundred years.” —Japanese proverb According to the Japanese, everyone has an ikigai—a reason for living. And according to the residents of the Japanese village with the world’s longest-living people, finding it is the key to a happier and longer life. Having a strong sense of ikigai—where what you love, what you’re good at, what you can get paid for, and what the world needs all overlap—means that each day is infused with meaning. It’s the reason we get up in the morning. It’s also the reason many Japanese never really retire (in fact there’s no word in Japanese that means retire in the sense it does in English): They remain active and work at what they enjoy, because they’ve found a real purpose in life—the happiness of always being busy. In researching this book, the authors interviewed the residents of the Japanese village with the highest percentage of 100-year-olds—one of the world’s Blue Zones. Ikigai reveals the secrets to their longevity and happiness: how they eat, how they move, how they work, how they foster collaboration and community, and—their best-kept secret—how they find the ikigai that brings satisfaction to their lives. And it provides practical tools to help you discover your own ikigai. Because who doesn’t want to find happiness in every day?
Tuttle Publishing The Ikigai Journey: A Practical Guide to Finding Happiness and Purpose the Japanese Way
In The Ikigai Journey, authors Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles take their international bestseller Ikigai: the Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life a step further by showing you how to find your own ikigai through practical exercises, such as employing new habits and stepping outside your comfort zone.Ikigai is the place where our passion (what we love), mission (what we hope to contribute), vocation (the gifts we have to offer the world) and profession (how our passions and talents can become a livelihood) converge, giving us a personal sense of meaning. This book helps you bring together all of these elements so that you can enjoy a balanced life.Our ikigai is very similar to change: it is a constant that transforms depending on which phase of life we are in. Our "reason for being" is not the same at 15 as it is at 70. Through three sections, this book helps you to accept and embrace that—acting as a tool to revolutionize your future by helping you to understand the past, so you can enjoy your present. Section 1: Journey Through the Future: Tokyo (a symbol of modernity and innovation) Section 2: Journey Through the Past: Kyoto (an ancient capital moored in tradition) Section 3: Journey Through the Present: Ise (an ancient shrine that is destroyed and rebuilt every twenty years) Japan has one of the longest life spans in the world, and the greatest number of centenarians—many of whom cite their strong sense of ikigai as the basis for their happiness and longevity. Unlike many "self-care" practices, which require setting aside time in an increasingly busy world, the ikigai method helps you find peace and fulfillment in your busy life.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El método Ikigai: Despierta tu verdadera pasión y cumple tus propósitos vitales / Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life
Penguin Books Ltd The Book of Ichigo Ichie: The Art of Making the Most of Every Moment, the Japanese Way
Find happiness by living fully in the present with this definitive guide to ichigo ichie--the Japanese art of making the most of every moment--from the bestselling authors of Ikigai and The Four-Way Path.Every moment in our life happens only once, and if we let it slip away, we lose it forever--an idea captured by the Japanese phrase ichigo ichie (pronounced itchy-GO itchy-A). Often spoken in Japan when greeting someone or saying goodbye, to convey that the encounter is unique and special, it is a tenet of Zen Buddhism and is attributed to a sixteenth-century master of the Japanese tea ceremony, or "ceremony of attention," whose intricate rituals compel us to focus on the present moment.From this age-old concept comes a new kind of mindfulness. In The Book of Ichigo Ichie, you will learn to...appreciate the beauty of the fleeting, the way the Japanese celebrate the cherry blossoms for two weeks every April, knowing they'll have to wait a whole year to see them again;use all five senses to anchor yourself in the present, helping you to let go of fear, sadness, anger, and other negative emotions fueled by fixating on the past or the future;be alert to the magic of coincidences, which help us find meaning among the disconnected events of our lives;use ichigo ichie to help you discover your ikigai, or life's purpose--because it's only by learning to be present, to be tuned into what catches your attention and excites you in the moment, that you can identify what it is that most motivates you and brings you happiness.Every one of us contains a key that can open the door to attention, harmony with others, and love of life. And that key is ichigo ichie.A PENGUIN LIFE TITLE
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Ichigo-ichie / Savor Every Moment: The Japanese Art of Ichigo-Ichie: Ichigo-ichie / The Book of Ichigo Ichie. The Art of Making the Most of Every Moment, the Japanese Way
Cornerstone Ikigai: Simple Secrets to a Long and Happy Life
THE MULTI-MILLION-COPY BESTSELLERFind purpose, meaning and joy in your work and lifeWe all have an ikigai. It's the Japanese word for 'a reason to live' or 'a reason to jump out of bed in the morning'. The place where your needs, ambitions, skills and satisfaction meet. A place of balance.This book will help you unlock what your ikigai is and equip you to change your life. There is a passion inside you - a unique talent that gives you purpose and makes you the perfect candidate for something. All you have to do is discover and live it.Do that, and you can make every single day of your life joyful and meaningful.'A refreshingly simple recipe for happiness' Stylist'Ikigai gently unlocks simple secrets we can all use to live long, meaningful, happy lives' Neil Pasricha, bestselling author of The Happiness Equation
Tuttle Publishing Forest Bathing: The Rejuvenating Practice of Shinrin Yoku
Shinrin Yoku: "taking in the forest atmosphere," the medicine of simply being in the forest, "forest bathing."This book offers guidelines for finding peace and replenishment in any space —from turning off your phone to seeking the irregularities in nature, which in turn can make us less critical of ourselves. It offers tips not only on being fully present and mindful while in the forest, but also on how to tap into that mindfulness at home—even if home is the busiest and most crowded of cities.Forest Bathing explains the traditional Japanese concepts that help readers understand and share in the benefits of the Japanese approach to forest bathing—a cornerstone of healing and health care in Japan. These concepts include: Yugen: Our living experience of the world around us that is so profound as to be beyond expression Komorebi: The interplay of leaves and sunlight Wabi sabi: Rejoicing in imperfection and impermanence From the healing properties of phytoncides (self-protective compounds emitted by plants) to the ways we can benefit from what forest spaces can teach us, this book discusses the history, science and philosophy behind this age-old therapeutic practice. Examples from the ancient Celts to Henry David Thoreau remind us of the ties between humankind and the natural world—ties that have become more and more elusive to Westerners.