Search results for ""Author Festus""
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Education
This volume is an excellent resource for special education professionals who teach and serve learners with disabilities, and other related professionals involved in the educational process such as administrators, school counsellors, and psychologists.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Special Education Practices: Personal Narratives of African American Scholars, Educators & Related Professionals
Nova Science Publishers Inc White Voices in Multicultural Psychology, Education, and Leadership: Inside the Walls of America's Higher Education
Nova Science Publishers Inc Voices of Foreign-Born African American Teacher Educators in the United States
Nova Science Publishers Inc Latin@ Voices in Multicultural Education: From Invisibility to Visibility in Higher Education
Nova Science Publishers Inc Latin@ Voices in Multicultural Education: From Invisibility to Visibility in Higher Education
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Education Transition Services for Students with Disabilities
While services for students with disabilities have been vastly improved in recent years, and research has created far greater awareness for the issues they face, there are still many obstacles to overcome as these students progress through the education system. This book discusses the considerable challenges these students conquer in education, varying relationships with teachers and academics, learning resources, and everyday social situations. Beginning with an introduction to transition services and students with disabilities, this invaluable text goes on to discuss a wide range of disability topics. Leaders in the field of transition services present recent research on students with learning disabilities, deaf/hard of hearing students, those who have visual impairments, autistic students, those with extensive support needs, physical disabilities, and more. This book is an excellent resource for special education researchers, scholars, practitioners, and professionals who teach and serve students with disabilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Viewpoints on Interventions for Learners with Disabilities
Interventions in special education are results of advocacy, legislation, litigation, research, and trends. Since interventions come in many forms, they represent multidimensional viewpoints and perspectives and need to be handled with professional care, integrity, fidelity. This book highlights the fact there are skill-sets needed to work with divergent disability categories. The chapters begin with introducing readers to contextual bases of interventions for learners with disabilities and end with futuristic perspectives that go beyond tradition. Other chapters focus on students with learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, and intellectual disabilities. Additional chapters focus on students who are deaf and hard of hearing, and students with visual impairments, autism, severe disabilities, traumatic brain injury, speech and language impairments, and physical and other health impairments. This volume presents the voices of leaders in the field of special education and addresses critical issues related to identification, assessment, labeling, placement, and instruction. Furthermore, it responds to what makes special education “special.” Not only does this volume present historical contexts, it also authenticates the legitimacy of helping all learners to maximize their fullest potential, the real essence of special education. To a large extent, this book will be an excellent resource for undergraduate and graduate students, regular educators, special educators, educator preparation professionals, researchers, scholars, and practitioners.
Plural Publishing Inc Improving Educational Outcomes of Vulnerable Children
This book seeks to examine the plight of vulnerable students. Scholars and practitioners will benefit from this in-depth and unique resource for working with diverse populations of students.The term "vulnerable" is the current construct used to address students who are at-risk of dropping out of school or of being mislabeled because of myriad social-economic, structural, educational, cultural, racial, linguistic, and societal burdens that impinge upon their learning and survival in school environments. These populations can include students in urban areas, students with "special" needs, and/or at-risk students who are disenfranchised, disadvantaged, and disillusioned.A few of the topics discussed include students with special needs, the scholar identity of black males, parent perspectives, teacher preparation, and using technology in the classroom.A diverse group of contributors offer their expertise in this distinctive text. Authors include scholars and practitioners from fields such as educational leadership, special education, teacher education, educational technology, and educational psychology.Key Features: explores the diversity of students in today's classrooms: culturally, linguistically, and racially different students; students in urban areas; students with "special" needs; and/or at-risk students who are disenfranchised, disadvantaged, and disillusioned; details multiple strategies for teacher preparation and mentoring; discusses methods for effective parent-teacher collaboration.
Emerald Publishing Limited General and Special Education Inclusion in an Age of Change: Impact on Students with Disabilities
This volume addresses general and special education inclusion and how the education field has changed over time. The topic of inclusion has transformed over the years from when it was first introduced and as a result of legislation, new trends, and current research investigations. In addition, this topic can be somewhat controversial depending on the disability the child might have or those professionals involved in the process of instructing individuals with disabilities. Currently, there is no comprehensive resource that effectively covers these advances with the breath of topics as this volume. This volume will address the most current perspectives and issues related to general and special education inclusion and will be written by leaders in the field with particular expertise in this area. This volume will be an excellent resource for special educators, administrators, mental health clinicians, school counsellors, and psychologists. The layout of the volume will allow readers to follow general and special education inclusion in a very logical and thoughtful process from students with high incidence disabilities to those with low incidence disabilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Traditional and Innovative Assessment Techniques for Students with Disabilities
In order to properly understand and compare traditional and innovative assessment techniques for students with disabilities, we must be able to access examples of how they work in a logical and thoughtful sequence. This finely curated collection of thirteen chapters presents ideas and research on different disability topics from key leaders in the field of the assessment of children with disabilities. Written by well-known and respected researchers, scholars, and educators who are actively involved in teaching undergraduate and graduate special education courses on the assessment of students with disabilities, this volume opens with a thorough introduction on the current situation. The topics covered by the remaining chapters include students with learning and intellectual disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, sensory impairments, extensive support needs, traumatic brain injuries, and those who are culturally and linguistically diverse, autistic, and those who have physical disabilities. The concluding chapter muses on what the future holds for traditional and innovative assessment techniques for students with disabilities. This volume is an excellent resource for special education researchers, scholars, practitioners, and professionals who teach and serve young learners with disabilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Interdisciplinary Connections to Special Education: Important Aspects to Consider
This two-part volume addresses the specific area of interdisciplinary connections within special education research. Special education has transformed as a result of legislation, new trends and current research investigations. Currently, there is no comprehensive resource that effectively covers these advances. Part A sets the agenda for this two-part volume by addressing the challenge of why an interdisciplinary understanding is necessary and also outlines the benefits of adopting a multidisciplinary framework.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Foreign-Born African Americans: Silenced Voices in the Discourse on Race
Les Belles Lettres Festus, Abrege Des Hauts Faits Du Peuple Romain
Emerald Publishing Limited Using Technology to Enhance Special Education
Using Technology to Enhance Special Education, Volume 37 of Advances in Special Education, is a logically, thoughtfully organized, and well-sequenced text. It focuses on how general and special educators can use technology to work with children and youth with disabilities. This cutting-edge book involves researchers, scholars, educators, and leaders who are knowledge producers in the field. It is written to respond to today’s changing world where technology has become a very powerful force. As it stands, the world is getting smaller and smaller; and what is happening in a location quickly becomes known everywhere. For example, during the tense periods of the global COVID pandemic, technology became the livewire of our world. This book begins with an introduction to technology and students with disabilities; and the remaining chapters focus on the role of technology in the education of students with learning disabilities, emotional and/or behavioral disorders, and intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, physical and health impairments, hearing impairments/deafness, visual impairments, and traumatic brain injuries. In addition, some chapters focus on the role of technology in achieving equitable and inclusive education, building culturally and linguistically responsive general and special education, and creatively using digital comics to improve written narratives. In the end, this book concludes with a chapter that forward looking ways to infuse technology in special education. We feel that this volume is an excellent resource for special education researchers, scholars, practitioners, and professionals who teach and serve students with disabilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Education for Young Learners with Disabilities
Special Education for Young Learners with Disabilities brings together leaders in the field of young children with disabilities, to present their ideas and research on different disability topics. Beginning with an introduction to the topic, the remaining chapters include discussions on learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, and intellectual disabilities; those who are deaf/hard of hearing; those who have visual impairments; those who have autism, severe and multiple disabilities, and traumatic brain injury; those who are culturally and linguistically diverse; those who have physical disabilities, and other health impairments. While this book focuses largely on the current climate of special education for young learners with disabilities, it also looks forward, concluding with a chapter on the future for the topic, both on a research and a practical basis. This volume of Advances in Special Education is a fundamental resource for special education researchers, scholars, practitioners, and professionals who teach and serve young learners with disabilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited General and Special Education Inclusion in an Age of Change: Roles of Professionals Involved
This volume addresses general and special education inclusion and how the education field has changed over time. The topic of inclusion has transformed over the years from when it was first introduced and as a result of legislation, new trends, and current research investigations. In addition, this topic can be somewhat controversial depending on the disability the child might have or those professionals involved in the process of instructing individuals with disabilities. Currently, there is no comprehensive resource that effectively covers these advances with the breath of topics as this volume. This volume will address the most current perspectives and issues related to general and special education inclusion and will be written by leaders in the field with particular expertise in this area. This volume will be an excellent resource for special educators, administrators, mental health clinicians, school counsellors, and psychologists. The layout of the volume will allow readers to follow general and special education inclusion in a very logical and thoughtful process from students with high incidence disabilities to those with low incidence disabilities.
Nova Science Publishers Inc African Perspectives in American Higher Education: Invisible Voices
CABI Publishing Indigenous Fruit Trees in the Tropics: Domestication, Utillization and Commercialization
It has been recognized that an important factor in improving the viability of rural livelihoods in developing countries is the promotion of sustainable agriculture. As opposed to relying solely on cash crops, this can be more easily achieved through the domestication of various indigenous fruit trees that can be cultivated and owned by smallholder farmers. Through multi-functional and integrated farming systems, these tree crops can support environmental and social sustainability by providing food as well as promoting economic growth. Twenty years ago, little was known about the biology, ecology or the social impact of indigenous fruit trees on rural populations. Since then, new concepts and approaches have been developed, case studies have been produced and the potential and feasibility of their domestication and commercialization has been explored. This focused study on the tropics brings together a comprehensive review of this research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Autism and Developmental Disabilities: Current Practices and Issues
This book examines real life reflections on Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), current practices and issues related to assessing, instructing and life-long planning for individuals with autism and developmental disabilities. School systems, mental health facilities, and society are being challenged to deal effectively with the growing number of people with autism and developmental disabilities. This is partly due to the inclusive philosophy of educating, training and treating individuals. This book provides regular, special educators, mental health professionals, clinicians and parents with information on best practices and research based findings related to: identification, characteristics, diagnosis; special, general, early and post-secondary education; and quality of life concerns. The book's chapters are topical, comprehensive and diverse. Chapters on assessment examine the emerging field of infant mental health, testing protocols, barriers to diagnosing diverse students, and recent developments in the diagnosing and assessment of autism spectrum disorders i.e. genetic testing, home movies and robots. A number of chapters on instructional aspects delineate curriculum innovations, procedures to implement social skills, assistive technology use and planning for postsecondary education. Life long planning, provides unique content on self-determination, social competence, sibling aspects, and employment and retirement considerations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Behavioral Disorders: Practice Concerns and Students with EBD
Along with Volume 22 of the same series, this book addresses the most current perspectives and issues related to behaviour disorders and it involves leaders in the behaviour disorders field. This books specifically addresses practice concerns and students with EBD. This book is organized to allow readers to follow behavioural disorders in a very logical and thoughtful process. Topics addressed include inclusion, social skills training, effective instruction, response-to-intervention, transition, technology finally ending with working families, and teacher preparation. Chapters can be read in order or independently since they have considerable versatility. We feel that this volume of "Advances in Special Education" will be an excellent resource for special education professionals who teach and serve students with behavioural disorders.
Emerald Publishing Limited Behavioral Disorders: Identification, Assessment, and Instruction of Students with EBD
Along with volume 23 of the same series, this book addresses the most current perspectives and issues related to behavior disorders and it involves leaders in the behaviour disorders field. This book specifically addresses identification, assessment and instruction. This book is organized to allow readers to follow behavioral disorders in a very logical and thoughtful process. Topics addressed include legal issues, assessment, placement prevention, culturally and linguistically diverse students, English Language learners, behaviour modification as well as differentiated instruction. Chapters can be read in order or independently since they have considerable versatility. We feel that this volume of "Advances in Special Education" will be an excellent resource for special education professionals who teach and serve students with behavioral disorders.
Emerald Publishing Limited Interdisciplinary Connections to Special Education: Key Related Professionals Involved
This two-part volume addresses the specific area of interdisciplinary connections within special education research. Special education has transformed as a result of legislation, new trends and current research investigations. Currently, there is no comprehensive resource that effectively covers these advances. Continuing the approach of Part A, Part B allows readers to follow interdisciplinary connections within special education as it relates to the roles of audiologists, surgeons, vision specialists and school nurses.
Emerald Publishing Limited Learning Disabilities: Practice Concerns and Students with LD
This volume addresses the most current perspectives and issues related to learning disabilities and is written by leaders in the field of learning disabilities. The layout of the book and ordering of chapters will allow readers to follow learning disabilities in a very logical and thoughtful process from legal issues, identification, and assessment, to effective practices and response to intervention finally ending with practical issues of inclusion, working with families, and teacher preparation. Chapters can be read in order or independently which will allow readers considerable versatility. Chapters in the book include: Inclusion and Students with Learning Disabilities; Reading Instruction and Students with Learning Disabilities; Written Instruction and Students with Learning Disabilities; Mathematics Instruction and Students with Learning Disabilities; Social Skills Training and Students with Learning Disabilities; Response to Intervention Techniques and Students with Learning Disabilities; Transition and Students with Learning Disabilities; Technology and Students with Learning Disabilities; Families and Students with Learning Disabilities; Teacher Preparation and Students with Learning Disabilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited History of Special Education
This volume will examine the history of special education by categorical areas (e.g., Learning Disabilities, Mental Retardation, and Autistic Spectrum Disorders). Each categorical area chapter will include an examination of: changing definitions, early pioneers in the field, major contributors and their theoretical ideas, changing educational and treatment practices, working with families, the use of technology, assessment practices and legislative acts specific to that categorical area. The volume will also include chapters on the changing philosophy related to educating students with exceptionalities as well as a detailed history of legal and legislation content concerned with special education. The volume will provide readers with a unique perspective on why special education is what it is today.
Emerald Publishing Limited Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Educational and Clinical Interventions
This work is concerned with the study of children and adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The book provides theoretical, educational and clinical perspectives related to this disorder. The perspectives discussed are based upon past and present theories of autism, educational practices since the 1970s and recent clinical innovations. The term ASD recognizes that this is a very heterogeneous disorder that encompasses the classic autistic disorder and milder variants such as Asperger syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified. Presently, there exists a growing need for information to understand the complex educational and mental health needs of individuals with ASD. The content of this book is directed at meeting this need. For example, Section I of this book provides the reader with information concerned with theoretical foundations on the disorder and includes chapters on cognitive theories and symptomology of autism and neurological implications of autism to the ageing process. Section II provides the reader with educational best practices and includes chapters on pre-service and in-service training of teachers, successful curriculum innovations, and multicultural concerns. Section III of the book provides the reader with recent effective clinical practices and includes chapters on assessment, counselling techniques for individuals with ASD, a model of how to work with parents of children with ASD, psychotropic medication management concerns, and a comprehensive interview with an adult with ASD. The book also contains a new theoretical model to ASD which is entitled "The Control Theory of Autism".
Emerald Publishing Limited Multicultural Education for Learners with Exceptionalities
This volume is devoted to examining multicultural perspectives in special education. It tackles demographic challenges in today's classrooms, schools, and communities that general and special educators must be aware of, by presenting information on multidimensional methods for dealing with those students who look, talk, behave and learn differently. Chapter authors provide innovative ideas for educators willing to shift their identification, assessment, placement, and instructional paradigms to better serve multicultural learners with exceptionalities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Current Issues and Trends in Special Education: Research, Technology, and Teacher Preparation
"This is the second of two themed volumes addressing current issues and trends in special education. Volume 20 covers research, technology, and teacher preparation whilst volume 19 covered identification, assessment and instruction. The field of special education constantly changes as a result of legislation, new instructional formats and current research investigations. It can be difficult for general and special educators, school counselors and psychologists, administrators and practicing clinicians to keep up with these changes and be current in all areas relating to special education. The special education literature knowledge base should reflect these changes; however, there is no current resource that effectively and comprehensively does this. The purpose of "Current Issues and Trends in Special Education" is to fill this void, providing chapters written by active researchers and practitioners in their respective areas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Education International Perspectives: Practices Across the Globe
The volume provides a comprehensive discussion of special education from across the globe. The volume includes chapters from major countries such as United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Russia and Japan as well as countries such as Nigeria, Israel and Pakistan. Discussions related to these countries will include information on origins of special education specific to that country, prevalence and incidence rates, trends in legislation and litigation, educational interventions, working with families, teacher training, a perspective on the progress of special education, and challenges that remain.
Emerald Publishing Limited Current Issues and Trends in Special Education.: Identification, Assessment and Instruction
This is the first of two themed volumes addressing the current issues and trends in Special Education. Volume 19 covers identification, assessment and instruction whilst volume 20 covers research, technology, and teacher preparation. The field of special education constantly changes as a result of legislation, new instructional formats and current research investigations. It can be difficult for general and special educators, school counselors and psychologists, administrators and practicing clinicians to keep up with these changes and be current in all areas relating to special education. The special education literature knowledge base should reflect these changes; however, there is no current resource that effectively and comprehensively does this. The purpose of "Current Issues and Trends in Special Education" is to fill this void, providing chapters written by active researchers and practitioners in their respective areas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Learning Disabilities: Identification, Assessment, and Instruction of Students with LD
This volume addresses the most current perspectives and issues related to learning disabilities and is written by leaders in the field of learning disabilities. The layout of the book and ordering of chapters will allow readers to follow learning disabilities in a very logical and thoughtful process from legal issues, identification, and assessment, to effective practices and response to intervention finally ending with practical issues of inclusion, working with families, and teacher preparation. Chapters can be read in order or independently which will allow readers considerable versatility. Chapters in the book include: Legal Issues and Learning Disabilities; Themes and Dimensions of Learning Disabilities; Identification and Assessment of Students with LD; Placement of Students with Learning Disabilities; Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students who have Learning Disabilities; Prevention Strategies for At-Risk Students with Learning Disabilities; ELL Students and Learning Disabilities; Differentiating Instruction and Students with Learning Disabilities; Interventions for CLD Learners with Learning Disabilities; Positive Behavior Supports and Students with Learning Disabilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gifted Education: Current Perspectives and Issues
This volume addresses the most current perspectives and issues related to giftedness and is written by leaders in the field. An excellent resource for special educators, administrators, mental health clinicians, school counselors, and psychologists, this volume addresses the different educational issues that impact this population. The area of giftedness is constantly advancing as a result of legislation, new trends, and current research investigations. In addition, this area is somewhat controversial as it is often not funded under special education. The volume will allow readers to follow giftedness in a very logical and thoughtful process from theories, legal issues, identification and assessment, and placement to different populations and the impact giftedness may have on them. Also included are the topics of inclusion, differentiated instruction, effective practices, and technology. The volume concludes with chapters that address post-secondary education and families.