Search results for ""Author Fahim Amir""
Between the Lines Being and Swine: The End of Nature (As We Knew It)
Where there are pigeons, there is resistance. Forget everything you think you know about nature. Fahim Amir’s award-winning book takes pure delight in posing unexpected questions: Are animals victims of human domination, or heroes of resistance? Is nature pristine and defenceless, or sentient and devious? Is being human really a prerequisite for being political? In a world where birds on Viagra punch above their weight and termites hijack the heating systems of major cities, animals can be recast as vigilantes, agitators, and public enemies in their own right. Under Amir’s magic spell, pigs transform from slaughterhouse innocents into rioting revolutionaries, pigeons from urban pests into unruly militants, honeybees from virtuous fuzzballs into shameless centrefold models for eco-capitalism. As paws, claws, talons, and hooves seize the means of production, Being and Swine spirals higher and higher into a heady thesis that becomes more convincing by the minute. At the heart of Amir’s writing is a deep optimism and bracingly fresh reading of Marxist, post-colonial, and feminist theory, building upon the radical scholarship of Donna J. Haraway and others. Contrarian, whip-smart, and wildly innovative, no other book will laugh at your convictions quite like this one.
Distributed Art Publishers Lifes
An anthology on the interdisciplinary and the collaborative toward a total work of art This volume anthologizes the textual contributions from the Hammer exhibition titled Lifes. These texts formed the starting point from which choreographers and composers, theater directors and dramaturgs, and performance, video and installation artists contributed to the overall project. The publication documents the exhibition’s fostering of interdisciplinary conversation toward a “total work of art.” In addition to scholarly contextual essays by Shannon Jackson, Aram Moshayedi and Greg Tate, the book includes texts commissioned for the exhibition and publication by philosopher and ecologist Fahim Amir; writer and director Asher Hartman; artist and poet Rindon Johnson; and novelist and poet Adania Shibli. An oral history compiled and edited by Nicholas Barlow documents the many conversations among contributors; and illustrations by artist Olivia Mole are interspersed throughout.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig,Germany The Animal Within: Creatures in (and outside) the mumok Collection (Vienna)