Search results for ""Author F. Robert Jacobs""
McGraw-Hill Education Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management The CPIM Reference Third Edition
Your definitive guide to MPC as it relates to supply chainsâfully updated for the latest version of the CPIM exam Maximize supply chain efficiency, productivity, and profitabilityâas well as customer satisfactionâusing the hands-on information contained in this thoroughly revised resource. Written by a team of recognized experts, the book contains new coverage of Cloud-based systems, artificial intelligence, and data analytics.Designed for both professional and classroom use, Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management: The CPIM Reference, Third Edition, features hundreds of practice questions, examples, and case studies. The book arms you with the knowledge you need to pass the current version of the exam and obtain the coveted Certified in Planning and Inventory Management (CPIM) designation. The book can also serve as an invaluable desk reference for managers new to the field. For the experienced manager, the book of
McGraw-Hill Education Operations and Supply Chain Management: The Core ISE
The Sixth Edition of Operations and Supply Chain Management: The Core focuses on the important core concepts in the dynamic field of operations. Just as lava flows from the core of the earth, operations and supply chain management is the core of business. Material must flow through supply chain processes to create cash output and input. This new edition has an increased focus on supply chain analytics involving the analysis of data to better solve business problems.Jacobs The Core 6e focuses on the core concepts and tools needed to ensure business processes run smoothly and is designed to be lean and focused on the material sufficient for a 12-15 week course in Operations Management. It includes new exercises in Analytics , Supply Chain Improvement Models, new carbon footprint exercises, forecasting analytics and Inventory management exercises. New vignettes like in Ch. 2 featuring a special purpose acquisition (SPAC) of a large indoor farm, and Operations Management insights from the COVID-19 pandemic throughout provide valuable, engaging and relevant content for students learning Operations Management.
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose Leaf for Operations and Supply Chain Management
McGraw-Hill Education Operations and Supply Chain Management ISE
Operations and Supply Chain Management, 17e covers the latest and most important issues facing operations and supply chain management (OSCM) managers while providing basic tools and techniques to promote a competitive advantage and career-readiness. It covers relevant, current OSCM issues with a focus on the global economy, analytic content that ties decisions to relevant data, and solutions to operations and supply chain-related problems. Hot topics in business today that relate to OSCM are mitigating the risk of disruptions while reducing the cost of supply chain processes, integration and collaboration with customers and suppliers, sustainability and minimizing the long-term cost of products and processes. These topics are studied in the book to clarify the "big picture" of what these topics are and why they are important to business today. The seventeenth edition supplies many examples of leading-edge companies and practices to make the book an interesting and relevant read.
OM Book Service Loose Leaf for Operations and Supply Chain Management: The Core
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management
Manufacturing Planning & Control for Supply Chain Management, 6e by Jacobs, Berry, and Whybark (formerly Vollmann, Berry, Whybark, Jacobs) is a comprehensive reference covering both basic and advanced concepts and applications for students and practicing professionals. The text provides an understanding of supply chain planning and control techniques with topics including purchasing, manufacturing, warehouse, and logistics systems. Manufacturing Planning & Control for Supply Chain Management, 6e continues to be organized in a flexible format, with the basic coverage in chapters 1-8 followed by the last four chapters that focus on the integration of manufacturing with the supply chain. Each chapter provides a managerial issues overview, a detailed technical presentation related to the topic, company examples, and concluding principles. This book is the essential desk reference for Supply Chain Planning and Control techniques.