Search results for ""Author Ernesto "Che" Guevara""
Penguin Books Ltd Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War
'Powerful and poetic ... For anyone interested in the myth of Che Guevara ... this book is essential reading' Colm Tóibín, Observer'We were an army of shadows, of ghosts, walking as if to the beat of some dark psychic mechanism...'The Cuban Revolution changed the course of the twentieth century. Following years of brutal tyranny and poverty, a band of idealistic young people fought against immense odds to overthrow a dictator and emerged victorious. This is the story of how they did it. Che Guevara's classic eyewitness account chronicles the transformation of a country, and of Che himself, from troop doctor to revolutionary icon.'Che's life is an inspiration for every human being who loves freedom' Nelson Mandela
Penguin Books Ltd The Bolivian Diary
'Guevara was a figure of epic proportions. These diaries, stark and moving, will be his most enduring monument' ObserverThe final diaries of Che Guevara begin in 1966, when he travelled to Bolivia to foment a revolution, and end just two days before his death in October 1967. They form an unvarnished account of his guerrilla campaign against CIA-backed Bolivian troops, fighting in the jungle and keeping his men's spirits up - even as the struggle started to fail. Found in Guevara's backpack and smuggled to Cuba after his execution, The Bolivian Diary is an inspiring record of, and a moving memorial to, a revolutionary life.
Seven Stories Press,U.S. Global Justice
In this collection of three speeches, Ernesto Che Guevara offers a revolutionary view of a world in which human solidarity and understanding replace imperialist aggression and exploitation. This collection of writings merges Che''s philosophy, politics, and economics in his all-encompassing, coherent revolutionary vision. His ideas and his struggle strike a chord in the current search for global justice.
University of Nebraska Press Guerrilla Warfare
This indispensable book includes three of Che Guevara’s most influential essays describing his tactical philosophy of fighting a guerrilla war in Latin America. Guerrilla Warfare, written in 1960, outlines Guevara’s doctrine for guerrilla fighters, especially against Caribbean-style dictatorships. In Guerrilla Warfare: A Method (1963) and Message to the Tricontinental (1967), Guevara modified some of his earlier tenets. These latter two works move away from his earlier dogmatism, suggesting that Marxist revolution was possible even in purportedly democratic regimes. All three essays reflect his deeply held belief that a small, rural-based guerrilla army could trigger a revolution.
Penguin Books Ltd The Motorcycle Diaries
'A Latin American James Dean or Jack Kerouac' Washington Post'It's true; Marxists just wanna have fun... a revolutionary bestseller' GuardianAt the age of twenty-three, Ernesto 'Che' Guevara and his friend Alberto Granado set out from their native Argentina to explore their continent, with only a single 1939 Norton motorcycle to carry them, nicknamed La Poderosa ('the powerful one'). They travelled not to visit the usual tourist attractions, but to meet ordinary people and understand Latin American life. In amidst the tales of youthful adventures - of women, wine, thrilling escapes and the power of friendship - the young Che also learns first-hand about poverty, philosophy and philosophy and forms himself into the man who would become the world's most famous and admired revolutionary and freedom fighter. 'For every comic escapade of the carefree roustabout there is an equally eye-opening moment in the development of the future revolutionary leader. By the end of the journey, a politicized Guevara has emerged to predict his own legendary future' Time
Penguin Books Ltd I Embrace You With All My Revolutionary Fervor: Letters 1947-1967
An extraordinary selection of the letters of Che Guevara'Always be capable of feeling deeply any injustice committed against anyone, anywhere in the world'Che Guevara was an inveterate letter writer and diarist throughout his short but extraordinary life. This selection of his letters begins with his youthful motorcycle travels around Latin America as a wide-eyed medical student, and goes on to cover the Cuban Revolutionary War - including his letter to Castro after its success - his subsequent role as a government leader, travels to the Congo and finally Bolivia at the end of his life. Together they map the emergence of a dedicated revolutionary, but also reveal him as a master narrator: honest and insightful, with a razor-sharp wit, an iron will and, in his intimate writings to his family, a great capacity to express affection for those closest to him.
Penguin Books Ltd Guerrilla Warfare
'Guerrilla warfare is a war of the masses, a war of the people'First published in 1961, following the successful Cuban Revolution, this is Che Guevara's handbook for guerrilla war.It covers strategy, tactics, terrain, organization of an army, logistics, field medical treatment, intelligence, propaganda and training, and focuses on seven 'golden rules' of guerrilla warfare. Widely studied both by insurrectionist movements and those who have tried to suppress them, this is the key text to understand how revolutions can be fought and won by ordinary people.
Duke University Press Ambassadors of the Working Class: Argentina's International Labor Activists and Cold War Democracy in the Americas
In 1946 Juan Perón launched a populist challenge to the United States, recruiting an army of labor activists to serve as worker attachés at every Argentine embassy. By 1955, over five hundred would serve, representing the largest presence of blue-collar workers in the foreign service of any country in history. A meatpacking union leader taught striking workers in Chicago about rising salaries under Perón. A railroad motorist joined the revolution in Bolivia. A baker showed Soviet workers the daily caloric intake of their Argentine counterparts. As Ambassadors of the Working Class shows, the attachés' struggle against US diplomats in Latin America turned the region into a Cold War battlefield for the hearts of the working classes. In this context, Ernesto Semán reveals, for example, how the attachés' brand of transnational populism offered Fidel Castro and Che Guevara their last chance at mass politics before their embrace of revolutionary violence. Fiercely opposed by Washington, the attachés’ project foundered, but not before US policymakers used their opposition to Peronism to rehearse arguments against the New Deal's legacies.
Duke University Press Ambassadors of the Working Class: Argentina's International Labor Activists and Cold War Democracy in the Americas
In 1946 Juan Perón launched a populist challenge to the United States, recruiting an army of labor activists to serve as worker attachés at every Argentine embassy. By 1955, over five hundred would serve, representing the largest presence of blue-collar workers in the foreign service of any country in history. A meatpacking union leader taught striking workers in Chicago about rising salaries under Perón. A railroad motorist joined the revolution in Bolivia. A baker showed Soviet workers the daily caloric intake of their Argentine counterparts. As Ambassadors of the Working Class shows, the attachés' struggle against US diplomats in Latin America turned the region into a Cold War battlefield for the hearts of the working classes. In this context, Ernesto Semán reveals, for example, how the attachés' brand of transnational populism offered Fidel Castro and Che Guevara their last chance at mass politics before their embrace of revolutionary violence. Fiercely opposed by Washington, the attachés’ project foundered, but not before US policymakers used their opposition to Peronism to rehearse arguments against the New Deal's legacies.
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Kubanisches Tagebuch Erweiterte Neuausgabe
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH The Motorcycle Diaries
Seven Stories Press Pasajes de la Guerra Congo
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Das magische Gefhl unverwundbar zu sein Das Tagebuch der LateinamerikaReise 19531956
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Der afrikanische Traum
Penguin Books Ltd I Embrace You With All My Revolutionary Fervor
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Bolivianisches Tagebuch
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Ich umarme dich mit all meiner revolutionären Hingabe
Seven Stories Press The Awakening of Latin America
Linkgua Ediciones La guerra de guerrillas
Seven Stories Press Justicia Global
Linkgua Diario de Bolivia
Seven Stories Press,U.S. The Bolivian Diary
International Publishers Co Inc.,U.S. Episodes of the Revolutionary War
Seven Stories Press,U.S. Congo Diary: Episodes Of the Revolutionary War in the Congo
Seven Stories Press,U.S. The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey
Seven Stories Press,U.S. I Embrace You With All My Revolutionary Fervor: Letters 1947-1967
Seven Stories Press,U.S. I Embrace You with All My Revolutionary Fervor: Letters 1947-1967